I think Sam (mum to A&L) is July
Bhe...Sounds like you've got everything under control! A harpist is a lovely idea, will make it really romantic
Sam..I'm glad your invites have arrived, thats one less thing to worry about
Vickie...welcome to the thread

Sounds like you've got a lot of stuff sorted already. I was quoted £800 for the cheapest wedding package our local photographer does but I think its worth shopping around.
We're not bothering with a photographer, we're just gonna ask guests to take pics and email us copies. So much easier to do with digital cameras.
We were gonna put disposable cameras on the tables at the reception but I read a post by someone else on here saying they did that and ended up with 574757 photos of them cutting the cake, so we might scrap that idea
I can't wait to see everyones wedding pics!
I'm not doing anything planning wise atm, all the rest of the things I need to do require money and I don't have any atm

Need to try and talk Neill into choosing his vows, don't know how though, took me ages and a lot of arguing to get him to choose wedding music!!