TTW Torture!!!

I'm also torturing myself, 2nd cycle TTC , used an OPK and had my surge on CD14. I'd dtd the evening before the surge and the afternoon of it and the days after. On CD17 now, usually 29 Day average. Had bloating, very tender breasts and woke in the night to a sharp pain in my LH side which spread to the middle and lasted an hour or so. I'm hoping these are good sign? Anyone got any advice?

Welcome to the torture lounge! lol

If your surge was CD14, more then likely you ovulated CD15 although the sharp pain you explained sounds like it could have been ovulation to me? It can take up to 36hours from your surge I think? Do you temp to confirm your O?

Keely I hope Af stays away when are you due? I'm desperate for this to be our month got slight cramping today

AF is due on Tuesday if I have my standard 28 day cycle! I feel completely normal today, last night i was bit crampy and had that feeling you get with a UTI, needed to pee but couldn't but thats gone this morning.. so who knows!
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When are you going to test? I felt like I had a uti about a week ago aswell
I'm also torturing myself, 2nd cycle TTC , used an OPK and had my surge on CD14. I'd dtd the evening before the surge and the afternoon of it and the days after. On CD17 now, usually 29 Day average. Had bloating, very tender breasts and woke in the night to a sharp pain in my LH side which spread to the middle and lasted an hour or so. I'm hoping these are good sign? Anyone got any advice?

Sounds promising tho Hun, it's pure torture I haven't thought about anything else it's quite unhealthly
Just a bit of brown blood so far but I'm sure it's coming lol period pains are back!
:( Sorry Nikki, at least if it is AF you now know where your at and can concentrate on the next cycle.. xx
I tested today 10DPO and BFN but a lot of people get positives 10DPO, even if its just a faint line, good luck xx
I didn't get on one, gonna try to hold out at least till Monday. It's my wedding anniversary Wednesday so ideally would love to know for then
All I have are those internet cheapies.. BFN's! not sure how reliable they are but I'll only buy a clear blue or something if AF doesn't come! xx
I've just ordered me some from Amazon and a basal thermo just incase I need it for next month
Two more days and I'll be in my TWW! This month has been ridiculous waiting for ov, on CD21 and got my positive opk! Looking forward to joining you ladies :)

Welcome on board Hun, they tge gruelling TWW begin! lol I've hated this month it's dragged, I've symptom checked every minute of everyday just hope it's worth the wait for us all
I've hated this 2WW too, can't wait for it to be over one way or another! Sure I'm noticing a tinge of brown when wiping at the moment really hoping it's not AF come early! NOT going to stress about it, what will be will be x
Ohh Keely, I hope it isn't af hun!

Best of luck to everyone!

Nothing since hoping I'm just being paranoid - but have the typical AF belly ache today. GO AWAY YOU WITCH! lol :af::af:


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