Spotting before AF, TTC and feeling fed up


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Hey ladies,

Hope you are well. I've not been on here for a while as Ive been trying to chill out about it all and take things easy but am feeling really down about it all at the moment.

I came off the pill after 16 years in Feb and am now going into month 8 of TTC. The thing is I spot at 10DPO every month so am sure I wont get PG as its not long enough for implantation.

I had my day 21 bloods done and doc said had normal ovulation (I thought the spotting was going to be low progesterone). Does anybody else spot and has anybody managed to get PG with the spotting??

Im starting to feel like its just never going to happen and cant really do much else until the year point of TTC.

Sorry for the rant xx
Hi LD,

I'm the same as you, I have quite short cycles between 26 & 28 days. And I spot for around 4 days before my AF arrives. I had the copper coil for about a year and a half (pill before that) which was removed in June and since then my spotting has started even earlier, at around 7-8 days before. I only started spotting when I had the coil put in, never before that and it's only since TTC and it getting worse, that I've been concerned about it.

I was worried about low progesterone levels too, so I'm having my 21 day bloods taken on Friday morning. I'll let you know how I get on and what the docs say. Sorry can't be much more help...x
I had this since MC in Feb, started taking vit b6 50mg in June in luteal phase of cycle and now luteal phase is a good 14 days and spotting stopped. It has taken a few cycles to get there though.
Thanks Fliss, I think I might try that...

Sending you lots of baby dust for a BFP soon.
Thanks ladies :) I took the vit b complex this cycle but made no difference. Am going to persevere though. Did you notice any difference after the first month?

I wonder if anyone has managed to get a bfp with spotting x

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