~~~*Wedding Thread*~~~

Oooo exciting thread

Names: Laura and mark

Date: 12th sept 09

Ceremony: Registry office

Colour scheme: burgendy and ivory

We don't have much money so are doing the best with what we've got :D
I'm going to wear my mums dress but it's size 12 and i'm having baby in march so could be a tight squeeze! :wall:

Bloom said:
Looks like its just me & you (Poppy) on this thread :rotfl:

Canonteign Estate looks lovely (let me know how you get on) i loved the look of the website, probaly out of my budget :lol:

I was looking at the Lavender House (might be a bit far for you) http://www.lavenderhousehotel.com/

I do love the Belverdere tower though so i may compromise and have that with a cheaper reception somewhere like the Gissons (they were quite cheap) but the function room will not be finished for another 6 months
or The Lord Haldon Hotel.

Im not 100% sure what our budget is as we are getting help from parents so will need to ask but we are not getting wed until May 2010 so have a bit more time than you.

I would just get your venue sorted first then worry about the other stuff.

I looked at Canonteign Falls as well, it is gorgeous.

I went to a wedding at Lavender House in August and it was beautiful. Fab grounds, food was lovely and guests can book a room to stay the night. Unfortunately it was already booked for our day.

I am not doing anything more about the wedding for a few weeks as we are moving at the the end of Jan (not got exact date yet - should know by next Friday) so my immediate priority is packing and then decorating. Gulp.

And to think - originally we wanted to get married in March..... :lol: :lol: (It's Lent though and the Abbey won't marry us till after Easter - so we thought we may as well wait and get married on the bank holiday)
Welcome to the forum Lawra thats a lovely dress Lawra i think thats a really nice idea you wearing your mums dress. (My mum got married 25 years ago so the dress is pretty dated (although i do like vintage).

You moving already Tadpole :shock: that seems to of flown by.

My sister got married in Sept and they had to do the whole thing on a very small budget so (ignore me if you want) but i thought i would post some ideas on how to cut corners on the price and what she would of changed. I can't be the only want wanting the earth for a small budget :rotfl:
* Get help wherever you can with things (we all have friends or friends of friends that can make a cake)
* Photographer get one that only charges the call out fee (£250 in my sisters case) then after the wedding you go down and pick and pay for what pics you want. (Sort of buy now pay later)
* Drinks on arrival (Do you REALLY need them)
*Cars (Do you know anyone with a nice car that you could but a bit of ribbon on and pay them £20 and get them to drive you?
* Champagne for the toast (How many times have you been given a glass and not drunk it) We used sparkling wine (a lot cheaper) and no one even noticed.
* Dress - shop around look in the sales
* Suits - Look into hiring them
* Tables - get creative its amazing what you can do on a little budget with a bit of imagination.
* Favours - I was scouting around the web for ideas and came across a wedding forum where for the favours they wrote of to the big purfume companies and they were sent free samples to use as favours, costs nothing to ask.
* Flowers - Again shop around and do you really need the flowers in the church?
* Entertainment - Again do you know anyone that can get help you out.
* Bridesmaids - This is cheeky but if they are family you can get away with it, ask they to help out with the cost of there dresses. I was more than happy to contribute to my bridesmaid dress and not buy a wedding present.
* Honeymoon - I think there are a few of you doing this already but ask for money as presents. (I would rather give someone a gift they would want/use then something they have no need for).
* Tea & Coffee - My sister made it available free of charge at the bar (didnt announce it) after dinner if you wanted it, only two people had it (she catered for 60)

I think its one of those times when you call in all those favours people owe you.

Most of us have small children allocate someone to be responsible for that child as you will not be able to watch them 24/7.

These are just some tips my sister was telling me, feel free to add to them or ignore them just thought it would be nice to share.
Thanks for the cost cut ideas bloom! Funnily enough, the car idea.. my brother said exactly the same thing to me last night!!

I'm at the beginning of the wedding planning process and tearing my hair out already!

Whats your opinions on guest lists ladies?! We're planning to have our wedding in either Fife/Perthshire. Obviously there are people we are inviting that we definately want there for the whole day... but others (for example work people I've not known that long).... I could do with just an evening invite (I know I sound awful!!) OH thinks this is a bit unfair as asking them to travel quite far (they mostly live around glasgow) to an evening do in fife/perthshire..... but then if you invite everyone to the whole day...its mounting up to 130 people! :shock: which (a) is loads of people, and (B) quite a cost!!! :oops: :oops:

how have you ladies approached the guest list ??
I really need to stay out of this thread my wedding is not until next year and im in here all the time :lol:

I know what you mean about the guest list Lisaspoon im going to have a nightmare with that its like you have one cousin that you want to invite then before you know it, its that cousin their partner, then the two kids. It all adds up.

I will do the same invite some people to the evening do and not to the wedding. I have no idea how far Fife/Perthshire is from Glasgow but its not your problem you could invite them and its up to them if they want to travel or not. Or if theres a lot of people could you budget hiring a coach to transport them?
I guess the coach idea is something we can look into and think about.

So far we have a rough guest list to get an idea of numbers..... why are the numbers odd?! lol! :?
bhe101 said:
I am officially papping myself!!!!
I still have loads to do, the only thing Iv done is book the venue & buy my dress.
Iv always been one for leaving things to the last minute but I cant really do that with a wedding eh! :?

SNAP! My ticker is freaking me out! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Thanks bloom, we've done so many money saying things mainly getting people we know to help us. We found a suit in tj huges that was £250 ofr £50. It's really smart too :)

For our reception we can only have 45 people in the ceremony. I've had to cut so many people and people are getting out of order about it but no one is saying i will help you with money so you can upgrate to a bigger venue. So i feel bad but what else can i do it's all booked. My family alone fill 42 spaces and his family is pretty big to. Everyone can come to the after do so hopefully they'll get over it. I thought it was our day!
muppetmummy said:
bhe101 said:
I am officially papping myself!!!!
I still have loads to do, the only thing Iv done is book the venue & buy my dress.
Iv always been one for leaving things to the last minute but I cant really do that with a wedding eh! :?

SNAP! My ticker is freaking me out! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

You don't have long left do you?

What have you got left to do i will help motivate you. :lol:
As usual our plans have now changed! :rotfl: :lol:
we're still getting married, same dress, same bridesmaids but now its in August not October and in the Dominican Republic :rotfl:
we sat down before christmas and worked out how much we still needed to save etc and just thought sod it - we want to get married for us not for the big party and what everyone expects - Matts happier aswell as hes wanted to do this from the start! so Matt the baby & me, my mum & sister, dad and stepmum, matts sister and mum are heading here ;

http://www.thomson.co.uk/destinations/c ... ntado.html

for our big day :cheer: we're going for 2 weeks & everyone else for 1. its saved us so much money :)
Bloom said:
muppetmummy said:
bhe101 said:
I am officially papping myself!!!!
I still have loads to do, the only thing Iv done is book the venue & buy my dress.
Iv always been one for leaving things to the last minute but I cant really do that with a wedding eh! :?

SNAP! My ticker is freaking me out! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

You don't have long left do you?

What have you got left to do i will help motivate you. :lol:

Things to do, hmmm....

*find the folder with receipts and guest lists that I seem to have misplaced :doh:
*lose 5 stone so I can fit in my dress!!! argh!!!!
*get my dress altered and dry cleaned
*decide what time the wedding will be
*get invitations printed and sent out
*hire kilts for Neill, my boys and best man
*panic, panic, PANIC!!! arghhh!!!!
*buy rings
*organise my flowers
*table decorations
*favours? (might not bother with them)
*choose menu for wedding breakfast
*choose music
*lots more stuff that I can't think of right now

In a way I can't wait for it all to be over so I can be married and not have the stress! :rotfl:

ETA...must remember TABLE PLAN! (thanks Bloom! 8) )
muppetmummy said:
Bloom said:
muppetmummy said:
bhe101 said:
I am officially papping myself!!!!
I still have loads to do, the only thing Iv done is book the venue & buy my dress.
Iv always been one for leaving things to the last minute but I cant really do that with a wedding eh! :?

SNAP! My ticker is freaking me out! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

You don't have long left do you?

What have you got left to do i will help motivate you. :lol:

Things to do, hmmm....

*find the folder with receipts and guest lists that I seem to have misplaced :doh:
*lose 5 stone so I can fit in my dress!!! argh!!!!
*get my dress altered and dry cleaned
*decide what time the wedding will be
*get invitations printed and sent out
*hire kilts for Neill, my boys and best man
*panic, panic, PANIC!!! arghhh!!!!
*buy rings
*organise my flowers
*table decorations
*favours? (might not bother with them)
*choose menu for wedding breakfast
*choose music
*lots more stuff that I can't think of right now

In a way I can't wait for it all to be over so I can be married and not have the stress! :rotfl:

Oh dear :? you have got a lot to do.

Right you need a plan i don't know where to start :rotfl:
You need to sort out the most important things first like the invites.
Why don't you set a few tasks to do each week so next week you need to sort out the guest list and while your doing that you may aswell sort out the table plan and invites as there all rolled into one (sort of).

Things like table decs, favours, music, wedding rings are not urgent so can be put to the bottom.

Oh and one thing i did learn from my sisters wedding was don't give people a choice a food as you WILL spend hours chasing up peoples choices and if you pushed for time as it is. Go for a set meal.
Thanks Bloom! I'd totally forgotten about doing a table plan!! :rotfl:

The inlaws are coming around later so hopefully we can discuss plans and get things moving. First thing is to decide on a time so we can get the invites posted and out.
I guess we'd do the table plan once we know who's coming :think: The venue has to know numbers 3 months in advance if possible. Tick tock, tick tock.....somebody stop my ticker!! :shock: :rotfl:

I am getting excited in a queing for a scary ride at alton towers kind of way :rotfl:
oh god... ive done nooo wedding planning!! ive got so much to do and so little time!

Still. Invites are going to be ordered in the next few days, then i just need to sit and write them all out. Im wondering if it is something i can do everyday when im hooked up to the ECG machine at hospital! :rotfl: I was planning to print address stickers, i may be able to stick them on whilst pushing a button every time he moves. :lol: :lol:

We can fit in 150 - 160. Ive got an invite list of 150 at the moment. Ive then got another 20 - 30 people who are on the maybe invite list :wall: :wall:
I've bought a fab wedding planner book/journal thing. Haven't written anything in it yet :lol:

we need to sit down and work out what we actually have to do :lol:
muppetmummy said:
Bloom said:
muppetmummy said:
bhe101 said:
I am officially papping myself!!!!
I still have loads to do, the only thing Iv done is book the venue & buy my dress.
Iv always been one for leaving things to the last minute but I cant really do that with a wedding eh! :?

SNAP! My ticker is freaking me out! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

You don't have long left do you?

What have you got left to do i will help motivate you. :lol:

Things to do, hmmm....

*find the folder with receipts and guest lists that I seem to have misplaced :doh:
*lose 5 stone so I can fit in my dress!!! argh!!!!
*get my dress altered and dry cleaned
*decide what time the wedding will be
*get invitations printed and sent out
*hire kilts for Neill, my boys and best man
*panic, panic, PANIC!!! arghhh!!!!
*buy rings
*organise my flowers
*table decorations
*favours? (might not bother with them)
*choose menu for wedding breakfast
*choose music
*lots more stuff that I can't think of right now

In a way I can't wait for it all to be over so I can be married and not have the stress! :rotfl:

ETA...must remember TABLE PLAN! (thanks Bloom! 8) )

Im pretty much the same as you! Im gonna get my bum in gear this week though, will update as I go!!
Hiya Guys!!

We went to see Canonteign Falls on Thursday, the house was so lovely. The room was small and a ceremony in there would be very intimate and nice, there was a gorgeous fountain outside (which had frozen over - it looked amazing, hehe) and the lawn looked lovely as well, would be great for photos. The wedding co-ordinator didn't turn up so we were shown around by the housekeeper. The area for the reception wasn't so nice, though. Just an old barn really! I know it's the way you arrange your tables and things that makes it look nice but it just didn't inspire me at all. Also, the reception area was right by the reception where visitors have to pay to get in so there would be alot of people coming and going which I wasn't too keen on. I think we're going to rule out Canonteign. Mainly because I wasn't keen on the reception area and also there was no accommodation, so we think a hotel ceremony and reception is the way to go.

On a more positive note, I think I have figured out my colour scheme! I bought Cosmopolitan Bride Magazine yesterday and it featured a lady who had an Arabian theme with lots of warm colours. So, ivory/gold for my dress, then white, pink, orange, yellow, red and gold for the reception. It sounds a bit weird, but I know what to do to make it work!

I recommend buying a wedding magazine. I bought two - Cosmo Bride which, apart from the article I mentioned before, is a pile of complete pap for £3.99 (In my opinion!). Second one was Wedding Ideas (£2.99) which is great! It's got so many ideas for everything, I don't think I'll buy another one because there's plenty in it.

Hope everyone is okay x x x
Hey everyone :wave:

Just asking for your opinion!

I'm just thinking about dresses and have no idea where to start.

I'm 5'4, about a size 14.
I'm a 36DD and my hips are my biggest area!

I'm very, very pale and for the wedding my hair will be blonde.

What dresses should I be looking at? Style and colourwise?

Come on wedding planner babyblonde! :lol:

I have found my folder of wedding plans/receipts! PHEW! :dance: It was in the drawer I thought it was in but had fallen down the back :doh:

I have made a spreadsheet this afternoon with guests, their addresses, how many kids, and columns for responses once the invites are sent.

Next step...to decide what time the wedding will take place and to get invites printed and sent out.

What time are the rest of you getting married?

We're having the ceremony at the hotel, then photos, then sit down meal, then we will play cd's afterwards so people can dance/talk/get drunk. Not bothering with a band or DJ, or an evening buffet as looking at the people ging I can't imagine many woud want to dance, and we're inviting everyone to the whole thing and I refuse to feed them twice! :lol:
Might have to have a late afternoon ceremony so people don't get hungry after the main meal :think:

Might serve coffees and wedding cake later in the evening? :think:

We're on a tight budget so I'm trying to keep the costs minimal

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