~~~*Wedding Thread*~~~

We went to a wedding fayre last year in Sept :D It was good but we were thinking it might be more useful to us to go to a 2010 one so we can make the most of the offers they have there :D

We hadn't booked a venue when we went to it :lol: So couldn't really get anything else. There is one in march here and then Sept again.
Sarah&Braydon said:
awww hun so glad ur happy with ur dress :D

how far in advance is everyone sending out there invitations
coz fil to be is insisting i send out mine asap

according to all the wedding information that you can read in the back of wedding mags - invitations should be sent 2 months in advance :D I think we will send ours about 3 months as our wedding is in July :D
Yeah sounds fine to me :D You'll need to send them out soon!

The hotel we're getting married at want to know 4 weeks in advance - we have a meeting already booked :lol: then they want official numbers 2 weeks before. Your hotel sound very organsied!
I would aim between 2-6 months in advance of the wedding date. It depends if your wedding is on a Saturday or a weekday, have you got many people travelling to you as they will need more notice to book hotels and things.

Who did save the date cards? Im thinking as im getting married on a saturday there is not really any need.

Oh and one more thing what sort of entertainment are you all having.

The dj im having sings aswell so hopefully if i ask him nicely he might sing a few songs for us.

As we are having our wedding breakfast quite early in the day we will have a big gap between that and the disco, do we need to lay some entertainment on? I wouldn't want something that involved everyone sitting and watching as im sure everyone would like to talk to eachother a friend suggested getting a caricaturist artist to come and draw pictures for everyone. What do you ladies think? I will have to see how much money it is as i do have a budget to stick too. :rotfl:
I got save the date cards from vista print and sent them out 10 months before. We have a lot of people travelling from glasgow and england though so they might need to book a day off after the wedding (its on a sunday).

Entertainment wise we're probably just gonna play CDs, don't think the budget would stretch to a DJ. I'm not sure what you could do in the break, I've been to weddings before where people have just mingled, chatted and ate canapes while the bride and groom got photos done, the last one it was a good 3 hours inbetween, and it did drag tbh.
rahhh!! im so ticked off with vista print. :twisted:

I ordered our invites from them ages ago knowing that i would have lewis meaning less spare time, and to make the most of the cheaper 21 day delivery. Anyway, i checked the order online the other day realising its been over 21 days, and they said we should have received them by the 8th Feb!!!

Adam's contacted them, and they are sending replacements out within 7 days, but its cutting it blooming fine!! I really wanted them posted by now, but it had slipped my mind to chase them!! if they don't turn up in these 7 days we are stuffed, and im going have no choice but pay a fortune for some to be made quickly.
Thats so annoying Sam :( Hope you get them soon!

We are thinking of Save the Date cards as we are getting married at the beginning of the scottish summer holidays and the english schools will still be at school. Also our wedding is a sunday :D
poppy160 said:
OMG Bloom, where have you booked??

We booked Haldon Belvedere for the cermemony and Finlake for the reception. We are all going to stay in the holiday lodges so it should be really fun.
I hope you can get the invites sorted sam :hug: :hug:

I'm back to thinking about music now the dress is sorted. I am thinking I'd probably need 4 songs for my civil ceremony. I think I'm gonna go for pop songs that mean something rather than any arty farty classical stuff.
I'd probably need something playing while the guests are arriving and getting seated, something to walk down the aisle to, something to sign the register to, and something to walk out together to.

The venue are providing a piper but I think they just pipe all the guests into the meal after the photos. (I think they're hoping you'd pay extra to get the piper to play at the actual ceremony or something)

I've decided one of the songs is gonna be the instrumental version of DJ Sammys 'heaven' because it was a song OH used to sing to James when he was a baby. The lyrics are very fitting too and it sounds beautiful :) Just need to decide what I'm gonna use it for.

Another I've pretty much decided on is Wannadies- You and me song to walk out to.

I considered Stings 'Every breathe you take' because it was the song that was playing when Logan was born, but having studied the lyrics I don't think it's appropriate because its about a relationship ending :lol:

I'm off to google for some inspiration. OH has a couple songs for me, but they are both happy hardcore dance tracks so I don't think they would work! We could play them at the reception though, scare the oldies! :rotfl:

Also considering...
Sugarbabes- Too Lost In You
Embrace- Gravity
Snow patrol- chasing cars
Muse- Starlight
Truly madly deeply- Either savage garden or slow cascada cover
Just had a thought....you're not allowed any songs with religious references at civil weddings....would that include a song with the lyrics, 'we're in heaven'? :think:
How about Bryan Adams Heaven - since he wrote it ;) Its better than DJ Sammy imo.

Not sure on the word thing though for civil ceremonies. We haven't thought about music as we are having the piper pipe me up and us down then he's there for most of the day too :D
Bee said:
How about Bryan Adams Heaven - since he wrote it ;) Its better than DJ Sammy imo.

We're having the slow version sung by Do :)


I'm not having much luck getting OH involved with the choosing of the music. The only feedback I've had so far is that 'yu and me song' is 'cheesy' and he said 'what the hell is that' when I suggested 'nothing else matters' by Metallica. He's also said no to 'November rain' by Guns n roses.....though he won't actually make any suggestions about what he would like :wall:

I'd really like to get 'Sonne' by Rammstein in there somewhere as its one of my favourite songs. Thats never gonna happen, I think the fact its sung in german wuld put people off and I think the old people would get scared :lol: . Might be able to sneak it in at the reception though :wink:

ETA: I'm also making a list of all the songs we want played at the reception (I say we, Neill has yet to contribute!)...our favourite songs, songs that mean something but weren't suitable to the ceremony. Obviously we'll have to play a wide range of genres to cater for the different age groups. I think instead of having a dj we'll just make up cd's with our own playlist. I have already decided the last song is gonna be Greenday- time of your life :D
Picking music is just a pain in the bloody arse! My oh is the same, anything I suggest its no!!
He wanted a beatles song, dont know what one but I dont like them so its a definate no no!
My taste in music isnt really wedding appropriate.
I think for walking down the aisle im gonna have some sort of acoustic guitar song.
Just a case of looking through our cd's.
I really wanted the Cure, Lovesong but I know a few people on oh's side wont appreciate it.

Another thing thats bugging me is my mother! I bought cheap evening invites from tesco, there not the best things but there just gonna be chucked out once people have read them!
She looked horrified that I would be sending them to her friends.I bought a gold pen for writing in them but I think to bug her even more I will use a boring black pen for her ones! :rotfl:

I bloody hate planning this wedding. It isnt in any way enjoyable. Just stressful!! :x

Sorry, this has turned into a bit of a rant ladies! :oops:
bhe101 said:
Picking music is just a pain in the bloody arse! My oh is the same, anything I suggest its no!!
He wanted a beatles song, dont know what one but I dont like them so its a definate no no!
My taste in music isnt really wedding appropriate.
I think for walking down the aisle im gonna have some sort of acoustic guitar song.
Just a case of looking through our cd's.
I really wanted the Cure, Lovesong but I know a few people on oh's side wont appreciate it.

Another thing thats bugging me is my mother! I bought cheap evening invites from tesco, there not the best things but there just gonna be chucked out once people have read them!
She looked horrified that I would be sending them to her friends.I bought a gold pen for writing in them but I think to bug her even more I will use a boring black pen for her ones! :rotfl:

I bloody hate planning this wedding. It isnt in any way enjoyable. Just stressful!! :x

Sorry, this has turned into a bit of a rant ladies! :oops:

why not have more than one song.

i recently went to a wedding where they had three for their first dance ('s)!!!
Provisionally this is the music i want...just have to convince Neill! :lol:

First songs- Savage Garden- Truly Madly Deeply & Cascada- Everytime we touch (slow version)
My entrance- Do- Heaven
Signing the register- Embrace- Gravity (and Snow patrol-chasing cars if one songs not enough)
Exit- Wannadies- you and me song

I've emailed the registrar to ask how many songs are the norm and at what points.

Bhe- I'm sorry you're not enjoying the planning. Choosing the music is hard! I must have spent most of the afternoon and evening yesterday googling 'civil wedding ceremony music' and listening to songs on you tube.
I would tell your mum if she doesn't like the invites she's welcome to pay for some posh ones for you. I don't see the point on spending loads of money cos like you said they just end up in the bin! :hug: :hug:

ETA: I'm thinking about Sugarbabes: too lost in you for the first dance, I'm not sure what Neill would think about that though!
Our inviatations aren't costing too much :D Just have to make them :lol:

MM - I'll listen to that later :D I'm a Bryan Adams fan :D

We haven't sorted out music either for the 1st dance but we have a while yet

bhe - hope it gets better. Nearly there!
Thanks everyone, i feel like a right moany bitch! :oops:
Im not bothered about our first dance song. I suspect i'l be too pissed by then anyway!
I'm baaaaaaack...:cheer:

MM - so glad you have a dress you are happy with, muppetdaddy is a diamond. :D

:wave: to Star

bhe101 - I know what you mean about the planning. Right now I feel like I have LOADS to do and not enough time. Had a MAJOR stress over the seating as my mum WILL NOT sit next to my dad and tbh he aint keen on being near her either. :lol: But it is sorted now.

And music...aarrgghh. I have sorted music for the wedding - as it is a traditional chuch wedding I have traditional music. But all of me & Mike's 'songs' aren't really suitable for dancing to so we are trying to decide on the first dance but Mike keeps vetoing all my options. I am a bit of a Dr Hook fan ( :oops: ) and want 'if not you' or 'a little bit more' but he just sniggers at me. (Youtube them if you've not heard them :wink: )

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