6 week reassurance scan

This wait is painful haha😂 hope everyone's doing well x
Really is! Think it does it on purpose, I've even resisted buying tests, haha! How are you doing? Any good tips for filling up the day? X
I have the worst migraine in the world today, please please can someone give me any tips on getting rid of it. Going to try heat patches, too scared to take any meds �� x
Paracetamol and codine are fine to take x i got them dripped into me when I got administrated into hospital x they thenjoy gave me a scrip too. Also try 4head or putting vapor rub on your forehead.

My scan is not long after yours! I'm on nov 4th!
Oh yay! Is that your 12 week scan? So exciting but the patience you have to try and have is so bloody difficult! My 12 week scan should be around the 28th depending on this next one! Tried vapour rub and it's clearing up, lots of water too. Hope all goes well �� x
Yea my 12 week at 13 weeks argh. I'm trying to be positive my 10 week one went OK. My nipples have been erect since about 4 weeks lol and I look like Jordan lol
Haha! I bet everything will be totally fine, and you'll see a perfect little baby!! I guess every scan is nerve wracking. I really can't wait till I'm as far along as you. Just remembered I've got a concert to see my favourite band around my 12 week scan date... kind of glad it's seats now ha
I read something about things like that happening, I'm really slithering on whether to just wait it out till I'm 12 weeks now. I don't want them to make any brash decisions on my next one if it's not what they were hoping to see
Dragging... �� how is everyone? I've been so bad with sickness lately, and eating everything in sight haha!
Hanging in there, we have lots of visitors at the moment (worst timing) and I thought it would make the time go faster at least. But no. It's dragging along. Got my next scan moved to next Monday as more visitors from Tuesday and I don't want to hear bad news and then for them to land on top of me grrrr! Just want to hide away with oh! Felt a bit sick last night but otherwise OK. Just tired, hungry etc etc. I have a feeling I'm going to end up vomming at some completely inappropriate moment (probably on a visitor)
Hanging in there, we have lots of visitors at the moment (worst timing) and I thought it would make the time go faster at least. But no. It's dragging along. Got my next scan moved to next Monday as more visitors from Tuesday and I don't want to hear bad news and then for them to land on top of me grrrr! Just want to hide away with oh! Felt a bit sick last night but otherwise OK. Just tired, hungry etc etc. I have a feeling I'm going to end up vomming at some completely inappropriate moment (probably on a visitor)

Aw it's so hard being patient! I just want to sleep till next week! :wall2: omg I did that today while driving I had to pull over haha! Thank God there was no one around I felt so bad for doing it but couldn't stop myself! I keep imaging pains that I don't actually have I'm annoying myself with it! Keep up the patience hun! We can do it, and hopefully everything's going to be just fine x
Yes I hope so! I am just very cautious as its the first time we have been pregnant after 5 years and I am so used to having zero expectations that I am finding it difficult to adjust. I think if I get to 12 weeks I'll start to get my head around it! When is your next scan?
Tuesday the 1st, it's been 2 weeks since my first one and there was a little sack, so hopefully there will be more this time. I'm so anxious, panic over the tiny things I've had a miscarriage so I think that might be why. Think I'd be the same with 12 week scan! Just to see everything's progressing like it should. Is it an early scan your having? X
They call it the second viability scan, I'll be 8.5 weeks then. I think I will probably get scans every two weeks in the beginning anyway because its IVF and also at the moment there are two babies so my risk is a little higher. To be honest we are pretty philosophical about it all as we didn't really expect to have children so I feel mostly relaxed about it all. I kind of think nature will do its thing and I can't influence it apart from keeping well so no point in worrying too much. I do google like a maniac though lol.
Oh wow 2? Hope you get your miracle babies! How fab! How has your week full of visitors been? Had a chance to relax and breathe yet? Sickness well and truly kicked in now haha! X
Hi Blisa, I also have a scan on 1st November after having a scan when I thought I was 6 weeks and only seeing a sac. You're right, the wait is torture! I'm trying to tell myself it's completely normal but can't help but panic. Hope everything is well for us both xx
Hi Blisa, I also have a scan on 1st November after having a scan when I thought I was 6 weeks and only seeing a sac. You're right, the wait is torture! I'm trying to tell myself it's completely normal but can't help but panic. Hope everything is well for us both xx

Hey! Oh wow have you had to wait 2 weeks or less? You'll have to keep us updated too! So hope there are little babies next time! I've been so on the verge of booking a private scan on the 29th but for one apparently they couldn't measure me, it is quite costly which I don't particularly mind however for not getting measurements I was slightly annoyed at the price and I know at the maternity unit they can at least tell me if everything's fine or what next. So waiting it is! Fingers crossed for you hun! X
Hi no the next visitors are coming next Tuesday (so we had a break from them this week) been feeling kinda gross every evening this week. I don't want to keep eating but it seems to stop the nausea. I had double breakfast and double lunch today. I am gonna be a moose! Jeans are a little snug but I don't want to buy any maternity stuff until at least 12 weeks (back to my zero expectations). No vomming yet. Hopefully scan on Monday is OK and I can get through the visitors without them suspecting. I do know it's a good problem to have its just annoying timing lol

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