Britains Youngest Mums & Dads

yeah i seen the ward actually...pmsl i forgot :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: it is cosier than that ..i cant beileve i forgot that id seen it lmao :rotfl:
Im sorry but the mothers on this programme really dont care!! I think theres only 3 girls on there that actually want to look after their children.

Its pissing me off. Not judging anyone for being a teenage mum cos I was one myself but I was never like them, I cant believe how they're acting!! :evil:
i typed out exactly the same thing kirsty but deleated it to avoid an argument lol...

I was just about to say isnt it funny that the programme is not about young moms in britain its more "young moms cant cope"

what sort of message is this sending across for young moms?! :x
i cant believe it im sitting here in horror yes there young but theve been given the most presious thing ever and they just dont care
really feeling for that baby sophie
This programme has really upset me and bought back a lot of horrible memories that I had managed to block out. The way that girl is with her daughter is just how I was with Seren when she was first born. I didn't want to hold her, to talk to her or anyhting. I would just try and ignore her (unless she was crying) and couldn't wait til someone else came round so they could have her. This has made me feel absolutley awful, I was there thinking "just pick up your poor baby and cuddle her, she wants her mum" and then realised that is what I was like. Fuck, its really got to me.
i know! :evil:

i just knew this program was going to be like this! they always have to use these programs to discredit people..its like the program they did about attached parenting, they could just find normal practisers of A.P but they had to find extemes...

no wonder people stick their nose up at young people with children when this is the message that is given to them by shows like this :(

OMG 5 children?! :shock:
I wasnt trying to cause an argument and I hope I havent offended anyone! I just think its coming across the wrong way, the programme is showing a load of girls that cant be bothered with their babies and its just giving young mums a bad name, when truth be told the majority of them are probably nothing like that!

They're portraying all teenage mums as having a 'cant-be-bothered' attitude! I think they should've included more teenagers who love being with their babies too, that way people would see that they are capable, its just about having the right attitude!
Ahhhh Shona ((((HUGS)))) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Look how far you've come. Lets hope the girl on TV does as well as you xx
beanie said:
This programme has really upset me and bought back a lot of horrible memories that I had managed to block out. The way that girl is with her daughter is just how I was with Seren when she was first born. I didn't want to hold her, to talk to her or anyhting. I would just try and ignore her (unless she was crying) and couldn't wait til someone else came round so they could have her. This has made me feel absolutley awful, I was there thinking "just pick up your poor baby and cuddle her, she wants her mum" and then realised that is what I was like. f**k, its really got to me.

But babes that is a condition that some people look at love her more than anything she is you're star!!!! Dont compare yourself to these girls...they just dont care at all...its not a condition its just them...they consider their children as a mistake and would rather be out shaggin guys in the park, smokin n drinkin...they dont see anything wrong with the way they are been towards their babies...

xxxxxx :hug: :hug:
I know but what was I like, I so don't deserve her. I have just been in to see her sleeping, god I just feel like a piece of shit.
I wasnt trying to cause an argument and I hope I havent offended anyone!

I know you wasnt babes...i put exactly the same thing but then deleated it as i was wondering if it would cause a debate or not, but coming to think of it i cant see why it will :)
beanie said:
I know but what was I like, I so don't deserve her. I have just been in to see her sleeping, god I just feel like a piece of sh*t.

Dont you dare think like that! You are a fantastic are one of the most dedicated i know!

Im guessing you had baby blues? that is an illness its something many women get it and they end up been amazing parents like you! but when you have it you cant control it and look at you now! seren is so lucky!
Its just the way they've made the programme thats got to me, they're showing all the bad stuff instead of showing all the young mums out there that happen to be brilliant :x
beanie said:
I know but what was I like, I so don't deserve her. I have just been in to see her sleeping, god I just feel like a piece of sh*t.

You're being too hard on yourself babe, like people have said, yours was a medical condition. The girls on here would rather be outside playing on a trampoline than inside with their baby! Its really pissing me off :(
x-kirsty-x said:
Its just the way they've made the programme thats got to me, they're showing all the bad stuff instead of showing all the young mums out there that happen to be brilliant :x

tell me about it :x lets watch a programme about teen moms, well actually a programme about how teen moms dont care.

OMG the woman said to her "you got 96%!, and she said "out of what?" :rotfl: :rotfl:
beanie said:
I know but what was I like, I so don't deserve her. I have just been in to see her sleeping, god I just feel like a piece of sh*t.

:hug: Ah honey! About an hour after Stanley was born, I asked the midwife 'is that definitely the one you took out of me?' as i felt nothing towards him.

It's not how you act when you're disorientated after birth that counts, it's the years and years you devote to your children afterwards, and you're doing sterling work!
well i decided not to watch the pregramme. so i have no comment.
Well Shona i must say you're bloody doing something right cause i dont even know you that well and i have a hell a lot of respect for the mother you are to Seren and you as a person in general i have seen alot from you're comments on the forum, the pics you always put up of seren, the amazing naming ceremony you put together for her...during my time on this forum i think you are one of the people i have gained the most respect for and would not think twice about coming to for advice on alot of things.


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