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Im little 5'3 and im sort of a lady and 87 is my year of birth :D
My name is not Loola funnily enough, it is Laura. It started when I was about 3! My Dad used to call me Little Looloo. My OH found this out and started calling me Laura Loo, which eventually turned into Loola. All my friends call me Loola now. It was set in stone when my little Nephew who is 2 couldnt say Laura so he calls me Loola too. Bless.

I call my OH Miguel. Miguel et Loola. Sounds so much more exotic than Mike and Laura :)
Mine's really boring. Just my name, amy louise and the year i was born. Im gonna start a thread on porn star names! Lol
I was in a state of stunnedness when I joined and all I could think about was the little tadpole inside me. And I quite like aquatic themes.
Loola - I think that's the name of the dog on Pocoyo (Isaac likes it-kids TV programme)

I loved Wizard of Oz as a kid and cried for some red shoes from Clarks, patent ones too hehe
So got the nickname Redshoes as I grew up :)
Still do like Wizard of Oz 8)

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