Views on alcohol while pregnant.

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Personally I won't have any,

because I like a bottle of wine , not a glass.

So instead of teasing myself , I'll just reside myself to the fact that I can't have any and when this baby turns 18 I'll become a raging alcoholic and blame my kiddies! :lol:

That last bit was a joke btw ;) xxx
I had a sip of wkd at new year for the bells and felt so guilty and sick to my stomach and still occasionally feel guilty so i just stick to juice and im at the pub at least twice a week it doesnt bother me i just love the atmosphere and getting to remind others of how bad they were lol
When I was at my parentcraft class today, the midwife was booking me in for antenatal classes and they start on 11th June which is my wedding anniversary and end on 2nd July which is my birthday.
I told the midwife this and she said 'well they finish at 9 so you'll still have time to go out after, and 1 glass of champagne is absolutely fine to have'

So I know its ok - but I still won't lol.
The smell of alcohol makes me feel sick atm anyway. Hubby is enjoying a vodka and coke in the sun as we speak - bleugh :-/ xx

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Just reading 'vodka and coke' makes me feel very sick when before I was fond of the vodka lol. Have to say I def don't miss hangovers (which I got even after a few drinks). Ill happily take my morning sickness over a hangover any day lol xxxx

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The thought of drinking alcohol makes me heave, I can just about manage a glass of Vimto x
I wouldn't feed my newborn a McDonalds, either, but I'm happy to eat them in pregnancy!!

I'm almost 13 weeks and haven't drank anything since finding out I was pregnant, but I wouldn't flinch at having a single (small) glass once or twice a month from Tri2 onwards??
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I wouldn't feed my newborn a McDonalds, either, but I'm happy to eat them in pregnancy!!

I'm almost 13 weeks and haven't drank anything since finding out I was pregnant, but I wouldn't flinch at having a single (small) glass once or twice a month from Tri2 onwards??

'Tis true in principle I guess but whilst I might let a 3 year old have a nibble on a few fries if they wanted I certainly wouldn't be letting a 3 year old have swig of white wine...

Therein lies the difference for me I guess? Alcohol is for consenting adults, fast food is an OK (very occasional) treat for kiddies.

I have no issue with anyone else's choices, just for me I am going to totally abstain...

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It's personal preference really...

The odd glass of wine is ok, but spirits like vodka should't be drunk while pregnant. Guiness or stout is meant to be ok because of the high iron content. My fried was told to have a glass now and then because she had low iron.

I personally havent had a drink since before I got pregnant and dont plan on, but I dont see the harm in the odd glass of wine.
I was prego last summer and loved becks blue non alcoholic beer I went thro loads it tastes like the real thing might be worth a go

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I wouldn't feed my newborn a McDonalds, either, but I'm happy to eat them in pregnancy!!

I'm almost 13 weeks and haven't drank anything since finding out I was pregnant, but I wouldn't flinch at having a single (small) glass once or twice a month from Tri2 onwards??

'Tis true in principle I guess but whilst I might let a 3 year old have a nibble on a few fries if they wanted I certainly wouldn't be letting a 3 year old have swig of white wine...

Therein lies the difference for me I guess? Alcohol is for consenting adults, fast food is an OK (very occasional) treat for kiddies.

I have no issue with anyone else's choices, just for me I am going to totally abstain...


My sentiments exactly!! :)

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I was prego last summer and loved becks blue non alcoholic beer I went thro loads it tastes like the real thing might be worth a go

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Have some coming with my shopping on Saturday :lol:

I hate all alcohol but alcohol filled sweeties :blush: I hate non alcohol beer too :blush:

Should I start counting the alcohol in my chocolate maybe :lol:
Personally i think women are scared to even hang the washing out nowadays because you can over stretch!

This is the excuse I give my husband!! :rotfl:

My oh doesn't even let me stretch up to put the electric in the meter or carry the (very small) dog lol. I really have been getting away with so much since being preg bless him lol :) xxxx

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I've been told by a family friend who's a nurse that whilst guinness does contain iron, you'd have to drink enough to get pissed before you gain a decent iron level.

As for me I havent drank anything alcoholic since I found out and don't plan to.
Alcohol is a poison. Why anyone would willingly poison their baby is beyond me.
I'm drinking water, that's all. I used to drink full fat coke every now and then (wouldn't dare touch the diet stuff for my own health let alone babies) but I knew that was no good for me, so this has been the perfect excuse to stop.
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Personally i think women are scared to even hang the washing out nowadays because you can over stretch!

This is the excuse I give my husband!! :rotfl:

My oh doesn't even let me stretch up to put the electric in the meter or carry the (very small) dog lol. I really have been getting away with so much since being preg bless him lol :) xxxx

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What a lovely chap you have there xx
I think it's a very personal choice, I know from the published science that they really don't know, but it's almost certain that small amounts of alcohol are safe occasionally. However gov't guidelines are still no alcohol because they don't want to give mixed messages or ones that are misinterpreted, like saying 1 unit once or twice a week is ok, and people saving their units for a binge! Often it's the binge that is the problem! I cut down massive since my mc last year ( I didn't drink in that pregnancy) partly so that people wouldn't question me abstaining when I did get pg. I don't want to drink at all this pregnancy, just because I personally don't want to take the risk. For the sake of the odd glass of wine for me it's not worth it.
I stuck to becks blue (alcohol free) last summer but treated myself to 1 glass of champagne at my wedding when I was 30 weeks. It was very expensive champagne and there was no chance I was getting left out!
I had a few Bass Shandys when pregnant last summer. They kind of make you feel like you're having a little drink, although I'm not a big drinker anyway tbh. Just fancied a shandy! xx

To the lady who mentioned cider. Not quite the same, but Asda do Cider ice lollies. I bought these too. They're really just fizzy apple flavour, but nice all the same!

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