6 week reassurance scan

ive only just booked to see the midwife which is on the 14th november as ive been seen through the EPU. so no dating scan yet, i will get screened for everything tho :}) feel like i just keep getting told 2 weeks lol

i just sit and look at it and cant believe its growing in my little tummy!

at first i was like no i dont want to know but i can only think of boys names so i need to know so i can think of a girls name if i need too! just fine out between you and your partner dont tell anyone else :) xxx
Think I'll do that! I'm really not bothered either way! I know it's really surreal. It's weird because it's like it got so much more real when I seen the little heart beating!
2 weeks seems to be the time for waiting for anything right now, I wanted October over for this scan now I want November over for my next one haha!
haha i know all i feel like im doing is wishing my life away! wait till you see it wriggling around - amazing!!! xx
Blisa I'm so happy for you! I got great news as well, little heartbeat and measuring 6 weeks 3 days. Congratulations! X


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@cameron, great news! :) not far behind me, they given you a due date and booked your 12 week scan? Love seeing all these tiny babies! So so happy for you all ladies! ��
@cameron, great news! :) not far behind me, they given you a due date and booked your 12 week scan? Love seeing all these tiny babies! So so happy for you all ladies! ��

I'm being scanned again on 15/11, I'll probably get scans every two weeks because of my history. I've had 4 miscarriages this year. First one was at 14 weeks pregnant because of a huge subchorionic haematoma and the other 3 were chemicals. Really hopeful about this time because with the first, the haematoma was extremely visible at this stage and they reassured me today that there is nothing like that and all os perfect and the others were just chemicals that never implanted properly. My due date is 24th June :) X
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That's good for your piece of mind that their keeping an eye! Fingers crossed that everything is fine! But such excellent news that everything is perfect! Think I may have walked around in a daze all day haha! Xxx
Lots of good news on this thread! Congrats to all!. Blisa I'm so glad you were just earlier than you thought and all was well. I'm done two days of the family visit now am knackered but keeping it together. There are two boisterous kids staying who are pretty distracting and I still only having a bit of nausea in the evening (a handful of pringles is my new go-to) so I hope I'm going to get away with it! I don't want to imagine it if I was trying to hide serious nausea!
This thread makes me smile big time! I've been up and down all night needing the loo! Plus OH has left heating on all night, usually I'm cold blooded but hot flush isn't even the word I'd use! Don't mind being woke up though guess it's good practice haha! @star glad there is a little or even 2 little distractions for you, and pringles? Never thought of those! I'm going to the chemist tomorrow to see if there is anything just to take the feeling away, because it hangs about me and I drive for a living haha! Going to try and sleep another few hours before I have to get up! Take care ladies xx
ive got major insomnia, ive been up since 4!!! make syour days long when i dont get in from work till after 6pm!

i have teriible nausea at the minute im living off ready salted crisps when the feeling occurs, also ive noticed when im driving im getting like motion sickness feeling its horrible!
Think that's what I get Leigh, it's horrible! I sometimes get to the point that I'm retching which isn't attractive haha! If I don't eat every 2 hours I pay for it so much, it just takes a wee snack then it goes again! Haha can't believe we are all suffering with it! If anyone gets a good remedy please let me know! Xxx
oh ive got to the point where im like, okay then better out than in and then it eases haha ive felt that bad ive thought being sick would help but i have a massive phobia about being sick!

im just constantly nibbling on salty things - ive seen a lot of people have been bad with morning sickness so i think we are quite lucky however it doesnt always feel like it!
Might try that! Had a really bad craving for peanuts yesterday, thought I'd be too early for that yet! Might try some salted ones.
Are you keeping your pregnancy secret or have you told anyone ie family? Because myself and my partner have really big families I feel as though everyone knows now haha xx
if you crave it eat it! thats my moto!

ive told my parents and started telling wider family and a couple of friends - but planning big announcement on Christmas day just asked the other half if he will book me a gender scan for christmas! im too excited
A gender scan? How exciting! So you can find out what your having before normal 20+ week scan?
Are you or OH hoping for a certain gender? I think I want to find out what I'm having too! OH hoping more for boy, but think aslong as it's healthy and everything's fine then I'll be more than happy!
Let me know how you go about booking a gender scan? I haven't heard of that before! Might do a big announcement on Christmas day for boy or girl seeing as everyone pretty much knows xx
yes you can book them privately and see what you are having, and if they cant see they rebook you in FOC to try and get the gender i should be 20 weeks around the 19th december so i might just wait and save the money lol.

Not many people know yet and my OH has 2 girls 12 and 19 and im planning on putting them a scan in their christmas boxes for them to open.

i have a gut feeling its a boy and my OH lost a boy at 1 day old so he is looking for a boy, but will be happy either way.

do you have a gut feeling on what you are having? xx
I genuinely think it's a boy too, I'm not really sure why, my dad's given the baby the nickname Thor haha! Guess I'll have to be patient!
That's a lovely idea they will be so excited! I have names for girls but I keep changing my mind with boys names, and going for strange ones which my OH is not having! May have a look into the scan! Will be so nice to see if we're having the same.. I will be 20 weeks in February, just had a look online and it said the scan it £39.00 & can be done from 18 weeks.
Will you keep the gender a secret? I'm too excited to hold things in, finding it so hard not to just shout at everyone I see haha! Xx
all my symptoms point to a boy according to old wives tales but who knows.

i keep calling mine my little alien just so weird watching it move lol.

i hope they will be excited but the older one is very jealous of me for some reason and all she cares about is money so im not sure she will take it too well, or will just think well less money for him to spend on her, shes not even his biologically. but im not bothered if they dont want anything to do with the baby.

thats cheap for a scan, im too excited i think ill keep it a secret till christmas day then let the whole family and the world know.

the OH has told everyone! ive been a bit more cautious thinking i will lose it but its finally sinking in that there is a healthy baby in there!

i just wanna tell everyone!
I think I'm going to fill crackers with pink or blue confetti :)
OMG i love that - i would do that but me and the other half are just going out for a dinner the two/3 of us!

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