6 week reassurance scan

Aww Leigh I could not understand more! Seeing a wee heartbeat yesterday has given me the biggest boost, even though I know I should still be cautious. My OH was the one who wanted to tell everyone but I managed to stop him with family and one childhood friend haha!
Oh that doesn't sound too good with the eldest at all, do you not get on too well? Shame really! Hard with stepchildren; I have a step sister and mother, we don't see eye to eye as she's jealous of me when it comes to my dad. I've tried so hard to build a relationship, she even came to my first midwife appointment but had me in tears with her comments. So I give up trying!
She can see the baby as much as she likes as I would never do that, but if she doesn't want to then I'm not fussed either xx
I think I'm going to fill crackers with pink or blue confetti :)

Fab idea! Are you going for early gender or waiting for your normal one?
Thinking now I won't be far enough along to do a Christmas announcement :(
i try with both of them, include them in christmas etc when i dont have to, we barely see them. But my OH is too soft with money so all she has to do is say shes skint and he will give her money left right and center he does it with his ex too.

he bought me some shoes once and she kicked off saying that money should be going on the girls, yet the 12 year old was like its his gf he should buy her treats!

im not bothered either way ill do it myself :)

getting signed off from the EPU was the best feeling ever knowing my baby is happy and healthy and they have no more concerns xx
Sounds like a very silly woman to me! We had booked our wedding for next year which is getting cancelled, either way!
My dad was saving for that but the money is going towards the baby now, which I just know she will be delighted at haha!
Aw hun so happy for you!! Hoping for happy healthy babies all round xx
very spoilt girl who has had everything given to her! im only 5 years older than her and i see straight through her maybe thats why she hates me.

fingers crossed for both of us :) x
I haven't got my 20 week scan date yet so depends on when that falls. may get an early gender scan so we can do our Xmas reveal.
Really fab idea! Great way to tell people too; I was watching how people told their close family parents etc on youtube; it had me crying because we just sort of told them. I had said to OH I wanted to wait till 12 weeks. It's almost as if everyone hasn't believed it to be real until we saw the heartbeat and I get that. Just would've liked to surprise them x
Omg I could literally sleep for a week right now, I'm exhausted and feel yucky today! :(
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im suffering with insomnia - i have been up since 2.30am and i dont get home till 6!!! i just toss and turn all night getting frustrated with myself!
I'm like that, woke at 10 to 1 this morning and got back to sleep at about 4ish, then again at half 5. That was me up, I won't be home till around that time too! But I'm climbing straight back into bed!
Hope your ok other than the tiredness! Hopefully when we're out of first tri our energy will be back haha x
yea i good just the nausea! wont be long now till we are out!

the other half gets up at half 4 so i was up awake again with him, and he lets the dog into the bed room, who jumps about then finally falls asleep when i have to get up!

and he complains im grumpy in the morning - what do you expect haha xxx
Haha yep they don't realise sometimes! We have a husky, and she's so gentle but she has her own bed on the floor, which we paid a small fortune for. He let's her up every might and currently she seems to be all over me! But because she's fluffy she makes me way too hot & if I move she moves with me haha!
I ended up in the living room, this morning OH is like why you through here honestly could've throttled him!
Naps! That's what we need, or to just sleep first tri away! X
oh i only have a pug but she takes up the same amount of room as a great Dane!! she sleeps in between me and my partner but she has to be touching me i move she moves lol shes like a baby herself, really a softie but shes only 1 so still has alot of puppy traits.

i may put this forward to my boss i need regular nana naps throughout my working day see how that goes down :)
Let me know how your boss reacts! We can make it an official thing hahaha! :D
Well that's new, been asleep since 9.30ish, just woke myself up by retching (tmi sorry!) Had to make a mad toilet dash! And I'm now wide awake haha! This baby is putting me through my paces. Love the feeling just wish I could sleep ��
haha i wake myself up trying to be sick but then i never am sick its strange feeling! i slept so much better last night still not 100% but i think i was that exhausted from the week xxx
Glad you managed to sleep better hun! I did get back to sleep in the end, then OH woke me up at 7am but with breakfast so he's off the hook haha! Xx
oh you lucky thing i was starving this morning! my OH goes to work at 6 so no hope of that in our house xx

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