Your Username

I was wearing socks with zebra stripe patterns on them when I signed up 8) and I'm deeply unoriginal
well myns my name n my due date :) but im guna change wen tamerons born 2 Tegala&&Tameron :D

so simple hehehehe
mine is m for Mark, D for Diane and our suname backwards...Somers = mdsremos :dance:
I chose mine because i am
Im a Geordie and a lass
And damn proud of it too
Little minx was a uni nickname in wilder days. I was Little minx at first here, but dropped the 'little' when I turned 30 and felt a bit 'mutton' :lol:
I copied my answer from the 'conversation with budge!' thread as I didn't want to write it all out again! :D :

ok, its a bit embarrassing!
I have a big group of male friends, mainly because of my 2 brothers. Well there is a simpsons episode where homer changes his name to max power (he got it of a hairdryer :lol: ) and at the end he tells marge he's going to change her name to chesty la rue.
I'm quite chesty! :oops: so I was nicknamed Miss larue and over the years its kinda stuck.
So in short, its because of my big boobies! :oops: :lol:
Mine's because me and DD are very very alike so its actually her who's the minime (but she's actually taller!)
mine is from one of my fav albums...

:D i had just brought the album when i signed up and i cudnt think of any thing
mines always been the same since I was 16.

lecker is german for tasty, delicious... you wouldn't use it to describe a person but you'd use it to describe food

and shell because my name is michelle

i was teaching a male friend some german (he was teaching me some spanish) and he once said "you're looking lecker tonight shell" (i was out at a kareoke competition and feeling really nervous, and he didn't know that lecker was for food not people) and since then leckershell sort of stuck!!
I was eating ginger biscuits....then remembered being in the health food shop and looking at those ginger sweets you can get....I dont quite know why i called myself it though!
My name is Louise :shock:

Might change it to something weird and sexy? any ideas?

How do you change it anyway???????? :think:
leckershell said:
mines always been the same since I was 16.

lecker is german for tasty, delicious... you wouldn't use it to describe a person but you'd use it to describe food

and shell because my name is michelle

i was teaching a male friend some german (he was teaching me some spanish) and he once said "you're looking lecker tonight shell" (i was out at a kareoke competition and feeling really nervous, and he didn't know that lecker was for food not people) and since then leckershell sort of stuck!!

I always wondered about that Michelle!

I use the word lecker to describe fit men too!

Mine is the name of my eldest daughters favourite toy. It's a musical star which I used to put on my tummy when PG. She treasures it to this day.
oh ok

I've got so many diferent usernames on so many diferent things online but for pf I thought I would just keep it simple :( now it seems so boring :think:
Fluffy Bunny because I work with rescue animals - everyone thinks its all about "fluffy bunnies" and cute kittens and it is so not! :D

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