It may just be too early beaut,
Woke up this morning with extremely sore bbs, feeling sick and also had a bit of nookie last night and cramped really bad afterwards, don't know what that's all about. Crazy I felt nothing yesterday
Fx'd for you Hun. I ovulated 4 days early this month I think but we bd until my actual ovulation date just to cover the fertile period. It's just going so slow this month
I'm also torturing myself, 2nd cycle TTC , used an OPK and had my surge on CD14. I'd dtd the evening before the surge and the afternoon of it and the days after. On CD17 now, usually 29 Day average. Had bloating, very tender breasts and woke in the night to a sharp pain in my LH side which spread to the middle and lasted an hour or so. I'm hoping these are good sign? Anyone got any advice?