Worried :(

Sorry it wasn't the outcome you wanted but im sure you will be back here very soon, sorry for your loss and thank-you for letting us know, go and have a well earned drink xxxxx
so sorry hon....but i reckon we will see you back here in no time :) take care and keep smiling xxxxxxx
So sorry to hear this hon - that sounds exactly the same as what happened to me at this stage last time - my levels were only 220 and they thought the same as they thought with you but they didn't suspect ectopic so I wasn't admitted.

I'm so glad you have a positive attitude about it and that will help you get through the next couple of days and weeks. If you are going to try again straight away then I'd recommend ovulation sticks hon and I've read that the first 3 months after miscarriage are very fertile months.

Lots of love and hugs to you and enjoy getting sozzled this weekend - sounds like an excellent plan - enjoy one or two for me! xxx
i think the fact that the baby hadnt actually developed and hadnt got a heartbeat has made it easier for me to accept to be honest, i'm fine tho, i'm not upset and i am just looking forward now rather than thinking what if etc xxxx
i've also hear they they are the most fertile months too...gunna enjoy TTC again lol and i will deffo have a hew for u hee hee xx
So sorry to hear this hun, I'm sure you will be back in tri1 in no time, thinking of you. X x
I'm so sorry to read this, I hope you are ok xxx

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Ah deedee I'm so sorry to read this. Sending you the biggest hugs and you have come across as so positive even in crappy times, you are amazing xx
So sorry to hear what you have gone through Deedee. You are being so very strong and positive so well done. Hope we see you in Tri1 soon. Get going as soon as you can these are the most fertile months. lol. Have lots of drinks for me cos I'm gagging for one. Love and hugs to you. xxxxx
hee hee thnx leanne and i will do! making sure i get lots in before TTC again hee hee and dont u worry Tri1 aint seen the last of me thats for sure lol xx
oh no just read this i am so sorry hunny, i am sure you will be back here soon i hope you are ok xxxx :hugs:
thnx lynette am really good considering...onwards and upwards :) xx
big hugs so sorry to read the sad outcome. fingers crossed to see you back soon, still in the mean time enjoy ttc and big hugs xxx
Sorry to read this but well done on your positive attitude :)
Good luck for next and have fun trying ;)
Sorry to read this, glad your ok and staying positive. Make sure you enjoy those drinks cos i'm sure you will be back soon. loads of :hugs::hugs:to you xx
so so sorry chick. this nearly had me in tears. good on you for being so posititve and cant wait to see you back here xxx
So sorry Deedee, really feel for you. But can see how strong and positive you are being abut it so you will be over it it in no time and back in tri 1 with that sticky bean. Much love and hugs.xxxxxxxxxxx

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