~~~*Wedding Thread*~~~

I tried my net underskirt on for the first time this evening. I bought it from ebay several months ago but hadn't even opened it until now! OMG! it is huge!!!! I'm definately gonna have to get changed at the hotel cos I don't see how I'm gonna fit in a car! It has two hoops and loads of netting.
It was really exciting trying it on though, I felt like a little girl playing dressing up again, it made me feel like a princess :lol:

Its similar to this...

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Long-trail-Crinol ... 240%3A1318

I couldn't fold up the hoops afterwards though so it's now in a black bag in the bottom of my wardrobe taking up loads of space!

I 'tried' on my wedding dress (as best as I could as it's still a couple sizes too small....eek!!) The length of the skirt is freaking me out now as it totally dwarfed my huge undeskirt!! There is just sooooo much material, I just hope the length can be taken up ok!!

I'm getting stressed about my dress now because....I have sooo much weight to lose!...and it needs so many alterations made!......arghhhhh!

I wish I could afford to go into a wedding dress shop and get one custom made, but there's no way we can afford that.
ooh that underskirt is fab MM.

Aside from the your/you, how did you find the invites from vista? I really llike mine, several people have commented on them and I feel a bit smug about the fact that they didn't cost the earth. :lol:
Fab underskirt mm i love it :D

Im sure they won't have a problem taking it up.

You don't sound very happy about it though :think: this is the one day of your life you need to be 100% happy with what your wearing. Have you got a seamstress in mind, maybe you could go and see her and have a chat about what she thinks is the best option, and the time scales. This should put your mnd at rest about it. Im sure its a lovely dress and it will be fine i just don't want you getting nearer and nearer to the wedding and no dress sorted.
Becky.....The wedding invites looked fab apart from the spelling error which was our fault. It was only £25 for 50 with envelopes too! :dance:

Judy..I do love my dress, I just hope I can get it to fit. I think the fact its a seperate skirt and a lace up bodice will make it easier to alter. I posted another thread about it in off topic and a couple of the Aberdeen girls have recpmmended a good seamstress.
Originally I didn't think I would be able to afford a proper wedding dress, I was expecting to have something from the highstreet for around £100 :)

The thing holding me back at the moment is money. I'm keen to get things sorted but can't do anything at the moment because we don't have the funds. It's really frustrating wanting to sort things out but not being able to :wall: :wall:
I'm really annoyed about not having lost the weight already too. Back in June when we started planning the wedding I was really excited, I lost 17 pounds and was well on track for being a size 10-12. I was actually worried that my size 14 wedding dress would be too big.

Then I got ill and couldn't stop comfort eating, couldn't care less about the wedding and had to take tablets that made me really hungry and pile on even more weight! :o

I'm getting worried now cos I'm running out of time and I still look huge! I really don't want to be an overweight bride! :doh:
i got my save the date cards on saturday. so excited! 100 for £10. bargin!
i've also decided on my wedding shoes, as my dress is ivory and red (and i like being comfortable...and different) i've decided i'm going to wear.....*drum roll please*......RED CONVERSE!!!!! :D :D :D
Loving the choice of shoes Suzie. :D

Guess what ladies.

Ive booked my wedding at last :D

15 May 2010
I need a ticker now.
Yay Judy! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I'm glad you've got it booked :D

Suzie...Cool choice of footwear 8) You'll be glad of having trainers on come midnight. I'm really short so I'm gonna brave some heels. Not sure what styles yet. I was thinking maybe something with an ankle strap might be better :think:

I've got less than 4 months to go now :cheer:
Bloom said:
Loving the choice of shoes Suzie. :D

15 May 2010
I need a ticker now.

Thats the same day my friends getting married!!! good choice!! :cheer:
It seems only 3 people will be going from my side of the family, my mum, dad and brother! Fair enough, all my family live in the south of england and it means travelling to the north east of scotland, but I thought more than 3 people would make the effort! We'd better not have a bride and grooms side at the ceremony!
Im sorry about your family i would be upset too. I hope you don't let it ruin your day its there loss. I hope they change there mind but if not your still going to have a fab day.
I'm not too bothered. A lot of my family are embarrassing anyway! :lol: My parents will be there so thats the main thing.

All my plans have come to a halt for the minute. Have lots to buy but no money to buy it! :doh:
oh god!! so much to plan only 156 days till the big day!!

just a quicky whilst i think of it.... what with it almost being valenties day loads of places have bits and bobs in at the moment. We are planning to pop into tescos tomorrow to get loads of heart shapes tea light holders from tescos as decorations for the tables.... We are also going to keep an eye out for just after valentines day to see if they have any other bits in the sale :wink: card shops and the like may have the same thing...
Iv kept meaning to ask, whats everyone doing with their bubas?
Ellie will most likely want to stay for the night function but not sure about ava.
My mum keeps going on about it too so I said would you take her away at about 9 but she said no, she's there to enjoy herself.
I feel bad asking anyone to take her away but dont know what else I can do? :think:
mine will be with me :) There are LOADS of kids going to my do, so they won't be the only ones. and if its
anything like weddings my family tend to throw, you end up with a buggy and old fogey corner where the babies that have zonked out fall asleep in their buggies and the old people, who want to sit away from the 'noise', sit and watch over them (also, tends to be near the food and or bar in our family! :wink: ).

my dad is talking about treating us to a hotel stay as a wedding gift - not sure if it will be that night or not. But either way my mum and dad will help us out if we need them for overnight baby sitters (which reminds me, i mustn't forget to make sure Lewis can happily take a bottle / cup feed for then :wink: ).

why don't you play it by ear on the night. Is there a room where she can go? Get family to take turns to sit with her for a while? that way not one person misses out.

Oh, and i 'think', but ive not checked - vista print are doing an offer on printed postcards and over sized postcards at the moment... Ive already ordered my RSVP cards from there and used the postcard size, and im just waiting for my invites to be delivered at the moment (i payed full whack for them though, i knew i should have waited a few more weeks!).
Tally will be 1 when we get married and my Mum has agreed to look after her for the day for us, she'll just make sure she doesn't hurt herself, but TBH i'm prepared for her to want to be with us and even end up stood at the alter with us, but we've decided thats ok. We'll have a hotel room for the night and she will be with my parents again then. I'll let her stay as long as she can handle, but if she's tired someone will take her upstairs in the hotel to sleep.

I feel very productive today!! I've sorted all our wedding talks and the rehearsal, i've left messages about the flowers and the choir/organist, and i'm currently trying to figure out how to get my baptismal certificate sent down so we can actually marry in the church. And i've emailed the lady i want to do my bouquet.

OH has also booked the registry office so we can do the whole registering the wedding thing next Wednesday.

I also picked up my bridesmaid dresses last sunday, they need some fitting but i cant do it until really close to the wedding as my sister will be 11 so what fits her now probably wont in 5 months!
My parents will be looking after the kids the night before the wedding, on the actual day (apart from when they're being page boys) and for 5 days after the wedding whilst we're on honeymoon.
They live down in Devon and haven't seen them since last August so they are looking forward to the chance to spend some time with them.
My parents don't really drink and normally don't stay at partys very late anyway so I imagine they'll be taking the kids back to there holiday cottage by about 10pm.

I had a dream about the wedding last night, I dreamt there was one hour to go before the ceremony and I realised that my wedding dress hadn't been altered and I had nothing to wear! :o

Neill said he also dreamt about the wedding last night. He dreamt that I had printed out my vows but not his so he had to stop the ceremony while he downloaded them onto his laptop! :lol:
For my cake im hoping to have a 3 tier ivory cake with sugar roses cascading down one side. IYKWIM to match my colour scheme.

I have no idea what im doing with dd getting one set of parents to have her i suppose.
I don't know what we're doing cake wise yet. It depends on how much money we have really, which we should know once we have numbers confirmed next month.

It needs to be cheapish so top of the range for us would probably be a plain 2 tier cake from M&S that we would decorate with ribbon and a topper from ebay....if we're really short of cash it will be a £10 1 tier celeration cake from costco :lol:
I know our venue will let us borrow their cake stand and knife.

For her own wedding one of my friends wanted to get 2 caterpillar cakes from the supermarket and decorate one as a bride and the other as a groom, but her mum wouldn't let her and insisted on buying her an expensive traditional cake :lol:

I phoned a dressmaker this morning who was recommended by sarahH and a couple other girls. She said she's busy doing fittings this weekend but if I call her on monday she can make an appointment for me to take in my dress so she can have a look and she what alterations can be done and what the timescale would be.
Hey guys, can I join in?

Me and OH have had a few problems, but were going to work through them and continue with the plan of getting married in Sept.
I've always wanted to get married on my birthday, so it will be the 29th Sept, my 26th birthday when I'm getting married. But it does mean it's a Tuesday, not the 'traditional' Saturday. But considering I've already got 3 kids, I'm not really the traditional type!

We've booked the Church, it's our local one that we've been affiliated with ie school/guiding/church with ever since I was 4 years old.

Our reception will be here http://www.tinos-restaurant.co.uk/
. We love it here, has amazing Italian food. And the people who run it are just the best.

Now, we have pretty much decided to NOT have a wedding breakfast... If we did it would only be the bare few we would invite to it, and tbh as invites are usually to the ceremony/breakfast/reception, or just reception, we can't really ask people to go away for a few hours while we have the breakfast, then come back for the reception.

So we'll probably have an afternoon wedding, then go straight to the reception early evening, with buffet for tea.

Other than that - we haven't looked at anything else... Are we cutting it fine?! We haven't even thought about flowers, dresses, suits, erm, were going to ask a friend of mum's to do the photography. I don't want video - photo's will do fine! I want a hotel for the night of the wedding, and because Mark wont fly, were going to have a few days in Paris for a honeymoon, going over on the Eurostar.

Not sure how I will get to the church, and from the church to the reception. I'm having my two sisters (18 + 14) as bridesmaids, and my brother 9 as pageboy (is that what they are called?) Best man is Mark's best mate. Now I want my three involved as well. Benjamin will be 5, Oliver will be 2, and Amelia will have just turned 1. Amelia can be a flowergirl right? What about the boys, can they be pageboys too? What do they do? Are they just boy versions of bridesmaids? Do I need a maid of honor? What actually is one?! And a cake? Do I have to have a 3 tier cake? Can't I just have a sponge cake with icing?! We do have some invitations that were made for a collegue of Mark's wedding, but they cancelled, so she gave them to us instead lol. So we can probably use them.

Were going to have about 70 people to the wedding/reception.

Ugh, I have no idea where to go, what to do or anything. HELP!!!! What else have I missed out? I don't want all fancy stuff etc, I just want a nice, plain, wedding.

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