Ttc shit boat - long term ttcers

My doctor says it's my PCOS however my normal Cycles had gone to around 6 weeks. When it settles like that and then something happens it's ridiculous. This was the year it should have happened because Mark is home 24/7. Instead, I spent over 3 months on one cycle. In the past I've had 6 weeks of bleeding but all settled down till that horrendous cycle.
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As one of the original long term ttcers on this thread i just want to say chin up lasies and dont give up hope. Ttc for 3years and now have a.gorgeous happy 5month old boy. Miracles do happy ��
Even 6 weeks is a long cycle length though. Mine is short (24 days) but I used to have the excessive bleeding too. It's just ridiculous. You would think after so many years we would have got pregnant but nope! I read PCOS makes your eggs bad quality when you do ov though, so you are less likely to conceive and if you do, more likely to miscarry.

Can't explain my failed IVF last month!

So, I usually ovulate on CD10 and it's now CD9. Last few cycles I've actually had EWCM but right now it could be any point in my cycle. I have no CM and no sign of ov. I hope my CM isn't disappearing again xx
How is everyone? Did I see some bfps and some ladies trying to make it ashore?

I've got a lovely positive opk today and some ovary pains so hopefully that is my little egg away on it's journey.
Fingers crossed for you snowbee. This was your clomid cycle wasnt it? :) xx
Yes clomid cycle 1. Would be amazing if it does the trick, I'm trying not to be too excited as I don't want to be devastated if it doesn't work. Pleased I've responded though, at least we get 6 attempts and don't need to mess about changing the dose.

How are you millie? How is the sickness?
Aww that's great you have 6 attemps and I will keep everything crossed for you that you get your rainbow this cycle :D

I'm good thanks, I am starting to feel more excited by the day, I think because I know I know the reason know and we are doing something productive to keep baby sticky. There's defo quite a big chance it wont work out but I soooo hope it does!! My sickness is pretty bad , steroids make me sick anyway so mixed with the preg sickness starting and I'm being sick a lot. Got two diff types of tablets as need to keep the steroids down. But if it works out its sooo worth it xxx
Happy New Year Ladies!
No one has posted in a little while... I hope you are all doing okay!

I'm finally back off to the hospital tomorrow to speak to the consultant about the results of my HSG and the Internal Scan.
Of course I'm hoping they've found something they can put right. :(

I had a Colposcopy in Dec too and they found out I have HPV but I don't know any more on that yet as still waiting for results.
The biopsy they took made me bleed for 10 days! Then after that I had 2 days off from bleeding before AF decided to appear on boxing day. :(
Apparently it can't affect TTC but I haven't had a good feeling about it... Eating plenty of Veg and got some extra Zinc pills and hoping it buggers off!
I'm even deeper in the shitboat after my terrible cgh results! Hopefully I'll be out soon!
Blimey cant believe this 'Boat' is still afloat!!!! Glad to see a few people have managed to get off ans stay off anyway lol. Hopefully there will be a few more of us this year, think its about time....
I hate this boat. At the moment I want to single handedly sink the thing so deep!!
Hello fellow boaters.

How is everyone doing?

I'm feeling pretty crap. Not sure why but feeling down and like it is never going to happen. Then I have a turn around and start being optimistic and browsing cute baby stuff. I need to get a grip! I can't decide if buying something might cheer me up and give me something to look forward to. Has anyone else bought any baby stuff? I'm not talking anything big, just a baby grow or something. I'm so dumb I don't even know what sort of things babies are supposed to wear! I don't believe in jinxing anything but I'm scared that I'll get something and never get a chance to use it. Or on the flip side I then think well if I get the excitement of buying something now then great, as I may never get a chance to shop when pregnant. My brain is in meltdown!
I feel the same Snowbee. I have days where I think it will never happen and others where I feel it could.

I used to enter competitions a lot and I won a voucher for a really nice baby clothes website. I was ttc at the time and I liked what I ordered, so thought I'd keep the clothes.

This was a few years ago now and I still have them in my wardrobe. I hope I get the chance to use them but I have thought maybe they are jinxing things. I don't believe in anything like that, but I just can't help thinking it. I daren't buy anything though!

I'm still hoping it happens this year. X
Hopefully this will be the year you get to use them :)

2016 just has to be a good year for all of us boaters surely.
Hey snowbee, I have bought a couple of 'little' things in the past ( a blanket and a pair of scratch mitts) this was on the reccomendation of Marissa Peer whose book I read (Trying to get pregnant...and succeding), I dont necessarily believe in jinxing stuff but I alwso wouldn't buy anymore. Its so hard keeping the faith when you have been trying as long as we have, you just have to keep going really. Gets harder for me as well as I am getting to the stage when I think am i really too old now :( ugh depressing! Just get me off this damn boat already lol
How old are you stace? I've seen loads of tales of older mums, both first time and subsequent, so it must happen for some. I'm knocking on now too, 35 this year, I always thought I would have 2 or 3 children and now I'm fretting that one isn't possible. I can safely say we will not be bothering with birth control measures ever again. What a totally pointless waste of time and money that has been for us over the years. My oh is depressed that he is nearly 40 and still childless. I just wish we had met sooner (although I have always had pco, so the outcome might not have been any different anyway!).

I've seen a super cute baby grow, it is in the sales so I may go wild and get it and hope that there will be a baby to fill it before too long.
Urgh. Another pregnancy announcement. This one is a mistake and they didn't really want a baby but seeing as it has happened then they suppose they will have to live with it... Why can't we catch a break! We actually want one.

Just to pee me off further my facebook feed is ram packed full of this 'Motherhood' challenge.

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