~~~*Wedding Thread*~~~

shaunie_louise said:
Hey everyone :wave:

Just asking for your opinion!

I'm just thinking about dresses and have no idea where to start.

I'm 5'4, about a size 14.
I'm a 36DD and my hips are my biggest area!

I'm very, very pale and for the wedding my hair will be blonde.

What dresses should I be looking at? Style and colourwise?

Come on wedding planner babyblonde! :lol:


I think wedding dresses are normally on the small side so you'd probably need a bigger size than you'd normally wear.
The best thing is to go into a shop and try some different styles on as you won't know what looks good until you try.

I am a total spanner and have ignored my own advice...I have an ex shop sample from ebay I bought before trying, Its size 14 when I'm currently a 16! and its miles too long so needs the skirt taken up, which I can't do until I've lost 4875747 stone!!

Do as I say not as I do!!! :rotfl:
shaunie_louise said:
Hey everyone :wave:

Just asking for your opinion!

I'm just thinking about dresses and have no idea where to start.

I'm 5'4, about a size 14.
I'm a 36DD and my hips are my biggest area!

I'm very, very pale and for the wedding my hair will be blonde.

What dresses should I be looking at? Style and colourwise?

Come on wedding planner babyblonde! :lol:


Information forwarded - wedding planning charges waived (this time :wink: )
I'm getting really excited! :cheer: Even more so because there is a chance we might be able to have a honeymoon abroad after all! The inlaws have said they might be able to swap their UK timeshare for a week in the canaries for us :cheer:

Even better my parents will be staying up here in a holiday cottage for a week after the wedding and have said that if we go on honeymoon they will look after the kids for us.
How fab would that be, a week just me and OH and no kids! :dance: :dance:

My jobs for this month are...

*liase with the hotel and registrar and come up with a time for the wedding
*get invites printed
*ask hotel for accommodation flyers to put in with invites
*print maps to put in with invites
*send out invites

which leaves in no particular order....

*get my dress altered and dry cleaned
*wedding present list?
*hire kilts for Neill, my boys and best man
*buy shoes and tiara (hopefully borrowing MILs veil)
*buy naughty wedding underwear :twisted:
*buy rings
*evening entertainment
*hair and make up?
*organise my flowers
*table decorations
*favours? (might not bother with them)
*choose menu for wedding breakfast & wine for tables/drink for toast
*table plan
*put in notice to marry 3 months before?
*choose music

I'm gonna post in this thread what I'm doing/still have to do. Hopefully we can help to get each other organised!
I was gonna go and print labels and buy stamps today for the invites but Olivia has a cold so don't want to take her out in the rain.

I need to:
Get flower girl dresses
Shoes for me, MoH, flower girls
Make appt to discuss menu/corkage etc with chappie at reception place
Find picture of cake and email to my SIL's parents (who are caterers and making it for me)
Book photographer
Organise wedding car
Organise music - prob disco
Make appt with priest to deliver paperwork and decide on service (hymns etc)

Get florist number from my friend and organise my bouquet & something for the other girls
I am having pot plants for the tables so will get them from the wholesalers in April
Make up favours/place names/order of service (will do this after I have moved so it all soesn't get lost/destroyed
Buy new make-up - my stuff is about 564879 years old.
Get colouring books/crayons etc for the children

So will do the stuff in red this week. Everything else can wait till next month. Can't believe it is coming round so quickly!! Eeek.
This thread has taken off since i last posted in here :clap:

Right MM well done for getting motivated :clap: keep it up and i think what you were saying about not feeding everyone twice is great as that will save you loads of money, could you go for a service for about 3 -4 then have photos and sit down meal for about 6 then they shouldnt be to hungry. But like you said wedding cake about 8 should be enough :lol:

Poppy i suprised about Canonteign it looked lovely on the website and for the money it hought it would be lovely. You should have a look at Lavender house it looks lovely (although ive only seen the brochure). I love your choice of theme it sounds gorgeous.

I wanted the sevice and reception in the same hotel but im having real trouble finding one near me in my price range that will do both. I have seen a few places that i like the look of but oh doesnt think we should be spending so much money on just the venue and reception, he thinks its better spent on other things. He would be happy with the local registry office and village pub. :lol:

Anyway we are compromising :lol: im going to pop down to the hotel down near me which was top of our list orginally :oops: (the same one as Tadpole is using) and pick up some details (and hopefully have a look around).

I thought looking now for a May 2010 wedding would give me plenty of time but some places already have a few saturdays taken.
Im getting there! This morning I have made a start on the invitations, ordered my ring & am just about to order shoes & accessories.
I reckon I'l manage to get most things done by the end of this week :pray:
Tadpole..I hope Olivias' colds better soon :hug: You do sound well organised :clap:

Bloom...It is scary how far in advance venues are booked. One of our friends booked her church 2 years in advance but still had to have a thursday as all the fri and sat's were booked! :shock:

Bhe..sounds like things are coming together for you now. I think our rings are gonna be one of the last things we buy as we're short of pennies after xmas!

I am worried about how we're gonna pay for everything, its gonna cost a fortune! :shock:

I think we're gonna ask people for money towards the honeymoon instead of presents. Might use that poem earlier in the thread. We've lived together for years so have all the housey bits and pieces we want already :D
Argggggggggggggggh im having a nightmare.

Im trying to find somewhere to have the service and all the places i can find won't hold more than 50/60 people and i have at least 70.

I wonder if i can knock some people of my list :think:

Youd think this being my thread Id be all on top of things :lol: Umm NO Im not LMAO!!!

Ive just realised I have 9 months left and have done diddly squat!! There is a big marquee fayre by us in a few weeks so we are going to that.

Oh god help me and where were going to get all this money from is beyond me :(
Bloom...maybe the easiest option would be to invite the majority of people just to the evening reception and have close family and friends to the service :think:

Lilysmummy...It is scary how much it all costs isn't it! I've avoided fayres and magazines so far cos I think I'd just end up seeing loads of lovely stuff I can't afford :lol:

I'm getting into this wedding malarkey now :D

I think I've got the timings sorted, just got to confirm it with the hotel and then check the registrar is ok with it. I can't imagine it would be a problem as she's a friend of the inlaws and we're inviting her to the meal :)

*2.30pm guests arrive and are shown to bar area, then taken to ceremony (outside on patio if weather nice, otherwise in a function room inside)

*Ceremony 3pm until approx. 3.30pm with piper (no idea what they will play!)

*Celebration drink and photos from 3.30pm until 5.30pm (getting relatives to take photos as can't afford photographer! Will be putting disposable cameras on the tables at reception for guests to take drunken pics!)

*Line up 5.30pm until 6pm (I wasn't gonna bother with a line up but the room they use is stunning so I want one now! :lol: )

*Bride and Groom enter the ballroom 6pm

*speeches and meal from 6pm until 8pm (speeches first so its out the way and the groom and best man can enjoy their grub!) Having a round head table as it's more sociable than sitting in a long line.

*8pm staff need to turn the ballroom around, reveal the dance floor and the disco to set up until 8.30pm so everyone goes back to the bar area (we will either have a disco or just play CDs tbc)

*Perhaps have coffee and wedding cake served later in the evening.

We're not bothering having wedding cars, I'll probably do my hair and makeup myself at home, then get my parents to drive me to the hotel and I'll get changed into my dress there. Me and OH will be spending the night at the hotel so don't need to worry about transport afterwards either.
Will probably get a silk flower bouquet from ebay for myself, need to think about table decorations though. I thought about helium balloons :think: Want it cheap but not too tacky looking.
I'm not feeling so stressed now, starting to get things straight in my head.....now just need funds! :lol:

ETA>>>Must look into Helium balloons with organza bags filled with Jellybeans for weights :D
I'm jealous that I've done my wedding, I loved planning it. Lol

Buy a helium canister and fill your own balloons - much easier and cheaper :D

Speeches- are you making one? I did! HEHE

I got some silk flowers online and tied some ribbon round and tada... think my bouquet cost £3.50 hehe

I also did my own make-up! My SIL did my hair and she was supposed to do my make-up but we ran out of time so i did it. LOL.

For balloon weights you could have organza bags with sweets it? Either like chocs or smarties or jelly beans.. lol.

We had friends and family take pictures
Suzie and Faith said:
Buy a helium canister and fill your own balloons - much easier and cheaper :D

Speeches- are you making one? I did! HEHE

For balloon weights you could have organza bags with sweets it? Either like chocs or smarties or jelly beans.. lol.

LOVE! the idea of helium balloons with organza bags of jellybeans for weights! Thanks hun! :hug: :hug:

With regards to speeches I wasn't going to.....but then OH didn't want to do one either. Maybe if I did one as well I could persuade him :think:
I never thought i would get fed up with this but i am i need a bigger budget :lol: I just want to book a venue then its done.

I think helium ballons are lovely (i will probaly have them). Im not having wedding cars either.

MM i think it would offend people if we didnt invite them to the meal we both have quite large familys.

Right this is what i think ive decided but being a Libra i will probaly change my mind.

For the service i want here http://www.haldonbelvedere.co.uk/Haldon_Belvedere_.html although it will only hold 50/60 people so im only going to invite close friends and family. Oh might not let me as he will proably say its too much money but we will see.

Those who cannot come to the service will meet us at the hotel for the wedding breakfast and evening do hopefully here http://www.passagehousehotel.co.uk/ same place as Tadpole (although ive not seen there room yet but im sure it will be fine).

What do you think i just need to convince oh that £750 of our budget needs to be spent on the cemorny :lol:
OMG Bloom! That wedding venue is absolutely stunning!! Just remind your OH that you'd probably pay a similar amount to get married in a popular church.

Our ceremony is gonna cost £320 to get the registrar, and £155 to have the ceremony at the hotel, so £475 althogether, and then it's £31 a head for the meal for approx 50 adults and 20 children (children free or half price depending on age)...and then we'll need wine at the table!!! :cry: No wonder people bugger off abroad! :lol:

I think we will forget favours, if people are bothered they can wrestle the kids for the organaza jellybean stash attached to the balloons! :rotfl:
I got mine from vistaprint.co.uk....you just choose a design and edit the wording and stuff.
Looks nice and proffessional without costing loads :D
Sarah&Braydon said:
GRRRRR GIRLS HELP ME! i made some trial invitations and they look crap and cheap :cry:

POst them and let us see. I'll see what I can suggest :D
muppetmummy said:
I got mine from vistaprint.co.uk....you just choose a design and edit the wording and stuff.
Looks nice and proffessional without costing loads :D

So did I (after your advice MM) and they are really nice. And there are discounts at the mo.

Ladies - which music should I walk down the aisle to:

bridal march

The arrival of the Queen of Sheba

or The Prince of Denmark's March

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