~~~*Wedding Thread*~~~

Hi ladies :wave: can i join in?
OH and i are getting married in london on the 30th may, thats if we can get everything organised.... booked the registry office and the reception venue but things have come to abit of a standstil... when we set the date last year we didnt count on having LO! He'll be 6 months at the wedding! I'm really excited... but dont really have a clue as to what a wedding really involves... I've been to 3 in my life, and they were ages ago and either churchy or indian, so very different... so i'm a bit lost as to what will be happening on the day... the ceremony is at 5 and then the reception will be drinks and a sit down meal.... lol, this is going to sound a bit crazy, but can you ladies tell me what the format is for a wedding and reception??? you all seem to have a very clear idea of what should be going on!

thanks :)
Welcome to the thread HerbalHippie! :D

This is the info I was given by my local register office regarding civil ceremony format...

Order of Ceremony

Welcome of Guests and Introductions

(1st Reading – if applicable)

Declaration of Vows

Exchange of Rings

Declaration of Marriage by Registrar

(2nd Reading – if applicable)

(* Optional Additional Ceremony – See Note below)

Signing of Marriage Schedule

Congratulations & Best Wishes

* A Quaich, Candle Lighting or Celtic Knot ceremony may be incorporated
into your Marriage Ceremony.

At the reception its up to you what happens. Here's an example time table we were sent by the hotel we're using...

Ceremony 2pm which takes until approx. 2.30pm
Celebration drink and photos from 2.30pm until 4.30pm
Line up 4.30pm until 5pm
Bride and Groom enter the ballroom 5pm
meal and speeches or speeches and meal from 5pm until 7pm
7pm we need to turn the ballroom around, reveal the dance floor and the band or disco to set up until 7.30pm
7.30 pm for 8pm your evening guests arrive.

Good luck and have fun planning! :cheer:
Im getting married at 3pm aswell.

Figured by the end of the service,photos etc we would get to the evening venue about 4.30-5pm...then introductory drinks and speeches would take us until 6-6.30....then buffet until 7.30 and Dj kicks off after that,thats the plan anyway....whether it goes that way is a different matter.

Will you be doing your speeches before the sit down meal?
Sarah&Braydon said:
i kinda figured after is the done thing before then ??

Seeing as we not having the ceremony at 3pm peeps would have gotton their own lunch before arriving..so i figure anyway lol.So waiting till 6-6.30 isnt too bad for the buffet,Seeing as you all already seated for a sit down meal i guess it doesnt matter if the speeches are before or after.We just want to get ours done and out the way before the best man gets too drunk :rotfl: and so we can then eat.Disco will start and go until about midnight.
Hun....i hadnt a clue about any of this...but my sister in law seems to know it all lol.Shes stressed to me enough times the proper way to do it...god knows ive learned it off by heart now lol.

All i know is..when your guests arrive at the venue you and OH have to stand at the door,shake their hands and thank them for coming,then the ushers serve them introductory drinks,while everyone finds a seat etc.im not sure if speeches are def next,but thts what we doing,before everyone has too much drink.Then buffet,clear that away ready for disco.

If your having a sit down meal at 5ish then yeah i would leave the buffet till laters
There is loads of posts on here since i last posted you spammers!

Hello to all the newbies :wave:

I was going to get married at 3 but as we are getting married at a different venue to the reception it was too late so here is my plan of the day now for those who were asking.

11.30 Ceremony (close friends and family only)
12.00 drinks and photos
1.30 arrive at reception.
Relax and have a drink, more photos at reception.
2.30 More guests arrive for wedding breakfast.
3.00 Greet all the guests into the wedding breakfast and get everyone seated.
3.30 Eat
4.30 speeches
5.00 Thinking of having a cartoon artist arrive for a few hours and guest and i mingle.
7.30 Evening guests arrive and disco starts
8.00 First dance
9. Buffet opens

I have a gap at 5 but it will be nice for family to talk before the music starts and to check into rooms.

Im off to a big wedding fayre at the weekend im hoping to find a photographer i like. :D
I forgot to say Suzie move the wedding forward thats great sorry about your mil and nan though it would be lovely for them to spend the day with you.
LilysMummy said:
If there is already one when whoops :lol:

Ive noticed there is quite a few of us planning for a big day so thought we could have a big chat etc thread lol. My OH is getting bored of wedding chat 24/7 so I need somewhere to vent and get excited WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! lol

Sooooooo..... few details of me and my plans

Names: Kayte and Matt

Date: Thursday 8th October 2009

Ceremony: Wychbold Church


Venue: We are having a marquee on my OHs farm. The company who is going it is these and a few of there marquees http://www.fewsmarquees.co.uk/weddings.htm

Colour Scheme: Black and dark red.

Cant think of what else to put...

Add yours!!!!

Is that the Wychbold near Droitwich?
:wave: Hello girls - sorry I haven't been posting.

I got a bit upset with the whole business qondering how on earth we were going to afford it. I tried and tried to reduce costs but that would mean reducing guest lists and it was just an impossible job with our families.

Anyway we priced up the venue (I posted the link) for the day and night reception including drinks it was £8,500 :cry: Thats just the reception. So here I was thinking no way we can afford. Not getting married. :cry: Then OH's parents turn around tonight and say they will pay for the full reception :o so all we need to sort is invites, disco, flowers, cake, outfits etc etc - oh....my...god. How kind???? I am so grateful to them and so happy - we will be looking at booking it within the next week or so. Can't wait to have a date and a ticker :lol: We are hoping for 4th September 2010 :D

Bhe10 (or something :lol: ) how did you get the photography student? did you call college or did you know her? it's something I am interested in :D

Suzie; I would move the wedding forward :hug:

Sorry everyone.. in my excitement I have forgotten who has posted about what so off for another read :hug:
Thats fab Krystal! :cheer: :cheer: How kind of them :D

Sarah...I would contact your venue and ask them what they suggest timing wise. They probably have an idea how long the meal is gonna take etc.

We're having speeches before the meal. Saves OH and best man from being nervous all through the meal and not enjoying it. Best to get it out the way! :D

Is everyone having round or long top tables? We're thinking that round would be more sociable? :think:
Thats great news SC :cheer:

MM im having a long top table and square for the others (i would of liked round but my venue doesnt have them and im not paying to hire them in). At least on a long top table i can whisper to oh (without people hearing :lol: ) what fun we are going to have later :wink: see there another reason to have a gap in your day :shhh

:oops: omg ive still got sex on the brain :doh:
Ooooo im loving this thread :clap:

You lucky thing sweetcheeks,sounds like its going to be a very posh do :D

Mummy...were having long tables,we didnt have the choice,thats all the venue have :(

Ive been busy on ebay today.have ordered...

Bearing mind i have a gold/ivory theme

50 gold balloons

30 Clear 'just married' balloons

Gold Just married table confetti

Ivory balloon ribbon

Ivory balloon weight boxes ( anyone know what you supposed to put in them though lol)

200 gold organza/favour bags ( was thinking fillig them with sugared almonds,cheap and cheerful but anyone got any other suggestions)
Ooh, Just found this thread - I love wedding chat!
All your plans sound so nice, I bet everyone is really excited!

Our plans so far....

Date: 25th July 2009
Venue: St Rufus Church, Keith
Reception: The Ugie House Hotel, Keith
Colours: Lilac, silver, white and sparkles! And thistles thrown in there somewhere!

I think we have pretty much everything sorted; got the band, photographer, venues, dresses & kilts and cake all done, its just the wee things now. Cant wait to go buy our rings. Mine is the same as the one in my countdown thingy and its gorgeous!!

My Dress:
http://www.maggiesottero.com/dress.aspx ... style=A568

My Bridesmaid is my best friend from school and her 2 year old daughter is my flowergirl. My brother is walking me down the aisle and my OH's brother is best man :)
Really need to get my finger out and make a start on our invitations, cant beleive im attempting to make them myself, hope they dont look too naff!!

Good luck with all your plans!!

E x
Welcome Ellie :wave:

Its great isnt it...i contemplated having my 2 year old daughter as a flower girl but i dont think she would grasp the concept of walking down the aisle gently dropping petals on the floor...just cant see it myself lol.
Vickie you could put anything heavy marbles are a good one or sand (providing they won't leak).

I was reading my wedding mag last night and they had a really good idea for favors.
Buy normal chocolate and break it into smaller bars, wrap it up in foil (your chosen colour) then use a photocopier to copy in black and white pictures of you and oh and use them to wrap round the bar like a wrapper. They looked really good and cheap.
I love all the retro sweets you can get now too.

Is anyone having favors for the men?

Hello Ellie im having my dd who will be 2 as flower girl she will just be having a pretty dress and be in the pics i don't think dropping petals would go down to well :?
Ellie...Your dress is beautiful! :D

I'm considering not bothering with favours. Whats the idea behind them anyway? When I've been to weddings before they've just been left on the table.

We're having organza bags with a few jellybeans in to use as weights for the helium balloons. They'll doble as favours I guess and people can just fight over them. I can't imagine the adults will be interested.
vickie said:
Welcome Ellie :wave:

Its great isnt it...i contemplated having my 2 year old daughter as a flower girl but i dont think she would grasp the concept of walking down the aisle gently dropping petals on the floor...just cant see it myself lol.

I know, Im so scared she will throw a tantrum and stomp down the aisle! Think my plan is to have her walk down with her mummy and have daddy sitting close to the front so she will see him and not be so scared of all the strange faces. Fingers crossed it works!

E x
Do only women have favour bags then? i was just gonna put a bag on each place setting :doh:

Bloom...I gotta think of something thats gonna be easy to dispose of i guess.but yeah marbles is an idea.

And those choccys with a piccy of us on are a great idea...cheers for that :D

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