6 week reassurance scan

Aww! Does he work weekends?
I've got a lay in tomorrow morning, working tomorrow night however! OH works practically 7 days :( xx
Proper looking forward to home time! Been rushed off my feet today! Hope you have a lovely weekend xx
i know me too roll on half 4 :)

i hope you do too - i might even go baby shopping! (oh god did i just say that)
:D yay! I hope you do! I'm going to wait, but so dying to, think both grandma's have bought little bits already haha xx
Well I won't be doing anything today at all, I feel really really unwell. Got a migraine that won't budge, been sick, feel sick, my cheeks are all puffed out and red. Also to top things of my OH got very drunk last night and stayed out till 4am; I am very unimpressed right now but I don't even have the energy to react :( could scream! X
Aaaaaaahhhhh! All our visitors just left! I am so relieved this was the second set and now we are done and can relax. Bizarrely I am still not feeling sick and there was no vomming (my greatest fear while they were here) I think I got away with it! 9 weeks pg yesterday. I nearly don't know what to do with myself now. I like it though :)
Lounge about with snacks and rubbish TV! If I wasn't working tonight this would certainly be my plan haha! I'm so ill right now; no one could cover my shift tonight so I'm having to suck it up!
Also can anyone advise me, I had received a letter about 12 week scan being on the 28th November, but when I was scanned the other day and told I was only 6 weeks they cancelled it and have rearranged for 9th December, however the letter I got today is with a obstetrics antenatal consultant, says op only?? I have no idea what this means! Xx
Morning Blisa!

i hope you are feeling better! i did go baby shopping but i couldnt bring myself to buy anything it still doesnt feel very real!!

i did however get a massive pick and mix for my cravings haha!!

sorry i cant help you with letters this is only my first and ive not even had my booking in yet haha xxx

Feeling a little better today, I'm more having issues with OH, honestly needs to be a little more sensitive, he doesn't understand :(
Anyway! I went baby 'window' shopping far too scared to buy anything too, but I've fallen in love with a nursery set & stuff I can't wait till I'm buying everything! Hope your feeling good too and all is well! Xx
oh no - i have problems with my OH all the time. feels like im not a priority, i have told him things need to change or ill do things alone!

everything is so expensive, i need to move before i can even start decorating the baby room lol

I've said exactly the same! I wouldn't think twice about what's best for the baby. Men!
Yeah we are looking to move, currently in a top floor flat with no elevator, so definitely not practical with a baby!
What kind of place are you looking for? I get what you mean by expense! The pram/travel system I like is nearly £1500, which is slightly mental haha!
I found a local fb page for multiples and they do second hand sales every now and then. I am going to investigate them! you might find something similar local to you (if you don't mind second hand) I feel like some of the stuff for new babies only gets used for such a short time maybe it's not worth forking out full price. Mind you January sales could do the trick! In other news My OH said I shouted out in my sleep last night and got up for the loo. I have no memory of this. He couldnt get back to sleep and was awake for hours. Oops :)
Hahaha! Definitely sleep heavier when pregnant I have to agree! Ah well, if I wake my OH I just tell him it's good practice!
Got given a starter basket tonight newborn things like mitts and nappies, bibs, cloths, shampoo, bubble bath, so on. Really cute! I am nervous/so happy as it's my first baby thing I've got, I know that the other grandma's have started buying bits, but this basket has actually been given to me!
Second hand stuff doesn't sound bad at all! OHs sister just had a little boy who will be 1 by the time our little one comes along so may well get her newborn stuff, depending on if we have a boy too! Xx
i dont mind second hand at all they are only in it 5 minutes before they have out grown things!

i wouldnt think twice about leaving my OH for the sake of my baby! that is priority in my mind and nights like last night just make my decision easier to do it alone xxx
Oh dear hun, you having a tough time? My OH has been told to grow up, I am not bringing a baby into a hostile situation, don't get me wrong I love him with all my heart, but kind of needs to start taking things seriously now!
Hoping 12 week scan might make him realise!
Hope your okay today xx
yea really hard time, he has a rubbish day at work or grief off his ex and he takes it out on me i ended up having a bath and going to bed last night really dread going home to him now

im gunna end up doing it myself but hes just too selfish i think to even realize... never mind we are strong enough to do it alone xx
He shouldn't be doing that, the last thing you need right now!
I find it hard to speak to my OH and tell him how I'm feeling, I get 'your not the only woman who's been pregnant' or 'everything changed when you found out you were' I'm constantly saying uh Yeah, kind of does!
Can you not let him know how he's making you feel?
I do totally agree though we are strong enough to do it alone xx
i cant talk to him - i get pregnancy isnt an illness loads of people do it, if i talk to him it becomes an argument.

i said the other night im scared i wont be a good enough mam, i suffer from depression etc and feel ill struggle, his answer was we will get rid of it then, not ill stand by you and help you! they just dont think how what they say effects you. hes very stubborn too so if i say i think hes being selfish he will probs say you know where the door is lol

ive got my family to help if i need them too, would love to do it with him but think it might just be easier without.
Lmao at pregnancy isn't an illness.... no.... I guess being sick 24/7 for 3 months being taken to hospital in an ambulance fro dehydration thats normal :eyeroll: I'd like to see this man and give him a piece of my mind lol

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