Ttc shit boat - long term ttcers

Hope the clomid works for you then and you don't need to go for IVF, a friend of mine had great results on clomid she got pregnant after 3 cycles on it an then fell pregnant naturally after her first birth, she has one girl and three boys now. Its a year waiting list here for ivf so I will prob be 35 by the time I get started on it, the main reason I am worried about age is that my mum had an early menopause at 37 so I'm afraid incase it runs in the family ( her mum died at 34 so we dont know when her menopause would have been). Fingers crossed the lap works an might even get pregnant before the ivf.
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Hi ladies

It's one go here too, and I've had it. I do get two frozen cycles though.

I'm really frustrated as I thought we had a good chance this month but nope, AF. I had spotting before it too which I'm particularly annoyed about. Feeling very irritable and achey right now although the cramps have yet to set in. I just want it over with. X
Sorry to hear about AF phonix. Two frozen cycles is good, I do get a frozen cycle if there were enough left over to freeze but only the one.

Donna, there is a waiting list here but not if you are already in the system as such if that makes sense. So I'm ok as we are already under consultant care. Are you signed up already?

I'm not feeling that positive this cycle, not sure why probably just as I'm fed up and don't want to get my hopes up again. CD 11 for me I think, might be only 10 actually I've lost count. Nothing on the opks yet.

Sugarpop how are you?
Hi Snowbee, how are you? I'm CD18 today and had a pink spot yesterday. No idea why?? I'm on metformin and my doctor seems to think it'll do the trick but we shall see. Past 2 cycles I've had pains on CD10. No idea what that it's either x
Been trying for over a year - just started a thread actually! Bloods fine, high progestrone levels and partners sperm is fine! Being referred to a gyno for more test etc i guess? im not sure what to expect! So glad to be apart of a group who knows how this all feels!! Anyone know what to expect?? its NHS so could be waiting up to 12 weeks!! :roll:
Hi kettle

They will probably refer you for a hsg which is used to check there are no blockages in your tubes, if they are ok I'm not sure what would happen after that x
Well I am now CD4 after having a 21 day cycle. Where did that come from?! I can't win can I? Ha
I know sugar isn't it weird. I had a random 23 day cycle last year totally out of the blue. It is so strange what the body can do.

I think I must have ovd last night as I had two days of positive opks (something I've never had before, usually my surge is really short) but I've not felt ov, which I would usually do. Today opk negative again so hopefully I ovd overnight. Desperate for this cycle to be the one, my husbands birthday is next month and I know this is the only present he really wants.

Everyone else ok?
We're not trying this cycle as we are having the scratch before the FET. I found this site which you may find useful though

My sister told my last Sunday that she's pregnant. She's 3 years younger so still finding that difficult to swallow. I'm happy for her and excited to be an auntie but just feel it should be us. She'd have got pregnant just after our IVF too.

I'm on quite a lot of supplements atm. My temp has been quite consistent until day (cd10) when it dropped. I also had EWCM so I'm hoping I have a nice natural ovulation in the next couple of days. Xx
It's my DH's birthday next month too but he won't get a baby as a present until at least April! I remember our first iui 3 years ago he said if it worked the baby would be born in the same month as him. And he asked if it worked did I want to continue privately. We had such hope back then!
Blueflower isn't it awful how the hope gradually goes with each cycle that passes. I think I only have a tiny bit left now that I'm clinging on to desperately!

I hope your oh gets his slightly belated birthday present.

My fingers are tightly crossed for this cycle, I think I'm 5 dpo so not too long to go before finding out. (Why can I not imagine that this will be a happy outcome?!) Please be the cycle it is all my oh wants and I feel so bad that all our problems are mine.
Don't blame yourself you didn't do it on purpose. :hugs: I blame my DH as he was the one who delayed us :(
My DH is still really optimistic but I don't have much faith in this FET working so I totally see what you mean! I will probably be like "oh, AF again - down to 4".

The good news is that they told us all of our embryos are "outstanding" and want to do some further tests at some point (maybe after the FET). Also, I ovulated on CD13 or 14 this cycle which is soooo much better than CD10! Just a shame we couldn't try because of the scratch, especially if it doesn't go ahead!!! Xx
Outstanding is great phonix, fingers crossed for you.

I'm 10dpo. I did a sneaky test this morning as I woke up and my nipples were killing me, bfn of course. I must still have a little hope (or is it desperation?!) otherwise I wouldn't bother testing.
Snowbee I feel the same. Ohs sperm is "very good" so it is all on me. I've got my fingers crossed for you!
13dpo and bfn. Pretty sure that means I'm out this cycle. Gutted.
Hey, hope all you fellow lttc's ladies are all okay, about time we all got off this boat i think!!!

Sorry you got a bfn snowbee :( sucks!!

I'm 9dpo today, although really not counting my chcikens this month. I dont track symptoms anymore as no point x
Ah no, I'm sorry Snowbee :-(

Had my scratch today ready for my FET. She told me I had high cholesterol in 2012 and was anaemic in November... wasn't aware of either! Apparently good iron levels can increase your chances of pregnancy by 60%. A deficiency affects your reproductive system in many ways, including implantation. So I'm hoping that was the issue and nothing more sinister! I've started taking a supplement anyway.

I was also told to put on weight. She said forget the diet and get fat. I'm conscious about my PCOS though and don't want to aggrevate it. I guess I will relax more and try to put on weight but still avoid refined sugars.
Ttc for 17 months tomorrow.

I'm currently about 4dpo so nothing exciting to report.

Sending lots of luck to all you ladies.

I hope we all disembark the shitboat soon!!


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