Views on alcohol while pregnant.

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Personally I have avoided it whilst being pregnant, I never really drank before so it's not much of an issue.

What I find is that because I know I can;t have it I really want it lol, especially in this weather and the stress at work currently!!!!

Women did used to drink Guinness and red wine when pregnant, I believe it was because it has iron it or something along those lines.

If you cook red wine off you cook most of the alcohol off anyway :)

So in summary personal views it's a no for me :) xxx
With my first (born 2005) the guideline from the mw was no more than a couple of units a week. I probably had 2 or 3 glasses of wine during the whole pregnancy because I didn't really fancy it the majority of the time anyway.
This time around, the guideline is that no amount is 'safe' so I won't be touching a drop. However, with this restriction imposed, I feel like a want a glass of wine so much more than I did last time. Madness. :roll:
My dr told me it was ok to drink a glass of red ( ? ) wine once you're into tri-2, not that i plan to.

I have no desire to drink alcohol while pregnant, I wouldn't feed it to my baby once its born so I'm not gona feed it to my baby now!

I don't even miss it though.
We had a house party on Sat night and I was perfectly happy sipping on apple juice and rose schloer :) x

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I have no desire to drink alcohol while pregnant, I wouldn't feed it to my baby once its born so I'm not gona feed it to my baby now!

I don't even miss it though.
We had a house party on Sat night and I was perfectly happy sipping on apple juice and rose schloer :) x

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I think this makes it really clear to me.

I'd not mix a glass of wine in with my babies milk after bub arrives so why would I put it directly into their blood stream? :shock:

Am def going to invest in some alcohol free beers though, just for evenings like this :lol:

Before i found out i was pregnant i used to be a regular Saturday night party girl and for the first few weeks of actually being pregnant i'd been out on the lash. When i realised i was mortified but there was nothing i could do about it and luckily there hasn't appeared to be any harm done to baby. I think there are guidelines that say it's ok to have 1-2 units per week, but really why would you bother lol?

I've haven't touched booze throughout my pregnancy and i don't even miss it. I do miss the social side of nights out etc, but i still managed to do that for a little while before i got huuuuuge. Obviously binge drinking is a massive no no during pregnancy and i think there's nothing worse than seeing heavily pregnant women in a club drinking.
I used to drink copious amounts before finding out i was pregnant.
I have totally given it up but my doctor did say to have ONE at xmas and needless to say i didnt havent had one. I dont miss it at all xx
We were drunk when we conceived :) hell after 3 years of trying i'm not arguing lol..

Haven't touched anything since finding out though and after that night hadn't touched any at all .....
I got totally and completely wasted when I was about 3wks pregnant, but didn't know I was pregnant yet.

But at that stage, the placenta hasn't attached yet so it doesn't do any damage. That was in November and I haven't touched a drop since.

Carnat - I might invest in some of that alcohol free kopparberg. As u say, evenings like this call for it lol x

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Don't agree with touching any alcohol while pregnant.. It just isn't worth it..x
I went to a friends birthday party last night. There was alcohol there, and I was offered it, but I don't want to drink while I'm carrying Acey. Despite being 17 I rarely drink, have never taken any drugs or ever even had one puff of a ciggy. My body isn't just mine rn, I need to think of the little life inside me as well, which is why I didn't drink. And I hate cigs and drugs, but that's just my opinion x
I've had a few shandies since Xmas when I was 26 weeks pregnant. Like less than 5 probably.

I've not had anything stronger than that and wouldn't plan on it. I wouldn't have touched anything in tri 1 either.

It's obviously a very individual choice whether to or not and my opinion is that a very small amount very occasionally won't do any harm.
I've heard that about Guiness!

I didn't touch 1 drop of alcohol during my pregnancy. But before I fell pregnant I was a terrible binge drinker most weekends!

Each to their own I suppose. There are guidelines for pregnant woman on what they're allowed to have, so if you want to drink alcohol then just make sure you stick to it. I decided not to drink at all because I was never one for having the one drink - I always drank in excess! Not bragging or proud of it obviously, but that's just how I was (young and silly) :)
Just come into work and have read all of your posts, it's nice to know other people's opinions on it and some valid point have been made.

Like the one about you wouldn't feed baby alcohol mixed with milk, so why drink while pregnant.

Again, I also think it's each to their own, doctors wouldn't recommend it at all, or they wouldn't even say that 1 or 2 units a week is okay if it would really harm the baby, but I see how it would in a way as it goes into their blood stream!

Thanks for all your replies lovely ladies! :D
I personally don,t really drink at all, my mums an alcoholic and i hate seeing what its doing to her, she had a stillbirth coz of it, and my little brother has behavior issues. I don't feel like I,m missing anything. I,ve only been drunk twice and I hate the feeling so I won,t be doing it again. I just tend to have two vodka,s and coke or southern comfort,s and lemonade and even that's coz my oh asks me to, otherwise I,d stick to orange or coke. I don't think anyone should drink in pregnancy coz you just can't be certain it won't do anything.
I'm not a big drinker myself, and since I've been pregnant, the smell of alcohol makes me feel soooo sick!!
My mum was told to drink guiness occasionally because she was anaemic. I haven't touched alcohol since I found out I was pregnant but did have a bit of a wild one the weekend before I found out. Baby's ok though :). Growing normally (and far too quickly for my liking!). Seeing as my 21st is coming up though I may go crazy and have a white wine spritzer!! I think that'd be my limit though, only want the best for my bab :).

Make a pregnancy ticker
Personally if i venture out on meals etc i have half a guiness or a glass of red wine.

I limit myself to one or the other and only have a glas..

My mum drank guiness with me maybe 2 - 3 a week. Personally i think women are scared to even hang the washing out nowadays because you can over stretch!

But it's al down to personal preference really doesnt make any of us a bad mum to be!

I've had two small glasses of wine so far during my pregnancy, but haven't really been bothered about not drinking. Like someone said earlier in this thread - it's making a nice change not to drink. I've become obsessed with diet lemonade durning pregnancy (it's as bubble thing)!

However, it's my last day at work on Friday and a champagne breakfast has been organised (not for me, but for all of the company in general). They're giving me my send off at the same time. I've been wondering whether to have a glass of champers with orange juice. Was thinking that it would be nice to toast with everyone, but having read this thread I'm thinking maybe I should leave it.

I'd also read that 1-2 units a week was okay, but my MW advises not to drink at all. She said that some people are fine to drink a small amount and others not. But you can't tell whether you're the one that shouldn't until it's too late.
I've just ordered some non alcoholic Becks with my online shopping :lol:

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