Anyone, 3,4,5,6 DPO at the mo?

Well I am really sceptical about faint positives. Unless they are there the next day with first wee of the day, I tend to think they could be evaporation lines.
Having said that, if you are really early testing, which you are, then something like drinking more fluid and having more diluted urine could have made the follow up test negative.
When a test says 6 days before your period is due what it really means is about nine days past ovulation. A pregnancy test can't show up positive until implantation happens and then the pregnancy hormone starts to be excreted. It then takes a few days to get into the urine from the blood. So bearing in mind implantation takes from 6 up to 12 days to happen after ovulation, the Maths works out that a LOT of women are not going to get a line at 9dpo (they might not have even implanted by then)
So, my point is, you would still have very low levels of detectable hormone at this point so hard to get a clear positive result.
However. If you def think you saw a faint line today then by Wednesday it would certainly be clear if you are pg x
Lara! how r u doing sweetie? did u ov this month yet? I just got my +ve OPK :)
hello my lovely - thanks for thinking of me! Well I am waiting to ovulate, I think its going to be a few days yet. I took clomid this cycle but as yet my scan is only showing follcles between 8mm and 12mm so still a little way to go before they hit 18-20mm!! I reckon it will be at least a week. But who knows, starting to use OPKs tomorrow.
My HSG was on monday - great news - my uterus and tubes are fine and dandy! It really is just a case of getting a good healthy egg for me! Easier said than done though!!
How are you?
You ready for this month??? x x x x
great to hear that everythings fine with you! Hope you get your +ve soon... but a week is also not too far off! Fx!

I am ok, I guess... not yet OVed (though the line is darker than yesterday). I have never had OV cramps earlier, its quite painful this time :(

Hope all our hopes and efforts come to fruition soon! good luck! :dust:
Which brand of OPK do you use? I have been struggling with my superdrug opks and getting false positives. x
tesco OPKs - I think they gave me false +ves last month :( Hoping they are not wrong this time too
my doc told me to stick with clear blue digi.
I dont like them for pregnancy tests, but for ovulation they have always been spot on with me. Wish i hadnt dabbled in the other brand now because now i am confuddled?? x x x
cause I wasnt sure when i would ovulate I started using tesco OPKS the day my period stopped. Then around the time I thought I might ovulate according to charts I backed it up with the clearblue smiley face ones. Both showed positives on the same day. I was using the cheapie ones twice a day though, and i got my first positive early evening.
can they have different sensitivities do you think? x
i'm not sure. What i thought was odd was that i always had a 2 pink lines. There was never a day for me that i only had the control line. My test line was always quite faint, apart from the 2 days I got positive. There was never really any inbetween, is it isnt it with me!
yeah, I almost always have the second line, just faintly at least anyway. I think its because we always have LH in our system but it has to push up to between 20-40miu ot be counted as a surge x
Hello Ladies,

I am new to this forum and am really hoping that this month could be lucky for me. My hubby and I have been trying for a long long time with no success so far. I started using the CB fertility monitor about 10 months ago but we've still not been successful. I am not up to date with all the terminology on here yet but I had 2 peak days on CB 14/15 Jan and since then have had really sensitive nipples, not something I ever suffer even during menstruation. I've defo felt more emotional and my complexion isn't as good as normal but I am putting it down to rubbish cold weather and me being stressed out. I am desparate to do a test but don't think I am showing any real signs that would suggest I am pregnant. Since this morning I have started to experience the dull ache below my tummy that I always get before I start my periods, so don't think its looking favourable but trying to stay positive none the less.

I've never done the temperature testing - is it something I should consider trying??


Michelle xx
Hey Michelle
Temperature taking is a fabulous idea because it pretty much confirms if you had a successful ovulation. You will notice a clear shift up in temp after ovulation takes place. Which is really reasuring. There are many girls on this forum who struggle to conceive due to no/poor egg release.

How many days past ovulation are you now?
I'm 5DPO and I have a metallic taste in my mouth, I have also had some abdominal cramps

Good luck ladies for a Feb BPF
I'm 5DPO and I have a metallic taste in my mouth, I have also had some abdominal cramps

Good luck ladies for a Feb BPF

Clairabella, i had that too! Hope it's a good sign. Although for me.......I'm now 7 days late, and still getting BFN's. going to post a pic of my clear blue plus (I know, I can hear everyone saying...........DON'T USE THEM! But it's all the local pharmacy had until i get more IC's lol) and I have a faint line on it but just waiting for photos to upload!

My metallic taste only lasted a day or 2 though then went. When I was preggers with DD I had the metallic taste from about 6 weeks until about 10 weeks, it was awful!

liz xxxx
It is horrible I can't stop brushing my teeth!
Wow 7 days late get the pic uploaded and let's have a look

Really hope it's a positive for you xxxx
The metallic taste disappeared for me too (along with other symptoms) after just a day at 6DPO... Though happy not to have that yucky feeling, I miss it in some ways... :(

Fx for you Claira!
The horrible taste has disappeared now and I haven't had any other symptoms. Anybody had any other symptoms xx
None for me :( All symptoms gone. Now just waiting for AF...

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