Do it Snowbee! Ha my Bleeding stopped so not even on CD1 yet. I'm getting rather impatient! If I induce bleeding myself can I still use clomid on cd2? I know it can't be too far away but it's driving me insane!
Gah having one of those days. The girl in my office that's just had a baby has brought the little one in, very cute but not sure where to look! Stupid body of mine! Feeling meh now! Should say i am very happy for her but just feeling crappy now! Sorry for the moan ladies! Hope you're all OK x
Gah having one of those days. The girl in my office that's just had a baby has brought the little one in, very cute but not sure where to look! Stupid body of mine! Feeling meh now! Should say i am very happy for her but just feeling crappy now!
Hey! I stopped in here and read your post... I just wanted to say that I understand how you're feeling and I know it's had. My manager brought in his baby and everyone held her but me and I was getting upset because I wanted to but I didn't want to seem too excited.... silly right?
So I was handing her a toy and she reached out for me to hold her.
It was the sweetest thing. Hang in there dear, its hard but its gonna be okay and youll get through this
Just been to my GP to try and get something to start me bleeding and ended up breaking down in the car. The locum wouldn't give me anything and basically said it doesn't exist.
Sugar I replied on your other thread, they are an idiot.
Katie that sort of thing is so hard when they are there holding what you want so much, keeping your emotions in check can be difficult. I'm lucky I don't work with anyone who will be popping babies out (they are all men, one retirement age, one with adult children and my husband) so that does make things easier.
It definitely does exist!!! I was given it even though I have regular periods lol!!!
Katie - it's cute when they bring babies in but it does feel a bit like they're rubbing your face in it - "oh look what I can make and you cant" yeah thanks... There's a girl at my work pregnant now (conceived first month) so I've got to watch the bump grow as well...
Well I dreamt I gave birth to a baby girl last night on the same day as my sister had a baby boy! And then I dreamt I was pregnant... oh dear! Slightly obsessed?! Think I need to take my mind off things for a bit. I'll be shocked if either is true as I've not even ovulated yet and my sister is due in 3 weeks! Hahahaaaa xx
I got my positive opk this morning and when I wiped had loads of ewcm. I looked at the tissue and actually said out loud, 'oooh that's looking lovely!' Now that's a sure sign you've been ttc for too long!Lol!!
I rarely have dreams where I'm heavily pregnant but do have dreams where I get a very blatant BFP. I must be so obsessed with just getting pregnant I can't see anything that happens after that BFP lol
Haha phonix imagine how amazing if you are one of these people who doesn't know they are pregnant and you do pop out a baby on the same day as your sister. Or maybe it is a preview of your sisters next baby?!
I have similar dreams sugar, just about the bfp. I have occasionally had a dream about being pregnant but more often it is the bfp. I think Syd must be right about the hormones.
Emily I did the same this cycle! I'm now 3dpo and my nipples are killing me. Most unusual as it normally takes longer for them to be sore after ov and this started at 1dpo and has got worse. Hopefully a good sign a juicy egg or two did make it out.
So I think I'm losing my I shared before, I had extreme pms symptoms this why did my period only last 2 days? I still have it so I guess we can say 2.5. days , but my point is its almost over. For the amount of cramping I had and extremely sore boobs, I expected to have a normal if not heavy AF.
It's way less than normal but more than spotting. I had sharp pain under my ribs after the first day too.
Plus I'm still sitting here thinking what if I'm pregnant?
I know if I have my period, I'm most likely not pregnant. BUT why do I keep thinking it????
thanks for the messages back girls! i had to watch the bump grow too and she caught on first try..... made me feel old and shes only 5 years younger than me! Sadly i work in an office full of women so there is always talk of kids, babies etc etc i just sit there with a coffee and try to blend into the wall.... ah the joys!
on the dream front i've had a few too i had the most realistic dream where i had a lovely perfect bump . . . . was a shame when i woke up.... was grumpy the whole day haha gota love TTC
Office full of women here too, mixed ages! Pregnant girl is much younger than me (6 or 7 years). Whenever anything like that happens, they start talking about who will be next and my name was mentioned! I had to say blatantly that I can't have children just to shut them up (it worked lol). Nobody has ever actually said that to me and I feel optimistic but they don't need to know that. If my bump is as small as my sister's, I could get away with nobody knowing until I'm 6 months gone and then I'd say it's just a bloody miracle and before they know it I'm off on mat leave! (Keep dreaming lol)
I've seen lots of pregnant ladies dream they got a BFP but I've never dreamt that!
Snowbee - oh my goodness, I really don't know what I'd do if that actually happened haha. I'd be so unprepared. DH's cousin is a midwife and she's seen it happen to a couple of girls! They were both young (as in 16) and is sure one knew but was in total denial about it all. They just turned up at A&E with bad tummy aches... then out pops a baby! How scary for them xx
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