Ttc shit boat - long term ttcers

I have on average between 4 and 6 days of spotting and have had for at least 15 years. I think the combination of reflexology and acupuncture had reduced it to 3 days most months but since my miscarriage it's back up to 4-6 days. Also I've moved abroad so no longer having regular treatments.

I had a hystoscopy (sp? - not the one with flushing tubes, just a camera into my womb to have a look) to check there was nothing wrong and that was clear, had a huge fibroid removed and that didn't stop it, had 21 day bloods done once over a year ago and the result was 60.8 which is really good. Given my first pregnancy this summer was a blighted ovum that was discovered at about 5.5 weeks but I didn't miscarry until 8 weeks I've a feeling low progesterone isn't my problem. I think maybe for some people spotting is just one of those things but it is definitely worth getting the 21 day blood test to check your progesterone levels.

How long is your cycle on average and do you know when you ovulate? One thing that is supposed to help with spotting is high levels of B6 but you can overdose on that so be careful and do a bit of research. I think you also need to have equal amounts of b6 and b12. I normally take 50 of B6 although the first month I got pregnant I was taking 100 so as I'm typing this I'm wondering if that helped... I went back down to 50 after the miscarriage.
Hi Syd43 I am on one daily tab of b6 (100) and have been for a couple of months as well as Vit c but they say these things can take up to 3 months to work through your system so maybe that? I don't take b12 separately as she hasn't said to but perhaps I'll ask her about that when I see her. Maybe it's just a thing with some people like you say - this month it's been 4 days, scant but very very dark. Oh well, hopefully IVF will iron all that out! My cycle is pretty clockwork at usually 28/29 days and I usually ovulate (according to bbt charts and ovpk) mid cycle between days 14-18 so nothing out of the ordinary there. Ive had a hycosy but nothing else in terms of invasive investigation- they don't seem to want to bother just get me straight onto ivf! He said it was a waste of time having a laporoscopy so away we go it would seem! Last time I had a day 21 test was the month before my MC and it was at 30 which is ok but still not very high.
I thought I'd join in here... we've been NTNP for nearly 3 years, monitoring everything for 7 cycles, just started my 8th today. I'm constantly asking myself why this is such a hassle for us when so many ladies get pregnant just by looking at their partners with bedroom eyes. Just doesn't seem fair. I actually catch myself giving nasty looks to women with 3 - 4 children in the stores and all within about a year of each other. How does this happen? Maybe I stress too much about wanting to be pregnant. Who knows.


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