Who is testing today?

How long after did your sister see the test? You have to read it within 10 mins in most cases, or even less if a cheap test.

I hope you get a BFP, but i wouldn't wait a week if your AF is late :)
Cherelle - Lol I know but it keeps me sane! If you don't mind me asking, could I ask what your symptoms were before you got your BFP? As I'm sure we were symptom spotting at roughly the same time, you tested before me though?

Louise - Long enough for us to go downstairs, have a cuppa and go back so I'm not pinning my hopes on this test in any way at all, because I know I need to keep a level head.

Cramps/dull aches have died down now. Gone off chocolate, usually I HAVE to have a bar available in the house, but I don't have any and resisted the choccy aisle in Asda. :D
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Nooo don't encourage me to do one again in the morning LOL. :P

Need to stick to it and do it next week haha! I keep thinking of my sis who had to wait nine weeks of BFP to get a BFP when she was already preg!! LOL.

P.S. My sister took my test with her otherwise I would have taken a piccie! Glad she did, I'd probably have stared holes in it by now. :D
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Need to stick to it and do it next week haha! I keep thinking of my sis who had to wait nine weeks of BFP to get a BFP when she was already preg!! LOL.

Nine weeks?! That is waaaaaaay too long to convince ourself your pregnant even without a BFP - lots of ladies on here have had periods that disappear for a couple of months without them being pregnant...

If you really must wait a week, get an appointment and get it done by your doctor just to make 100% sure of the result :) They might even do a blood test if you mention that your sisters pregnancy wasn't detected.

Fingers crossed MissJ :good:
Whoops, meant she had 8 weeks of BFN's but felt like she was preg so did another test, the 9th week showed her BFP!

I spoke to my husband last night, he has no idea I tested today and I think it's better that he doesn't because if I mention the possible BFP, it would give him more hope and I would just rather be sure. We both agreed to test again next week, if there's still nothing after a week or 2, then we'll go to the Doc's. :-o
yeah i tested on sunday, i remember us symptom spotting last week. I havent had the sore boobs but i have had mild tummy ache constantly! Plus very windy - sorry tmi! - and have itchy wrists and arms. Also feel myself getting tired quite quickly and have had a lot of CM ever since OV.

Good luck!! x
Good luck Miss July! Is sound very positive!!xx
I have the itchiness, the gas but mine is burping, all the time! LOL. I sometimes get mild stomach cramps/twinges which I don't get prior to AF and my nipples/boobs are starting to feel a bit tender. Will continue BD just incase! ;)
Hiya, thought I'd update for you Lou, I think AF got me - I've been bleeding but not like my normal period so keeping an eye on it but I reckon it's AF.
awww gutted hun keep your chin up i hope it happens soon!! im just waiting for af to get me had a negative yesterday so i know how you feel and it isnt nice but keep your chin up xxxxx
Loulou come back! Feed the addiction!

In October everyone is getting pregnant, we're planning a mass invasion of Tri 1, then Tri 2, then Tri 3... and then the world :shock:

They'll have to close down the ttc section, we're even taking the wtter's with us! That'll be a shock for em lol
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Couldn't agree more, bring on the mass exodus from TTC I'm getting rather sick of hanging around here.
There must be much more fun to be had in the Tri's!
I agree! Husband and I have been BD'ing already, my AF has wilted so started the BDing 2 days ago. :D
we're even taking the wtter's with us! That'll be a shock for em lol

Don't scare me, I just asked my Angel cards about whether or not to take the new job if they offer it to me or hold out where I am for more money and I got three 'baby' type cards instead!! :shock::shock::shock:

Good luck to all who are actually trying though!


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