Ttc shit boat - long term ttcers

Is it your first ultrasound? If so they will most likely do an external scan of both your uterus and kidneys, then an internal to get a better look at your ovaries. All the scans I've had they have asked me not to ask questions etc while it is being done, then some they have chatted about it at the end and showed me a couple of pictures, others I've had to wait for the results.
They can still do it if you have AF.

The worst bit for me was having to have a full bladder, then I had to wait over an hour after my appointment time I was in agony. The internal was great as you need an empty bladder for that!
I'd ask them hun. I know with my internal ones they said it was ok to have it at the end but they didn't want to do it during the main part. Xx
Yes it's my first a
transabdominal ultrasound apparently.

Ok so I might have answers after. If not I have to wait til Jan :(
Hopefully it's ok then, I might not even have AF til Monday who knows with my body lol.

Thank you ladies :D
Need to have a little bit of a vent so excuse me lol.

My Ultrasound was today at 4pm and the letter definitely said transabdominal and not transvaginal but you know what they did? Transvaginal.
They asked if it was ok before they went and did it but more of a heads up would have been nice!

I was prepared for the transabdominal and was feeling very uncomfy as I really needed to pee! They were even running late and I couldn't sit down in the waiting area because it was making the need to pee even worse and I was feeling so sick.

No explanation as to why they needed to do internal. Just said they had to.
The 2 ladies who saw me weren't overly friendly either I guess they just wanted to get home or don't like working weekends.

No results either. All they really said was Uterus is tilted (knew that already) and my ovaries were low?

Now to wait til January for further explanation of results. :(

On CD28 so lucky for them AF hadn't arrived yet lol.
Glad to be home now, phew.
So I'm now day three of month 13.

I'm not doing very well emotionally, after my mc and I've got a ridiculous amount of stress at work too.

I'm planning on just chilling out this month and ntnp, but we'll see- best laid plans and all that!

It's such a rollercoaster ladies! You will get through it. X

Millie - I can't believe they did that! I have had a really grumpy nurse a couple of times (same one). The others are lovely. First time she didn't really want to do my scan when consultant asked (it only took five mins and nobody was waiting!) Turns out she was nurse in charge :-/ xxx
Hi millie, I don't know why they didn't tell you, both scans are always done for a closer look for investigations so you would think it would be standard on the letter. The worst bit for me was the full bladder, mine was running over an hour late and they never told me otherwise I would have had a wee and drank more once there! It isn't long until Jan.
They only did the one, the internal scan :/
before they went and did it I told them they would have to wait for me to go and pee so I then kept them waiting lol.

It was a shame I didn't get a nicer nurse and it wasn't meant to be uncomfortable but it was!
She had to put the probe thing at all angles to get a good enough look.
Luckily it didn't take too long.

and Ughh I'm on CD29 now which is about average for me (although my last 2 cycles were only 27 days) but I'm feeling like hell! All morning I've been going round the house trying to find out where the smell of sick was coming from, found nothing and now I can't smell it any more lol.
My body is a tease and is playing tricks on me I think!
You don't actually need to be bursting for the loo. If you need to go when you get there you can go and then quickly drink 2 or 3 cups of water. I used to think if I wasn't bursting they couldn't do it so its a relief to know.

Its so bad when staff aren't helpful, we're going through enough without extra stress.
Can I join you ladies?
I've been trying since November 2011. We fell pregnant just as we were giving up earlier this summer but unfortunately I went into premature labour and gave birth to a little boy at 14+3 days, on September 30th.

I'm desperate not to lose a month so as soon as I felt able we started again. I'm currently POAS every day as I calculated I should be due around 31st October. The lack of BFP's I've given myself a deadline of the 11th November which is 6 weeks before I visit docs.

PP xXx
xMillie- sorry to hear you had a bad time ! It's horrible being poked and prodded at the best of times but it does make such a difference if you're dealt with by someone with no interpersonal skills ! Hopefully the next 'professionals' that see you actually have a bedside manner !

PrincessPeanut- so sorry to hear about your loss, you will find so much support here, everyone is lovely.

I need a mini-rant- I've been waiting a month for referral paperwork to come through, only to be left a voicemail from the consultant saying I need more blood tests before I can be referred- surely this would have been known before they said "yes we will discharge you and refer you"?. Aaarrgghhh !!!
Hello long termers, how is everyone at the moment?

I've been browsing baby clothes today, I really don't know why as I can't decide if it makes me feel good or bad. Anyone else browse baby stuff? We also have a list of names, although it isn't very long as we really don't seem to like many and those we like individually we can't seem to agree on ha. At least ttc this long has given us plenty of time to see if we really do like a name or if it is just a bit of a fad!
I've got a list of names on the go already too!

Just started my opks yesterday. Had lots of cm so hopefully won't be long until ov.

Feeling up and down still but generally ok at the moment.

Hey Snowbee ! I'm a bit better , just got myself a new job so I have something to look forward to and focus on- good distraction ! I generally don't browse baby items as it does make me worse but there is a selection of names we have in mind !
My first cycle after MC and literally DTD EVERY day has not worked and AF showed up last night so I'm feeling very very depressed today. I'm absolutely at my wits end its going to take another 4 yrs for another BFP. I nearly asked the husband if we should make an appointment for the fertility clinic again as we rang up to confirm pregnancy a few months ago when our next appointment came through to cancel it but I want to go back and check everything's still ok and we're still good to go..... I feel stupid so didn't bring it up but if we get nothing by January I'm determined we need to go back

PP xXx

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