*****Aaron David 08.09.12*****

Glad to hear you are home lovely, now you can all begin to get to know each other properly.

Excellent news that Aaron has gained back so much of his lost weight as well, you may not be able to give him his milk the "conventional" way but it's obviously doing the job!

I hope that now you are home, you are able to get a little time to rest as well - it has been a crazy, hectic week!

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Hope you guys are doing well x

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have you managed to get your dippy eggs yet?? x
Huge congrats tweety! He's gorgeous!! :love: sorry to hear that things didn't go smoothly but you have a beautiful boy who will fill everyone around him with love. Glad you are home and he's doing well x
I have just seen this thread, what a little beauty he is! Sounds like you are doing a fab job too, and you are now home with your wee boy, congratulations hun xxx
Hey girls

Aaron has been readmitted to hospital, we came in for a repeat heart ultrasound today and they weren't happy with his oxygen levels.

Although I know we are in the est place
For him I'm absolutely Devestated and starting to feel very angry at the world, I just want something to go right.

We will be in till Monday at the minimum and then I don't know what happens

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
:( I will keep him in my prayers.
Hold on there tweety Aaron is a little fighter and soon as his heart accommodates to out of uterus life it will do better.
Have faith and keep going.
Thinking of you all xx

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Oh I'm sorry to hear that Tracey. I really hope they are happy with his progress and that he's back home soon - where he should be. Lots of love xxx
So sorry to hear that he's been readmitted. I'm thinking of you and hoping that your little man is better soon and that you can get home and start enjoying your family :hugs: xx
so sorry to hear he is back in hospital. Your lovely breastmilk has already made him stronger, so hopefully that will give him the boost he needs to get through this.

keeping everything crossed for you. xx
Sorry to hear that Aaron has been re-admitted Tweety.

Of course the logical part of you knows he is in the best place but the Mummy part of you just wants him healthy and home.

I am sure tiredness and the shock of motherhood (slightly earlier than planned) not to mention the additional health issues are making things all that more difficult.

Be kind to yourself, rest when you can and make sure you keep your strength up - Aaron needs his Mummy fighting fit!!!

Lots of love

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^^ exactly WSS. Thinking of you hun. X

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Oh hun, just seen this.
First of.all.congrats on your gorgeous wee boy, sorry to hear he was readmitted.
I cant imagine how much of a shock everything is but you are doinf brilliantly by the sound of it.
Will be keeping you in my.thoughts
Tapatalking so cant see signatures

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