TTW Torture!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2016
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Hey 👋🏽
This TTW is literally torturing me.. I'm symptom spotting like crazy, Ov early this month 10days after AF began
1dpo nothing
2dpo nothing
3dpo cream like cm, high med cervix sleepy
4dpo, really sore heavy breasts cream wet cm cervix is soft and high cervix is blending into my cervix walls, mood swings and tired also had watery eyes and sniffly nose
5dpo cramping on left hand side, achy breasts sore throat no watery eyes or sniffly nose cervix is high and soft but cm is extremely wet and cream like

I don't no if I'm imagining all this but I'm hoping this month is my month!
Anyone else on TTW? AF due 14 th August

Could do with a TTW buddy to keep me sane
I'm in my ttw I think I'm due Wednesday that will be 28 days however my cycles are so irregular it could be later. I did a test yesterday and got bfn but thinking it might of been too early. got sensitive nipples, bloated belly, feeling sick etc driving myself mad
I'm 5DPO today, AF due 9th August :)

Reallyyyy trying not to symptom spot BUT I've felt mildly sick and crampy every day since Ovulation, boobs have only just started to ache a little today so no major 'symptoms' as of yet but I don't think anything will show until after implantation, if it happens! :)

Try not to read too much into every little thing, you will drive yourself crazy! :)

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Thanks for your replies I'm driving myself round the bend at the minute, this wait is just the worst! Hopefully this is our month ��
Ahh baby dust to all ladies ... Af due 14th also , seems so far away, no systoms yet
Fingers crossed! Keep us up to date with your symptoms!

Did you ladies temp or do opks?

Yea I will do :) I did opks, I've never understood the temps x
Me too, this month I did temps too.. It's really good for confirming you've actually ovulated but now I'm in the 2ww it's just stressful not seeing your temps do what they're 'supposed' to do! I'm trying not to pay much attention to them though xx
Our bodies work in strange ways, everyone says something different so I think it's more of an individual thing and everyone's body reacts differently. I'm trying not to get hung on it all but it's so hard! My google is working overtime at th min x
I know, it is hard, I've banned myself from Google! lol
how long have you been TTC? xx
a little under a year �� i have pcos so it's been a struggle ive got 2 Boys already and it seemed so easy then, take it for granted! Baby no3 is proving more difficult how about u?
Ah I would love a boy - Baby no1 for me, it's only my second month so early days, as far as I know health wise there's nothing that should stop me conceiving but time will tell :) 6DPO tomorrow, another day down! lol xx
This will be baby 3 for me. I don't temp or opk it's too much pressure for me just waiting for it to happen. This is cycle 4. my belly looks like I'm about 4 months pregnant and I'm sure I can see a really faint line on a test but it might be my mind playing tricks going to do another test Wednesday I think x
Oh baby dust to u all, fingers crossed nikki86. Keelygracey did u notice much difference in your ovulation predictions between the opks and Temps , time wise? I only do the opk , is it worth doing Temps, I don't really understand them ha ha
Not really, last month I ovulated on CD17 according to the OPK's, this month I ovulated CD16, positive Opk CD15, big temp rise CD17 to confirm. I think there worth doing at least a couple of times just to confirm ovulation as a positive OPK doesn't mean you will actually ovulate. Like you trying for my first so just wanted to make sure I am ovulating and plus if I do end up having troubles TTC I will have them to show Doc so they can see if anythings not right! xx fingers crossed I won't need too though!!!
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Don't want to get my hopes up lol still no AF yet tho. good luck to everyone else :)

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