Will you be buying in nappies?

I'm not going to stock up on nappies as I don't want loads that I won't use and I've nowhere to store lots and lots of stuff at the moment. Also I don't know which will suit bubs best so this makes me wary of buying in lots xx
...I'll probably stock up more on sensitive wipes than nappies tbh as we use them too everyday x
We brought are first packs yday got new born as they should fit but planning on getting a mixture of size each time tbh x
We're going to start buying them in our shops once the nurserys finished in a few weeks so we have somewhere to put them. We're going to buy a range of sizes and not stock up on tiny ones just get some so when LOs here we can see what size is the one, then stock up on those ones too. We figured no matter what we'd rather stock up on the slightly less tiny ones as it'll definitely fit in those sizes at some point!
I would recommend that you buy diffrent brands as well to see what suits your baby best I found Huggies awful as they leaked a lot as did the pampers , someone suggested I try asdas little angels and they are brilliant not had one leak xxx
yeah, it does depend on the baby as i mentioned there my SIL said the little angels leaked but she used pampers in the early weeks.

Ahhhh so confusing lol! Why cant all nappies fit and work the same ?! lol xxx
I had a few vouchers that got you free packs of nappies etc... From boots, asda and sainsuburys. So we have a few size 1, 2 and 3... Not going to over stock up as we want to see how baby gets on with the brands and if we don't like them we can try another. Same with wipes etc...x
I'm still trying to decide between disposable and reusable nappies, so I can't see myself buying a huge amount of nappies, perhaps I might make up my mind one way or another and go and do a stock up, but I have a while to think about that. I will be stocking up on bath stuff and wipes and cotton wool pads though (I can't use cotton wool, it goes through me to touch it).....I can't wait to get shopping :-)
Join Asda baby club and you can print off a voucher to get a Huggies newborn starter pack which includes a pack of 27 nappies. x
I am buying some nappies and wipes when on special but am not going too overboard. I made this mistake the first time around and found that I had seriously overbought some sizes :shock: My lo was only in size 1 for a few weeks and then seemed to more or less skip size 2 and then was in size 3 for ages!! This time i'll juts buy a couple of packs of each and leave it at that.
Same, I'll probably just get a pack of each size to do me at first. I have a couple of free packs so will have enough. That way we can buy the right size etc when we have more of an idea of what baby needs. :)

We'll be using cotton wool and water at first - Thanks for the cotton wool pads advice TT!!
But we will probably stock up on wipes, as they can't outgrow them and I suppose if they aren't right I could always sell the rest or give away spare packs x
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Start with size 1 and go from there..

My advice is stock as many as you can for the first couple of months :) we have gone through loads....

Should have said R is still in size 1 and he is 6 weeks old

I have about 10 packs of size 1's and 3 packs of size 2's so far!!! I've also got a pack of micro nappies as my ds had a tiny bum that was lost in size 1 nappies! I will get more size 2's just been getting the 1's with vouchers I've had!! I've also got loads of aldi nappies they are fantastic and don't use anything else on my ds as all the others seem to leak!
yep i stocked up before Lo's were born. any brands you try and dont like you can change any other packs you have that are unopened. we got pampers & huggies but huggies leaked with ds, so we have stuck with pampers :)
Start with size 1 and go from there..

My advice is stock as many as you can for the first couple of months :) we have gone through loads....

Should have said R is still in size 1 and he is 6 weeks old


really? what weight was he at birth and now? roman went into size 2 at 3weeks hes 6weeks now. he will be going into size 3 in next few weeks x
He weighed 7lb 4 oz when born but he lost loads as he wasn't feeding right, turn sout he had pyloric stenosis and needed an op :s he is now steadily gaining weight and at 8 weeks he is just coming out of size 1 but I predict not for at least another week......
i dont get the size thing,

sizes 1 2 3 ?? is that huggies? I seen the newborn pamper ones i didnt think they went in numbers lol?

how long were your kiddies in new born pampers ?? xxx
Pampers newborn come in 3 sizes - 1,2,3.

I am buying a job lot of each size!

My SIL is due a month after me so any we don't use she can have :lol:

Awwww right, I see now lol Im deffo gonna struggle when it comes to these nappies I can tell lol!

Ill just get a couple packs of each then...

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