6 week reassurance scan

you might not be as far on as you think as this was the case with me. i was worried when she just said she could see a sac but the 2 weeks passed and i saw the little bean and its heartbeat - keep positive! i know its hard this is my first and everything is a bit alien, but the girls on here keep you right and reassure you when you need it. xx
I think that's definitely the case, I'm glad in a way something is there after all, a family member has lost 3, and she's reassured me that even a sac there is good news. I did however think if they have been able to see a sac today it would rule out eptopic pregnancy, however the lady who did the scan didn't say that exactly either. But I've had no pain or bleeding, etc. Anyway! I'm over thinking again! X
the lady who did the scan, will only tell you what she can see, she wont get your hopes up etc.

with my second i was like can you see the heartbeat and she said i will not tell you false information if i can see it i will let you know.

ive had cramping all the way through so far, and spotting which is why ive had 2 scans already and a 3rd booked for the 31st.

i know its easier said than done but try and put it to the back of your mind and just enjoy it! i know im the worlds biggest worrier and always making sure my boobs hurt etc and im forever googling! its a massive worry this pregnancy malarky

i think im 9+2 but they werent sure when i had my scan i could be 2 weeks behind and concieved late fingers crossed for you :) xx
There are markers to look for you rule out ectopic if only a sac is seen. One is a white ring around the sac if that's present it's a really good sign it's not ectopic there are rare cases where there's 2 pregnancies one in the right one in the wrong but that's rare. Sometimes if it's ectopic you a get a pseudo sav in the uterus but you never get a yolk sac in them and they look an odd shape. I'm sure from what you've said yours is fine though x
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I never knew there were those signs, I would've looked out for them had I known, also I was told I was going to be having bloods taken but no one took them. So now I'm one big confused mess, keep getting passed around on the phone as no one knows. �� trying my patience so much ��
panic averted! Finally got through to a nice lady whose told me the actual decision for bloods is upto the midwifes, and they decided that they weren't worried about it. Just to go back in 2 weeks, and breathe! God knows how I'm ever going to last 40 weeks 😂😑 x
Hi Blisa I know that wasn't what you wanted today but I think you are right and your dates may be out. I am only sure of my dates because it was ivf. We got a nice shock today as we had two blastocysts put back and found out both have taken. Still trying to get my head around it. I hope you are feeling OK can you plan some nice things to keep you occupied till the next scan. I am sorry you have another wait it's so hard.. xx
im exactly the same as you!! worry every time something changes or i get a different pain! ive not had any bloods yet and ive had 2 scans xx
Hi Blisa I know that wasn't what you wanted today but I think you are right and your dates may be out. I am only sure of my dates because it was ivf. We got a nice shock today as we had two blastocysts put back and found out both have taken. Still trying to get my head around it. I hope you are feeling OK can you plan some nice things to keep you occupied till the next scan. I am sorry you have another wait it's so hard.. xx

I think I must be, just got to be patient, I guess you have to be when your pregnant anyway haha. I managed to stop taking pregnancy tests as I know it wasn't helping just stressing me out. Aw I will keep my fingers big time crossed for you both hun, hopefully some healthy rainbow baby's coming our way! Keep us updated xx
im exactly the same as you!! worry every time something changes or i get a different pain! ive not had any bloods yet and ive had 2 scans xx

Haha! The panic never stops! It's such a complex thing though, first conceiving then the wait, it's like the happiest moment of your life over shadowed with nerves and even more waiting haha! Hopefully we are all blessed with beautiful babies! 😊
Blisa I had a scan at 5+5 with my first pregnancy and only saw a sac nothing else, had to go back 3 week's later... that pregnancy is now my 4 year old son :) wishing you lots of luck for your next scan xxx
I so hope this is the case and my little bean has grown. 1st November cannot come soon enough! Also I've been told if I go back for a scan and they accurately measure baby, I won't need a 12 week scan, but I want one ���� anyone had this before? I'm pre occupying myself with work and looking at baby names etc. I know I'm not quite there but it makes me smile and forget about the worries x
when i went back after two weeks my little been had tripled in size and there was a heartbeat - my next one is the 31st im wishing my life away till it comes xxx
Blisa if you want the downs test etc you will need them to do more than size the baby but if you don't want that you can be dated quite early. Some people have dating scans from 10 weeks! The risks of my drop after 10 weeks or so that's the time it all seems to steady out!
when i went back after two weeks my little been had tripled in size and there was a heartbeat - my next one is the 31st im wishing my life away till it comes xxx

Hope mines is the same! And also hope yours goes well too!! Omg your just a day before me! Let me know how you get on, I'll be sending positive thoughts your way xxx
Blisa if you want the downs test etc you will need them to do more than size the baby but if you don't want that you can be dated quite early. Some people have dating scans from 10 weeks! The risks of my drop after 10 weeks or so that's the time it all seems to steady out!

Oh I see, would you recommend having the test done? I think I would pay for a 12 week scan to just see the baby growing. Not sure how accurate the measurements will be at next scan x
Just tell your mw you want the tests done should be done on NHS. Most people do its just taking measurements via the scan of howuch fluid is around baby and things.
when i went back after two weeks my little been had tripled in size and there was a heartbeat - my next one is the 31st im wishing my life away till it comes xxx

Hope mines is the same! And also hope yours goes well too!! Omg your just a day before me! Let me know how you get on, I'll be sending positive thoughts your way xxx

thank you sweetie! xxx

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