~~~*Wedding Thread*~~~

This is my list of possibles for first songs....opinions please.

Ken Booth – Everything I Own

John Holt – Help me make it through the night

The Ramones – Baby I love you

Paul Weller – You do something to me

The Beatles – Free as a Bird

Dr Hook – If not you

Dr Hook – A little bit more
Tadpole...I'll have a listen to your songs later...OH is watching tellybox atm.

Sarah...your idea of dancing with bray is lovely :) I'm not sure what you can do for music, OH and I do hasve songs we both like so its not too bad for us.

I am 100% happy with the ceremony songs.....I'm just waiting for Neill to agree that he likes them, and if not make some suggestions of his own. Its really frustrating because I want to get music ticked off my list but Neill is dragging his feet about it. I think we need to find a different 1st dance song as the in laws were saying it will be hard to dance too, and tbh I was a bit unsure of the lyrics anyway (too lost in you) cos its about being really love sick, maybe not appropriate for marriage!

I have selected a couple of readings (that were in the booklet the registrar sent) but again need neill to look at them. I've looked online for other ideas but I still haven't found any I like better than the registrars suggestions.

I've chosen my vows (again from the selection the registrar provided), I'm now just waiting for Neill to do the same.

The inlaws seem to realise that there's not much more than 3 months to go and have suggested we get together one night without the kids to discuss things with them. We're supposed to contact the hotel 3 months before to start making arrangements with them :shock:
Actually...i do really want 'too lost in you' for the first dance. It reminds me of living with OH and James in our old flat in Plymouth.
Tadpole said:
This is my list of possibles for first songs....opinions please.

Ken Booth – Everything I Own

John Holt – Help me make it through the night

The Ramones – Baby I love you

Paul Weller – You do something to me

The Beatles – Free as a Bird

Dr Hook – If not you

Dr Hook – A little bit more

I'd go for free as a bird, or a little bit more, both beautiful :D
Ive not thought too much about music but thinking about it i want Ava Cassidy Songbird for when we sign the sign the register as i love that song.

There are some good ideas on here though.
I wrote a long ranting post last night but decided to delete it cos I was really upset and annoyed at the time. Basically I finally got Neill to suggust some music. He spent hours last night going through itunes to pick out some tracks he liked. His choices included...

N Trance -Set you free (a trippy mix),,,good choice as its a favourite dance track of us both and this mix is slower so more fitting with a wedding.

Donna Lewis- I love you always forever (Neills song for me)

Sting- Every little thing she does is magic

Two Gabrielle songs...I said no as I hate her voice

Shanks and bigfoot- sweet like chocolate (I like this but not sure its appropriate for ceremony)

An REM song I can't remember name of

Sting- every little thing she does is magic

Babybird- your georgous, ( I said no cos it reminds me of an old boyfriend cos it was out when we were dating)

Can't remember the rest.....

anyway, we ended up arguing about it, and Neill got annoyed cos he couldn't be bothered with it and it was getting stressful. Turns out he hates the cascada track I like anyway....so its still undecided.

I was really upset last night and was thinking why did we bother planning this anyway, its just an expensive way to get stressed! I'm feeling a lot better this morning though.

Things we did agree on though,,,,

Wannadies-you and me for the exit song
Sugababes- too lost in you for the first dance
We seem to have come to an agreement.....

Guests arriving: Savage Garden- Truly Madly deeply & Embrace- Gravity.
1st song: Donna Lewis- I love you always and forever
Sues entrance: DJ Sammy Heaven (candle light mix)
Signing the register: N-trance- set you free (trippy mix)
Exit: The Wannadies You and me song.

1st dance- sugababes- too lost in you

I'm glad that's sorted! I never want to choose wedding music ever again! :rotfl:
My progress so far...

Completed tasks:
*set date and time, venue booked and deposit paid
*provisionally booked registrar and paid deposit
*printed and sent save the date cards
*bought dress and net underskirt
*printed and sent formal invites with accommodation leaflets
*bought tiara & garter
*selected my vows and readings for ceremony
*chosen wedding music inc first dance
*chose colour scheme (Purple & Ivory)

My jobs for this month are...
*buy veil

which leaves in no particular order....

*get my dress altered
*hire kilts for Neill, my boys and best man
*buy shoes
*buy naughty wedding underwear
*buy rings
*evening entertainment
*hair and make up?
*honeymoon...book flights and resort
*organise my flowers (silk bouquet from ebay)
*table decorations (helium balloons weighed with organza bags of sweets)
*choose menu for wedding breakfast & wine for tables/drink for toast
*table plan
*put in notice to marry 3 months before?
*meet with registrar to discuss ceremony
*Neill choose his vows
Hello girls :wave: Can I join in? :dance:

We haven't booked a date just yet but we have decided on September next year :cheer: Going to the hotel this afternoon for a brochure and to discuss dates :D

If you feel like being nosey this is the place; Clicky

I got some fantastic ideas from loads of girls on here the other day on how to cut back my costs and that has persuaded OH we can go for it :cheer: haven't read the thread yet so not sure who is getting married but congratulations to all and I will keep reading from now on :hug:
Hi Krystal :wave: Good to see you joining the thread! :cheer:

Your venue looks lovely, and they have a wedding fayre on 1st march...ideal! :dance:
Hiya SC - congrats on the wedding.

MM - glad you have your music sorted - I love the Wannadies song.

I am deffo leaning towards 'a little bit more' as I love the song.
:wave: :wave: :wave: Krystal. I stalk this thread. I've been married over a year but I am shamelessly addicted to weddings so you have to put up with me :D

muppet (sorry, really must stop calling you that!) hope your dress sells well xxxx
Don't worry Suzie, once my big day's over with I'll be stalking this thread too, to see how everyone else is getting on :)

Well, im not so piddled off with the whole thing now :lol:

Went to the hotel on saturday to finalise everything. Oh, apart from the bloody menus cos i left my folder at home & my mind went blank so had to email it over when I got home :roll:
I think were getting a harpist! Well, its a scottish harp thing called a clarsach (I think)! OH's mum knows a woman who teaches it so we may be able to get her to play at the wedding.

Weve also found a photography student who will do our photos for about £50! I just want them uploaded onto disk so she will take the pics then upload them onto her laptop & burn them off.

All that need to be done now is cake, shoes, & undies. Oh & favours but i'l do them the week of the wedding.

Think i'm gonna try to stop stressing about it now. Its only one day after all!
Its 6 months till my big day

Church and venue booked

Wedding car sorted

DJ booked

Wedding night hotel booked curtoisy of mum

Wedding invites sent out....nearly 200 peeps eeeeeeeeeeeeek

Total cost is gonna be around 4k...thank god for parents eh??

How expensive are photographers?????

Got a list as long as my arm of all the stuff left to do and get,getting the small bits this week,balloons,balloon weights,ribbon,personalised serviettes etc.
Big hello and welcome to Vickie and Sweetcheecks glad to see some new faces in here.

Its all coming together now bhe not long for you now and then its Tadpole and then MM i think. Its so exciting im excited for you im sure those last few months are stressfull but it will all be worth it. Mum2A&L what date is your wedding again im sure its soon :think:
I think Sam (mum to A&L) is July :think:

Bhe...Sounds like you've got everything under control! A harpist is a lovely idea, will make it really romantic :)

Sam..I'm glad your invites have arrived, thats one less thing to worry about :D

Vickie...welcome to the thread :) Sounds like you've got a lot of stuff sorted already. I was quoted £800 for the cheapest wedding package our local photographer does but I think its worth shopping around.

We're not bothering with a photographer, we're just gonna ask guests to take pics and email us copies. So much easier to do with digital cameras.
We were gonna put disposable cameras on the tables at the reception but I read a post by someone else on here saying they did that and ended up with 574757 photos of them cutting the cake, so we might scrap that idea :think:

I can't wait to see everyones wedding pics! :cheer:

I'm not doing anything planning wise atm, all the rest of the things I need to do require money and I don't have any atm :wall: Need to try and talk Neill into choosing his vows, don't know how though, took me ages and a lot of arguing to get him to choose wedding music!! :lol:
What music are peeps having in the church?

Im having pachelbels canon to walk up the aisle too then mendelsons wedding march coming back down.

I cant believe some peeps arrange weddings in 3 months or less!!!!!

Ive got my mum and sister in law helping me as im rubbish at stuff like this and im stressed enough already.

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