✨⭐️September Testing Thread⭐️✨

It's the natural clomid. If you google soy isoflavones for dummies the page is full of information.
You take it usually cd 3-7 and the helps your eggs mature/realise more. If you ovulate normally though it might cause some issues

I have had day 21 bloods done a few years ago and said it was high enough to ovulate and I get positive ovulation tests but guess I actually don't know if I do or not? I just got my amh bloods back from online lab and it's even lower now so I really need to get a move on if I want a 2nd baby. Chances are so slim but I do know ppl who conceived naturally with amh 1/3 of mine so it's still all possible
Second last strip was last night about 7pm, very bottom one 7am this morning, would you say I have ovulated now? It's still a dark like but obviously peak was last night ! We dtd past 2 nights , should we go again tonight?

My AMH is now even lower so I've not got many eggs left but doesn't mean I can't get pregnant or ivf wouldn't work again. It's sitting at 1.76 and someone I know said they're AMH was 0.3 3 years before they fell pregnant naturally! Anything is possible I guess

Ok....so I too need some OPK help. I know some of you here are experts, but even if your not....I’ll take an opinion. ;)

I know this sounds impossible, but I accidentally got the “cheap” (by $3 lol) OPK kit from Equate instead of the Clear Blue. I am brand new to this OPK testing. I don’t use clear blue for hpt though. Anyway, I have read and heard contradicting things about testing for lh surge in morning; however, the directions said to use FMU.....so I’ve also read, be sure to follow your specific set of directions. With not to much choice on the timing anyway because of work, I decided to give it a swing. I was getting discouraged because I was getting colored thick lines every day, but they were definitely not stronger than the control. Today I didn’t even have to finish the timer and I got a blazing positive...you almost couldn’t see the control line. Now, we had sex the 13th and the 15th, but not last evening. We will definitely try for today and tomorrow, but do you think we missed it anyway? Next month I plan to BBT.....but, of course, hoping I don’t have to. ;) I was also planning to stop testing, because I am a penny pincher m. Now that I see the surge, I just plan to hit the next few days. What do you think? I’m also afraid of getting lots of days in a row like you @Alexis2017 . Too much for me to think about .
@Fsb676 i think you’re covered so don’t worry! Did you do last night too? As I think it’s like 12-72 hours for ovulation after positive test. So you’ll be fine.
Think you can get few darker ones before OV.

I also got my positive OPK yesterday!
So my app says 1dpo now, so the countdown begins!! Do you have any hcg tests @Fsb676 ? I’ll start testing from next weekend no doubt haha.

@Alexis2017, sounds positive, i am sure you caught the peak, so fingers crossed :)
@Sugar10 Thanks! I’m glad to hear that I should be covered. We sorta got to it last evening, but we didn’t get home until 1:00 in the morning (due to last minute traveling).....which is really today lol.....so I don’t know if it’s gonna count, but we will see. My opk came with one HCG test.......I know I’m gonna use it too soon . Keep us posted on your testing! Sounds like we are so close in our DPO!
@Fsb676 yea was thinking we are like the same day! :) I haven’t got any OPKS left , but have some one-step hcg strip ones. x
The wonderful :witch: has arrived for me, so I'm out!

Good luck everyone and see you on the next thread that my cycle falls into!
How is everyone? I’m literally only 4/5 DPO, but already wishing I had a boat load of tests to use lol. Going for a third month in a row of not testing, but I have one test in the house.....I might cave by Saturday lol. I seem to have extra CM, suppperrr tired, and also had, TMI, what seemed to be a pin hole spec of spotting last night. Let’s be real though, I always imagine the same things every time.....not to mention the fact that it’s way too early lol. Anyone else having “symptoms”?
How is everyone? I’m literally only 4/5 DPO, but already wishing I had a boat load of tests to use lol. Going for a third month in a row of not testing, but I have one test in the house.....I might cave by Saturday lol. I seem to have extra CM, suppperrr tired, and also had, TMI, what seemed to be a pin hole spec of spotting last night. Let’s be real though, I always imagine the same things every time.....not to mention the fact that it’s way too early lol. Anyone else having “symptoms”?
At 5 dpo I remember laying in bed with cramps from front to back, like a heavy period, I just ached. Pretty sure it was implantation. So you never know (; Baby dust to everybody!
I’m the same @Fsb676 ! But not tested yet, no symptoms either. But I’m on day 3 with covid :( :( feeling rotten!
@MysticKitten Thanks! At least there is hope, and MAYBE I’m not crazy. ;)

@Sugar10 I was thinking we were close. Mine probably aren’t symptoms lol.....just me over analyzing.....like me with everything in my life lol. ;) Sorry to hear your are unwell. :/ Hope you get better soon! <3
@Fsb676 i am hopeful for you! Anything is possible! :)
I thought I might test tomorrow, only have some cheapies. And it’s definitely too early haha. I have no symptoms, but I feel lousy with covid so couldn’t tell if I did or not. Only a week or so until I’m due on so time will tell! :)
thanks hoping it doesn’t get much worse ! :(

really hope we see some positives soon for us!
I'm about 8dpo and definitely know il be out same as the last 10 years of ttc! Booked my baseline tests for round 2 ivf so going to the clinic 4th Oct. Will be weird being back in that waiting room. I sat there waiting for the results of my hug when I mc and also sat there waiting to see if we dad a heartbeat on our viability scan -its good and bad all in one !
@Alexis2017 what makes you think you’re out? when is af due? Fingers crossed for your ivf journey if that’s where it leads xxx

@Fsb676 how you getting on? I’m 8dpo. Tested today - bfn , obviously ! Haha.
I'm so sorry @Cookie517 <3 Sending love! <3

@PeanutButter, Yes, I've tried SI several times. It's the natural alternative to clomid and is taken for 5 days early into the cycle. Depending on which days you take it - depends on the benefits. A lot do 3-7 as it's ''in the middle'' benefits wise. People who have regular cycles are advised to not try it, but I tried it anyway. I didn't notice any ill effects.
Hasn't worked for me, but I'm about to do a medicated cycle - if this one turns out to be a bust.
Much more aggressive than SI.
@Sugar10 You’re not out yet!!! I kinda have the same bfn here too.....but I’m not gonna admit which day I took that one test lol. I should have waited. I know there is no way of knowing this soon, or of there being any likely damage, but I stayed home from the amusement park today. I was really looking forward to it, but was afraid I would regret it later if anything was to happen. Basically just needed to put my mind at ease lol How’s the symptom spotting going? It’s not exactly in my head, but it probably isn’t linked to pregnancy......I’ve been famished, beyond exhausted, and have had slight back pain/cramping. I always think my symptoms are more real each month. When I was actually pregnant...I was 100% sure that I was not. Go figure.
Hi ladies! Sorry been awol this month. Had a lot going on!

Had my gynae app this week. Finally got them to see me. They’ve taken lots of blood to see if there’s any abnormalities there etc. My thyroid maybe an issue though, so having bloods at the end of October to see if it’s still an issue. Then speak to consultant again in Dec!

I’m currently 1DPO so keeping everything crossed! How is everyone?

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