~~~*Wedding Thread*~~~

Star congrats and welcome i love your venue its lovely.

Im becoming a bit wedding obsessed :oops: and i still have to wait till next May.

You can do what you like its your wedding. You sound like you have most things in hand. What are you doing about a dress? The moh is like the female version of the best man and you can have as many bridesmaids, page boys as you like. They look good in photos and cute in there suits and dresses. You can have whatever cake you like.
I haven't even looked at a dress. I don't want to buy one. I'm not really feeling sentimental about it tbh. Which I guess might be worrying as I usually am sentimenal. (Like I cried when Oliver's first birthday cards got water damaged).

I want, no NEED, to loose weight first. Maybe that's why I'm so hesitant to look at dresses. I'm going to hire one from somewhere. Are they fairly cheap?
*Star* said:
I haven't even looked at a dress. I don't want to buy one. I'm not really feeling sentimental about it tbh. Which I guess might be worrying as I usually am sentimenal. (Like I cried when Oliver's first birthday cards got water damaged).

I want, no NEED, to loose weight first. Maybe that's why I'm so hesitant to look at dresses. I'm going to hire one from somewhere. Are they fairly cheap?

Im the same - im not having a full dress, i don't see the point. Its going to be July (and it WILL be nice weather :wink: ), i plan to have my two with me as much as i can, we are only having close family at the actual wedding, i don't want to have to change for the evening.

Im getting mine from www.sexyher.co.uk. im not even going for one from their wedding section. a made to measure dress for under £100 doesn't seem bad to me!

ive got from now until may to lose some of my baby weight, and sort my shape out. tbh i don;t expect to lose loads of weight, i just want to level it out a bit. Ive got huge legs and a big bum, and i need to make them smaller (lots of walking for me!!).

im not sure of costs of hiring one... however, have you thought about charity shops? i know lots of designers give oxfam old dresses :think: i think there is a bit on their website about 'shops' they have scattered over the country for wedding dresses....
Sarah&Braydon said:
wot kinda cake are u ladys having

we are having cupcakes that me and my best mate are going to make, then we are going to have a plan 1 tier sponge for the top just so we have something to cut. its going to cost us barely anything, we can decorate it how we like and we know for certain that there will be enough for everyone :D

im having a few problems with my maid of honour. when me and rob first got engaged i asked my closest friend at the time to be my maid of honour. problem is shes not very reliable, always late, and rather unsociable. we went out for my birthday yesterday and had pretty much everyone together and bonding, her and her husband (whos one of the ushers) made up an excuse not to come (which i know wasnt true). she is apparently jelous of my other mate, who i have become really close with in the past year. i really want her to be my maid of honour, especially as she is the one helping me with the plans at the mo. everytime i ask my current maid of honour to help its "im too busy", "i'm ill" or "you've got ages yet". what do i do? my best mate understands not being maid of honour (although i know she would have loved to be) and i have promoted her to "chief bridesmaid", which my MOH is also unhappy about.

Ahhh I MUST stop crashing this thread!! I cna't help it, i'm a wedding addict! Lol.

I had 2 MOH/chief bridesmaids... lol. I cheated because I didn't know who to ask but tbh neither of them were much use to me! Lol. I found my mum and older sister much better at helping with everything!

Susan - it's your day you have to make sure you are happy first and foremost (and Rob of course, lol). xxx
ooh good idea!
will have a look in some shops for them.

im thinking of not going for a wedding dress style. im quite liking the idea of a long purple dress.
Debecca had the most georgous long purple dress ever!

I have an appointment with a dressmaker on 3rd March to take a look at my dress and see what alterations can be made. I'm really worried that the bodice is gonna be too tight! Better to know now if it is so I can sell it on ebay and find a bigger one in time to get it altered.
I'm getting really worried about my dress. To the point I feel sick and was in tears last night. I think I need to start being realistic and accept that my dress is not gonna fit. Its gown size 14. Looking at online size charts it looks like I'm gonna need more like gown size 20!! (I'm about a 16 in high street sizes). Seeing as dresses are a lot easier to take in then let out I think it will be better to buy a tent and get it adjusted if by some miracle I can lose a couple of stone before the wedding.

My problem is money, I got my ex shop sample for £70 and it is a beautiful dress. I'm thinking now that its probably so cheap because not many woman are gown size 14 (probably a 10 or 12).
When I look on ebay at size 20 dresses they are obviously on demand so are going for around £200 on average which is out of my budget.

I've set my heart on having a big fairytale full on dress but its starting to seem I'm not gonna be able to afford it. I'm really pissed off at myself cos its the biggest day of my life and I'm my heaviest weight ever! :cry:

I wish I had loads of money so I could get lipo, then go to a proper bridal shop and get one properly made to measure :cry: :cry:
muppetmummy said:
I'm getting really worried about my dress. To the point I feel sick and was in tears last night. I think I need to start being realistic and accept that my dress is not gonna fit. Its gown size 14. Looking at online size charts it looks like I'm gonna need more like gown size 20!! (I'm about a 16 in high street sizes). Seeing as dresses are a lot easier to take in then let out I think it will be better to buy a tent and get it adjusted if by some miracle I can lose a couple of stone before the wedding.

My problem is money, I got my ex shop sample for £70 and it is a beautiful dress. I'm thinking now that its probably so cheap because not many woman are gown size 14 (probably a 10 or 12).
When I look on ebay at size 20 dresses they are obviously on demand so are going for around £200 on average which is out of my budget.

I've set my heart on having a big fairytale full on dress but its starting to seem I'm not gonna be able to afford it. I'm really p*ssed off at myself cos its the biggest day of my life and I'm my heaviest weight ever! :cry:

I wish I had loads of money so I could get lipo, then go to a proper bridal shop and get one properly made to measure :cry: :cry:

oh sweetheart! you could turn up in joggers and im sure you could still have the best day of your life!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

try and stay positive - you got one bargain, whats to say you don't get another one thats even better!! you may get more than £70 for your dress on ebay :wink:

i wish i had the answers, but im sorry i don't. have you looked at high street places? or buying a top and skirt separately?
MM i think your jumping the gun a bit here you don't know that its not going to fit. You have tried it on and can you do it up?
I can't even get the bodice over my shoulders!! :o :o :o

I have decided to buy a size 20 for around £100 on ebay (ex sample or 2nd hand), a dress that size will fit me now and I can get it taken in as I lose weight....no stress about having to lose a certain amount of stone in x months!

I will relist my first dress on ebay when I've found a suitable replacement. It is a beautiful dress and I would love to wear it but I think the amount of panels it would need would ruin the look of it.

In fact, I might take both dresses to the dress maker and find out what can be done, then sell on the surplus dress. I'm 98% sure that my original dress is gonna be a no no. Its bust size 38....I am 45 atm!!!!!!! :lol:

I feel calmer now I have devised a plan :D
There was a most beautiful ex shop sample on ebay this evening but it was only an 18. I was gutted as it was georgous and went for £90!, the bust was only 40 though....don't want two dresses I can't slim into to!

I hopefully have an ebay seller phoning me tomorrow, she's selling off loads of ex-shop samples from her bridal shop atm so she's gonna discuss what I'm after :pray:
OMG! Neill has ordered my dress and its perfect!! Its this one....

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0229944384

Its the same style as the one thats too small, but its NEW! Yay! And the measurements fit me perfectly now :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Thank you muppet daddy...I love you long time! :wink:

I'm gonna be busy listing stuff on ebay tomorrow to cover the cost. Will be selling my old dress :D
I sent out save the date cards 10 months in advance, and invitations just under 4 months in advance. I want to know numbers early so I can budget accordingly. Need to know how many are eating before I can work out how much cash we have for cake, decorations etc
OMG, look at my ticker! :shock:
I am actually shitting myself now! My head is a complete scramble.
I keep starting lists & then forget what im actually writing! I really need to calm down!
Im starting to get teary thinking about it all.

muppetmummy- I actually cried when I read your OH had bought you a new dress!!

That was a really random ramble, sorry! :lol:
Thats so sweet MM bless him thats so lovely :D

I told you it will work out in the end. :hug:
aww bhe :hug: :hug: :hug: Youre ticker seems to be flying now! how exciting! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I've won an exercise bike and treadmill on freecycle, Neill is gonna collect them today. No excuses not to get fit now!
My last exercise bike spent several years as a clothes horse before I got rid of it....I intend to use this one!...honest! :lol:
Bhe your wedding has come round quick.

MM the good old exercise bike i hope you use it :rotfl:

Have you girls been to any wedding faryes? There is a big one near me soon and i was thinking of going to have a look for photographers.

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