Britains Youngest Mums & Dads

cassi said:
budge said:
well i decided not to watch the pregramme. so i have no coment.

THAT is a first :rotfl:

O MY GOD!!!!

did anybody else watch that and not feel their blood boiling cos i know i did!!!!! :x :x :x

that 14yr old girl who left her baby girl screamin alone in the car, wouldnt take part in baby massage and would rather play on her phone than play with her baby made me so damn angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IF U DONT WANT A BABY DONT HAVE SEX!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

all the others were brilliant for their age, especially the girl with twins but that charlotte girl annoyed the hell out of me!!!!!!!!!!

rant over :oops:
thats the reason i didn'twatch it. it makes me angry.
i didnt even realise it was on tonight, just flicked over and saw babies!!

i must admit i felt very grown up and mummy like lol :lol:
If I hadn't been wearing my p.j's I would've climbed in the tele & given that charlotte a smack, grrrr silly little girl. I really hope that one day (soon) she realises what a beautiful little girl she has & cherishes her.
Im sorry but if they didnt say her age i would of guessed she was 10 she was so immature for even 14...

she is a child..what was she doing to end up having sex playing doctors and nurses??? :rotfl:
she should never have been allowed to have a child because she was still a child herself..throwing a strop when she got baby things as birthday gifts..and being more interested in her mobile phone.

i also found her parents attitude disgusting they said that they knew she was having sex but there was nothing they could do about how about teach her about safe sex and to respect her body by not having sex until shes ready! she looked about 9 or 10...ridiculous!

at least the others had some interest in looking after their kids and the couple who had 5 kids actually seemed like good parents with their heads screwed on! so did the girl with twins!
Like Beanie, I never bonded with rebecca til she was about 5 months old. Terrible I know, but Rebecca never got to go to any massage classes etc, as I never wanted to go out, I was sooo down and cried constantly. Why did I resent a beautiful, healthy baby?

I looked after her cause I had to but there was no love at the beginning. Now when I see new born babies I feel I have missed out on a stage of Rebecca's life that I can never get back. :cry: I often think about having another as if in some way I can be a good mum to the next from birth, but it wont compensate for how I felt towards Rebecca. :(

All I can say now is I love my daughter more than life, I still find motherhood hard and demanding, but I have bonded with her more than I ever expected.

Sorry just had to get it off my chest, and anyone else who has been in the same predicament-you aren't alone :hug:
Ah Hugs to you KX :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I never felt that 'surge of love' straight away, but it didnt go on for too long, and each day i love her more. It must have been awful for you and Beanie, and i admire you both so much. So well done.

I feel for Charlotte (off the programme!!! not mine!) The poor girl was only a baby herself. If her mum knew she was so imature and having sex iid have drilled safe sex in to her!!!!

Well done to all the other mummies though, I think they all did pretty well
Diddn't watch it, I wish I did though.

I agree they should do more shows on good teenage parents rather than the ones who don't care, it does give us a bad name. :(
That programme was a real insight to me last night.

Firstly the labour scenes scared the crap out of me! :rotfl:

I think the majority of the girls did really well and at the end they had come on leaps and bounds. But the girl I felt most sorry for (and angered by) was Charlotte. That girl was just a child herself and had absolutely no clue whatsoever. I really wanted to just pick her baby up out of the TV and give it a huge cuddle!!!! It made me feel sad for the life the baby will have, Charlotte just wasnt interested at all and to be honest what 13 year old girl would be with all that repsonsibility on her shoulders?

I give credit where credit is due to all those teenage mums out there, my view is most of them do a cracking job but then you are always going to get one or two that wont take it seriously, but then this is the same at any age.

Il be 21 when I have my baby and even I get nervous about the they have on the whole done ok.
yeah I watched that, the 13 year old pissed me off, and the 14 year old snogging her boyfriend outside while her mom ws feeding the baby. It made me so mad, i had to turn over haha! But then I turned it back on, to see this man of 25 who had '' arthritis'' walking up this hill with a push chair going on about not being able to work, and how they get £1,500 a month benefits, so i ended up turning over again. Joint income for me and my man is nowhere near that much, lets all go on benefits im sure we'd be better off financially! well.. maybe he does have arthritis... but my auntie had it badly and could barely move soooo....... walking up hills and stuff... ya knoow. blehh[/end ramble] lol :dance:
I've just been on another forum and one woman had an opinion on this programme. This was it....

'all mothers under 21 theyre all the same tbh, they shag about, get pregnant and then think woohoo i can dress my baby in little nike air max and tracksuits then they leave it with whoever while they go out and slag it some more.'

I had to log out before I gave her a piece of my mind :shock:
Apologies for the sound off earlier and thanks for your comments. I am the same Kx, have found myself really wanting another baby but I know it is not for the right reasons, I just want to make up for Seren's early months.

There are always going to be people who look down their noses at young mums no matter what they see. People label others and form opinions with what they read in the media etc which most of us know isn't the true story. I actually think that the programme did show young mums in a positive light. The mum of the twins, and the couple who had the children with downs and cerebal palsy were amazing, and the others were trying their hardest to be mothers and were getting there with support. Charlotte was very sad, and whilst it was upsetting to see her struggle to bond with her child the thing that really made me angry was her parent's attitude. I feel that Charlotte has been failed by her parents and as a result she may well fail her daughter. I would like to see her get the support she needs otherwise she will carry a lot of guilt with her in the future when she realises what she has lost out on.

I do have to say though if someone bought me baby wipes as a birthday pressie I would have thrown a strop too :wink:
My tuppence....

Didnt watch all of it so just commenting on the ones I did.

"Nichola recently turned 18 but was 17"

I thought she was a decent mum, her heart was in the right place and she clearly cared for her kids. Best of luck to the girl.

"Melissa fell pregnant at 14 and had baby Taya at the age of 15. "

Was this the tall blonde girl that the others had a go at? She was terrible and still very much a child. I can see that kid going into care at some point unless her folks take over soon. I know they said they didnt want to rush that but that poor baby got no affection from her.

"Tiffany – At 17 Tiffany has had very mixed feelings about becoming a mother. "

I think she's got her head screwed on and is realistic and I think she'll cope just fine.

"Suzie (20) & Dax (21) have had one child a year since they met. "

I was horrified!!! Sorry but they decided at 14 they wanted a family, yes all hearts and flowers BUT they had no finances to support the kids until later on and I have to say it but where the hell were the police here? Didnt their families report them? I know they wouldnt make a complaint themselves but families can do it.

"Simone (19) and Dwayne (25) – Simone became a young mum at 16"

That girl had a baby in her arms whilst she was having hairspray plastered all over her hair!

All in all some were good and their lives will probably pan out OK but others arent fit to look after a hamster let alone a child!
was it suzie and dax that were going on about it being ok to be on income support as its there rite to bring up a big family???
"Melissa fell pregnant at 14 and had baby Taya at the age of 15. "

Was this the tall blonde girl that the others had a go at? She was terrible and still very much a child. I can see that kid going into care at some point unless her folks take over soon. I know they said they didnt want to rush that but that poor baby got no affection from her.

No that was charlotte..melissa was the one that was kissing her BF outside while mom fed the baby, but she did get better in time..
Had to come on and say my bit about this programme (sorry I've been absent!)
I watched it because I wanted to see how these mums are 'potrayed' on the telly and I sat there in tears through half of it.

Charlottes baby was fairly neglected, but think of it from the girls point of view, she wasn't ready for sex, and just because she did it and fell pregnant, doesn't mean she doesn't need support to get through her daughters life and early years. She has been through a life changing traumatic experience! No wonder the poor girl doesn't want to go near her! I went through it at 19/20 and I still resented Damien for a long time. I wanted to hug Charlotte and tel her it was gonna be alright, give her that support. She needs her bloody HV to come over and support her more, sounds like they have left her to get on with it 'because she put herself there'. And if she can't cope, then maybe the best place for her daughters care is with the parents? But she needs some support. God, my little sister wouldn't survive with a kiddie, and she has strops more than Charlotte, it's teenage hormones, aswell as new mum hormones, that's got to send your head all over the place.
If someone bought me presents for the baby on my brithday, I'd of been a bit annoyed! I think everyone would have been slightly miffed, it's your own birthday. She was throwing a strop because yes she is 14, but my sister is 14 (just) and they are just the same (even looked similar :shock: )

Melissa just needed to be guided instead of told off. It's easy for their parents to just take over. She came on really well after being in that teen mums house. Yes she did go out the house snogging a lad, but I went out drinking when Damien was a month old and left my mum incharge, is that bad? Maybe it's different? Maybe it's not so different?

The mum of twins Nicola and the pregnant girl, Tiffany, are and will continue to be great mums, they have their heads screwed on.

Suzie and Dax, well people may not agree with me here, but me and Mark were financially buggered when I fell pregnant with Damien, and when we moved into our house, we were god knows how much money short a month, but we did it, and we live off alot of benefits (for Damien's illness). Arthritis can make lots of jobs very hard, and potentially dangerous if his hands become bad (my mum has had it for years and years since she was 30). I think good luck to them personally, and if they want a big family, then who are we to say they can't?! They were the best parents there, and £1500 a month isn't alot, when you have five kids to divide that by, plus 2 adults, bills, etc. We wouldn't cope on that a month just the 3 of us.

Simone and Dwayne, fair play to them and well done to them. I know what it's like to live with a 'challenging' (if that's the right word) child, allbeit it's not permanent for Damien, and it's damn hard work. Let alone to have a child with Downs Syndrome, and then a child with CP, and then have another baby. Well done to them. They are stronger poeple than I am.

I think people judge all too quick, and in my town, EVERYONE treats me like I'm a 14 year old mum, single, living off the government, and I've got to say, look at it from the other side. How would you of reacted at that age to become a mother? That programme brought up alot of emotions like Beanie, but all them mums need support, just like we do. Having a child is traumatic, stressful, and when you have teenage hormones to contend with aswell, I think I would be pretty messed up too.

I'm not saying you're wrong to have your opinions, but these are mine, and being in my position I see it from the other side. Just remember TV programmes are great at editing things so that they show in only a certain way.
Thats a cracking post Sami, I think that was all very well said. :clap:

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