Ttc shit boat - long term ttcers

Hi Jazz, welcome to the thread, I hope your stay is a short one and that you get your bfp very soon. I totally agree with you about the bmi, I had more regular cycles when I was more overweight than now when I'm lighter, strange isn't it and very frustrating that noone is willing to believe it is anything other than weight related. I'm currently on clomid and it has made me put on a bit of weight, which is annoying as I'm now over the IVF limit so back on the diet.

Thanks for the welcome and good wishes re the stay. Have you finished your Clomid try's now then? If you've got to your goal ivf weight before I'm sure you will do it again 😃 FX you might not need to as something might happen in the baby space before then? Baby dust x

I'm on clomid cycle 4, I've got 6 in total. I would ideally like to try with clomid a while longer but I don't know if my consultant will agree. Obviously I would rather this cycle works and I don't need anything else!
Hi ladies.... old and new :lol: i hope everyoine is okay and still hanging in there!

so found out yesterday that my neice is pregnant again!!! Her LO will be 1 next week! It was a surprise apparantly....:roll: ffs EVERYONE is getting pregnant, its really bloody depressing :( and to top it off she's due in October (Oct was my due date and her LO was born April which was my fisrt due date) Ouch!

We seriously need some Lttc's BFP's!!!
Oh pants Stace that sucks doesn't it. You just wish some of that luck was shared.

We haven't had a ltttc bfp for ages, hopefully we are due a big run of positives...

I'm 11dpo today. I did test and bfn, no surprise. I'm not really sure why I tested although I did have some pains over the weekend that I was hoping could be implantation. I was quite hopeful this cycle as I had an idea I may have released an egg from each side so have a slightly better chance. Fingers crossed...
Fingers crossed Snowbee!!! We do need a BFP. Some of us have been here for way way wAy too long!
Oh pants Stace that sucks doesn't it. You just wish some of that luck was shared.

We haven't had a ltttc bfp for ages, hopefully we are due a big run of positives...

I'm 11dpo today. I did test and bfn, no surprise. I'm not really sure why I tested although I did have some pains over the weekend that I was hoping could be implantation. I was quite hopeful this cycle as I had an idea I may have released an egg from each side so have a slightly better chance. Fingers crossed...

It really sucks, having a crap day today just thinking now it will never happen, worrying about age etc.... ugh I need to give myself a good slap and a talking to lol.

ooh Fingers crossed for you snowbee!!! we need a whole spate of BFP's. I'm 11dpo today, had my usual 'symptoms' but dont take any stock in them as its the same each month. Af due anytime from Sunday I think so will just wait and see
Well 12dpo and Ovia said I could test today, my temp has shot up, so I did and bfn. I just feel like doing a lot of swearing and stamping around and now I'm cross with myself for firstly testing early and secondly for getting my hopes up.
Well 12dpo and Ovia said I could test today, my temp has shot up, so I did and bfn. I just feel like doing a lot of swearing and stamping around and now I'm cross with myself for firstly testing early and secondly for getting my hopes up.

It's still early my love x
I know I know lol. Didn't bother testing today, my temp has dropped a bit and my boobs are a tiny bit sore. I'm going to wait it out now, should know by the end of the weekend, fingers crossed.

How is everyone else doing?
My af is due monday or tuesday so I'm just waiting now. Have our second ivf appointment in belfast on thursday so will be good to get the ball rolling on that I suppose, just a shame it hasnt happened naturally for us. Suppose at least we are all in the same boat on here.
I know I know lol. Didn't bother testing today, my temp has dropped a bit and my boobs are a tiny bit sore. I'm going to wait it out now, should know by the end of the weekend, fingers crossed.

How is everyone else doing?

Are you testing today????! I'm CD13 today. Ordered clear blue ovulation sticks. Will do them from cd18 until around CD30. My last few cycles have been around 34 days so hopefully I will catch ovulation. Also going to have a blood test every week from CD20 until AF in the hope of catching it. My doctor thinks I ovulate but I don't know. I want to feel reassured I am. In my head there's got to be a reason why we're not pregnant yet. I always have swimmers to work with so there's got to be a reason!
No, my temp has dropped right down so don't think it is worth wasting a test. Poopers.

Hope you can track down that egg!
I'm onto my 5th clomid cycle now. Today I've managed to get metformin as well, so lets see if that makes any difference.

How is everyone?
All good here snowbee... well hanging in there anyway! CD8 today, missed out on my last chance for a 2016 baby :( so onto 2017 now!!! *SIGH* Lets hope we have an abundance of 2017 babes :dance:
I think I ovulated 8 days ago so possibly 8DPO with a BFN this morning :(
I'm CD8 today.

Got some opks arriving in the post in the next couple of days.

This cycle as well as my usual pregnacare conception vits, I'm taking royal jelly and Maca. Hubby has begrudgingly agreed to take them too! I'm also making an effort to drink more water. I never usually drink it other than what's in my coffee and the odd glass of squash.

Hopefully it'll all make a difference!

Sugar 8 dpo is still very early, fingers crossed for you.

I'm CD10 (or maybe 11 I've lost count). Will start opks at the weekend although I've not been oving until CD18 on clomid.

Emily I hope your opks arrive in time :) My oh moans about taking his one vitamin and I'm taking a load, men.

Stace good to see you, you are right we are due a bumper crop of 2017 babies.
I think they'll be delivered today, which is good as I'll need to start them today!

I'm CD10 and I have had a positive on CD11 before so definitely want to get started with them!

I'm doing well with taking the supplements and drinking the water which I'm hoping is going to help with my cm.

Dtd last night and entering into my fertile week this week so will be getting down to business!

Good luck my lovelies!!

Hello! CD11 for me and not tested for OV yet, eek! Considering I usually ovulate around CD12-14 I should get cracking lol. I actually put it off as was worried it would be positive and not gonna be able to dtd until tonight, nothign worse than getting a positive opk and not being able to BD :(

FX for everyone for this month!!! x
I have been feeling doubtful about my donor cycle for a couple of days, hope I feel positive again soon. This is what long term TTC is like:

You get BFNs/AF arrives
You go to appointments, have treatment
It takes all your energy
You see pregnant women and babies everywhere
You try to get on with your life, nurture your relationship
Your friends get pregnant, have babies
You try to be happy for them
You are the only one without children
Some younger friends have several in the time you're been trying
They don't understand
You try not to cry
You think of all the good things in your life
You go home and cry
You go to bed
Then you get up in the morning and do it all over again
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