Right...ive officially had a titfull of wedding stuff today...well not so much the wedding itself but other bloody people.
My brother wanted to invite 6 of his mates,of whom i have never met,my mum said that wasnt fair of him etc and i explained to him we had already exceeded the 150 guests we originally thought and he seemed ok with this..now my mum has said she wants to invite 4 of her friends whom i dont know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I sort of feel bad because mum has helped out loads with the wedding,arranging stuff and paying for stuff but she knows we already have too many people as it is.What do i say????
Then the OH i have been waiting 2 weeks for him to write his invitations....he always has other stuff to do,ie watching telly and working out...im getting so tired of him as we need to get a final number of peeps attending.Feel like im turning into a nagging wife already.
Then there is the OH family....they are a little on the stuck up side,god only knows what they will make of all my family,they not impressed we having the do at a labour club for a start...well it was my preffered choice,its a good cheap venue and we have held numerous family do's there over the years.Oh has insisted we have crockery plates not paper ones and linen table clothes not paper ones because of what his family might think.
Why cant everyone just let us get on with it....everyone says ''its our day''....so let us have what we want for gods sake.
Rant over