Will you be buying in nappies?


Just wondering if you are or have been stocking up on nappies before baby is born?

My mum was going to start stocking these up for me with the shop and so were we eventually but someone made a remark that made me think twice kinda.. basicly "why are you buying nappies when you dont know the baby weight"

I was planning on just buying newborn..

What about you guys?

Thanks xxxx

I will be buying some but not much, due to the babys size being unknown - probably buy a pack of newborn and some abit bigger
He weighed 7lb 4 oz when born but he lost loads as he wasn't feeding right, turn sout he had pyloric stenosis and needed an op :s he is now steadily gaining weight and at 8 weeks he is just coming out of size 1 but I predict not for at least another week......

sorry to hear that xx

i dont get the size thing,

sizes 1 2 3 ?? is that huggies? I seen the newborn pamper ones i didnt think they went in numbers lol?

how long were your kiddies in new born pampers ?? xxx

i cant remember about the other two they are a bit older now, but roman was in size 1 nappies till he was 3 weeks and the size 2 till a couple days ago. hes 6weeks and 2days and just started wearing size 3 today x

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