Ttc shit boat - long term ttcers

Yes its usually same sex female couples or single women as they wouldn't have fertility issues but just need sperm! Thankfully there is a high percentage of both in my area! If no joy we could try the London hospital we just had the CGH at as they have a much higher volume of clients there. Its much more multi cultural but there must be women going there with similar characteristics to me as I am just White British with brown hair and blue eyes and medium height and build! Easy!
Is it worth phoning up to see what their waiting list and criteria are like? Your clinic just seems so strict!

Ours say you can choose to donate if you have too many, and doesn't mention anything about infertility (although you do have to complete a health questionnaire). I won't have enough but I'm sure many others will and will be happy to donate - therefore, I can't really see the waiting list as being too long. Coventry is a multicultural area as well but TBH most of the couples I've seen are white. X
I really wanted to donate eggs but don't think my AFC was high enough and they wouldn't let me with the m/c probs I don't think or at least until all the probs have been figured out xxx
How is everyone on the boat?

I'm now 8 weeks since mc (well on Friday), still no sign of AF so today I've picked up my drugs to get a cycle induced so we can start on cycle 1 of clomid. Hurry up AF lol.
Aww glad you'll be able to do something productive snowbee and fingers crossed the Clomid works well for you :). Xxx
I woke up with cramps this morning and had to cancel acupuncture. They lasted 30 mins to an hour. Really hoping it was implantation xx
That does sound good!
I will ask about ovum donation at the Lister when we go for our appointment. I might email the Agora first to remind them we are still on the list!
Fingers crossed Phonix!

Hope they have good news for you Blueflower.

How are you doing millie?

I'm feeling a bit better today, still very bitter about everything and wondering why we can't catch a break. My gp told me today she thought I was coming in to tell her I was pregnant, I bloody wish!
Awww I feel the same snowbee! It is hard not to feel bitter isn't it! Xx
It is so hard not to feel bitter about it all! It's not fair that some ladies can get and stay pregnant so easily, but it's virtually impossible for some of us.

How are you all?

I was supposed to be going to the Christmas party tonight but decided not to go. I was only back in work yesterday and these past two days have exhausted me. I wouldn't be able to drink, dance or eat pudding anyway so it wouldn't be any fun! I'll just have a nice quiet evening in. X
No pudding?! Sorry you're too knackered to dance too. I don't really like going out if I can't drink, it would be fine if I had a bun in the oven but not drinking for IVF that doesn't even work is soul destroying.
No pudding?! Sorry you're too knackered to dance too. I don't really like going out if I can't drink, it would be fine if I had a bun in the oven but not drinking for IVF that doesn't even work is soul destroying.

Yeah, I'm meant to be avoiding sugar and not doing anything strenuous after my little stint into the hospital last week. They said take it easy and rest... I think it's a bit early to be dancing.

I have to be careful what I drink anyway because I used to go out drinking every week and have a seizure the next day. My main trigger is tiredness but there does seem to be a link with alcohol too. So because of that, I'm used to being the sober one.

If I've done all this and my IVF doesn't even work then I will be devastated - I'd be devastated anyway, but particularly pissed off because I changed my life so much for something that didn't end up happening. That happened with each IUI cycle and I wasn't even particularly looking forward to our holiday as I was hoping I may get pregnant instead! Obviously it didn't happen...

But it will happen in the end, somehow, for both of us. X

Well, my IVF didn't work so I'm on a couple of months' break before my FET. Currently taking it easy, doing and eating whatever I like! Mwahaha!

I'm ok about it now but was obviously upset at first and started Googling like crazy. I want my consultant's appointment here nownownow so we can discuss reasons for failure, possible next steps and any further tests etc. I have sooo many questions to ask.

This is our first month trying naturally on metformin anyway, so I can say that. Trying not to obsess too much though as I need to chill out a little and start focussing on Christmas.

How is everyone else? Xx
I'm just into my tww.

Didn't get the ov pains I usually do, so hoping I did still ov and it was just painless this time.

Didn't get much bd in at the right time either so feeling pretty deflated about this cycle.

I'm putting away the opks for next cycle and just going to enjoy Christmas and not stress over ttc.

Hope everybody else is doing ok?

Sugar how are you? Long time no see.

Phonix fingers crossed the met does it for you.

Emily good luck!

I've now gone 66 days without oving after mc and finally my induced bleed has arrived. Onwards and upwards hey, starting clomid tomorrow.

Hope we can all move off this stupid boat and onto the September(?) due dates instead!
66 days! Oh my goodness, such a long time! Glad your bleed has finally arrived, you can look forward to ov now.

Yeah, September babies - new school year! Xx
My last cycle lasted 115 days ladies. Went to the doctors for my smear. She ordered a blood test for everything and then found the diabetes. Funnily enough 3 days later AF turned up. She stayed for 2 weeks but no more heavy than normal. God knows what was going on in there!!
I blame the PCOS for things like that. I've bled for a month before! Hopefully the metformin settles things down a bit and you get your BFP xxx

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