Ttc shit boat - long term ttcers

Urgh. Another pregnancy announcement. This one is a mistake and they didn't really want a baby but seeing as it has happened then they suppose they will have to live with it... Why can't we catch a break! We actually want one.

Just to pee me off further my facebook feed is ram packed full of this 'Motherhood' challenge.

The announcements are so hard!

I've struggled with the FB motherhood challenge today so I've avoided it!
I hate that bloody thing!

I hate FB right now actually. I block updates from people who are pregnant or have just had a baby...
Ugh! I've got to have an xray with dye to have my tubes tested which means I have to miss a whole cycle off ttc! How ironic that a fertility scan means you can't ttc. I'm not going to do it next cycle as I need to prepare myself mentally for that. I think I'll do the one after that x
MissJuliet I had that a couple of years ago. Mine fell before ov. We were told not to dtd at all until I had the procedure done (not even with contraception, otherwise they wouldn't do it) but after I had it we were told we could start again right away. As I ovd after the procedure we tried that cycle so didn't have to miss one. What CD are you having yours?
MissJuliet I had that a couple of years ago. Mine fell before ov. We were told not to dtd at all until I had the procedure done (not even with contraception, otherwise they wouldn't do it) but after I had it we were told we could start again right away. As I ovd after the procedure we tried that cycle so didn't have to miss one. What CD are you having yours?

Thank you so much for that info. I have no idea what CD I'll have it done on aa my periods are irregular. I need to phone them up and tell them this x
I'm pretty sure it has to be done between certain days. I also have irregular periods and I had to have a bleed induced so I could have it done on the correct day.
Does anyone else have a problem with imagining things working out in the end? I just can't see us with a baby. I don't know if I am blocking it from my mind to protect myself in some way if it never happens. I can imagine getting a BFP but I can't convert it to a baby at the end.
I'm so used to it failing that I can't imagine it. But then I also can't imagine being childless forever.

I got this message today:
[FONT=&quot]'What you are struggling with the most right now is in its winter season. Spring will come soon enough. What brings you most happiness is in its summer season. Fall will come soon enough. Live wise in this understanding.'[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thought it was interesting. Not sure about ‘What brings you most happiness is in its summer season’ though, can’t think what is giving me more happiness than having a family![/FONT]
I also can't imagine being childless but I can't seem to imagine it actually happening either. Weird.

Fingers crossed for you summer season of happiness!

I think my second clomid cycle is also a fail. CD14 today and bfn. Poopers.
I really struggled to imagine myself pregnant. I could see myself as a mum and doing mummy things but I just really struggled to see myself pregnant. Then I had a dream where I was pregnant so I realised it must just have been the way I was thinking. I've been optimistic since then - that it will happen, somehow, at some point. X
When I did the Marisa Peer method I could see myself pregnant. I will try it again when we do the DE cycle in the spring.
Do you have a date for your cycle Blueflower? I hope this is the one for you and I have my fingers crossed.

I'm feeling down. On top of everything all my friends seem to have vanished. I've messaged several of my long term friends since Christmas and not heard back from a single one. I've been out a couple of times with a couple of 'newer' friends but I don't feel we know each other well enough to confide in this sort of thing (and one of them is pregnant and I don't want to make things awkward). Ho hum.
We are starting the practice cycle on day 1 which is imminent! That will involve the pill, oestrogen and hopefully just one scan. Then the main cycle is scheduled to start at the end of March with the donor's egg collection in the middle of April!

Oh no Snowbee, do you think its because they feel awkward? We have friends with children who haven't been in touch as they don't want to upset us. I also got a text from a friend about her son's Birthday party, they know we love their children but as there would be lots of other kids there (& we'd be the only childless ones) they have give us the option to attend any bits of it we want or to see them separately. Not everyone is as thoughtful!
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Hope it all goes well :)

I don't think it is that as I've only told one of them. I was debating telling one of the others but I'm torn as to which to tell. I don't think I'll bother now anyway. I just can't decide if I would rather have someone to talk with about it in real life, if that makes sense! We have always had long ish breaks between meet ups and correspondence but this time I know they have read the messages but just not replied, which seems odd. I think I'll leave it for now and see if I can decide on a 'newer' friend to chat with.
I feel exactly the same girls. I can imagine us with a baby, always imagined that. The bit I can't imagine is me being pregnant. I don't know whether that's me shutting that bit out of that's a deeper feeling of knowing it might not happen that way.
I find it hard to imagine myself pregnant as my mum was never pregnant (my sister & I are adopted) but my sister has been twice, it did look weird but there's no reason it shouldn't happen to me. I think you're right that we block it out to protect ourselves. :preg:
Hiya Ladies :wave:

This seems like a thread for me, been ttc with my partner for nearly 4 years with no joy and before him with a previous partner for 3 years and nada then also.. Currently on the waiting list for ivf, here in Northern Ireland we only get one free shot at ivf which kinda sucks.

I'm still trying to conceive naturally in the meantime and have recently started to eat healthier and exercise more so here's to staying positive :)
Hiya Donna and welcome to the boat. We also only get one IVF on the NHS, we are currently trying clomid and I'm going to push for longer on it first before going to our one IVF chance. Have you had any fertility issues diagnosed? Have you been offered any other treatment first?
Hiya Snowbee, I pushed for a laparoscopy as think I have endo because my af pains be so excrutiating, I will be getting that done soon an hopefully they get a good look at whats going on in ther, my doc said getting the lap done a few months before ivf should give the ivf the best possible chance as he can scrape off any scar tissue from endo first if he finds it, I was on menupur injections an trigger shots a couple of years ago for a while but they didnt agree with me, never been on clomid I think my progesterone levels are fine, Im 34 now so would like to get a move on with the IVF an fingers crossed it works, how long are you giving yourself on the clomid?
I'm also 34, 35 this year. Gosh isn't that depressing. I'm currently on cycle 3, I've been given enough for 6 cycles. I feel I would like to have another 6 cycles afterwards as that would be 12 chances and with 'normal' people that would be enough chances for 90% to be pregnant by the end. That would mean I would be about 3 months over 35 at the end so would still be able to start IVF before being much over 35 provided there isn't too long a wait (which I am led to believe that there isn't any wait currently). I've actually put on 4kg on the clomid, I was warned it could happen so I want to get that off and make sure no more goes on now. My consultant seemed to think clomid would work for us, he said I was an ideal candidate for it and that he had high hopes so I'm desperately hoping he is right and that 6 cycles will be enough!

I don't have any experience with endo, but I have heard success stories after scar tissue being removed, so I hope that is the case for you :)

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