Ttc shit boat - long term ttcers

I'm so sorry Emily :-(

My acupuncture is £45 and the initial consultation is more (£60 I think). I've looked into reflexology and it is cheaper.
I pay £40 for reflexology, although there is a lady nearer to me who does it for £35.00 but I wanted someone who specialises in fertility (basically who has had experience treating women who are TTC) the lady I have said she has a high success rate with TTC ladies so heres hoping!

Hope everyone is well x
We've been referred for recurrent miscarriage testing.

Referral should go through for eight weeks time.

We've decided to stop ttc until after we've got the results of our tests or the consultant gives us the go ahead.

The lady we saw at the hospital yesterday said that's it's more than likely that they won't find anything wrong, but I'd rather get the tests done otherwise I'd just wondering if there was something going on.

Well girls. I had a faint line on a FRER on Sunday, then Tuesday. Then on Tuesday I dtd and started to bleed. Did another hat day and it had a faint line again. Then did a random cheap test today and nothing. BLAH.
ohhh Sugar that could be promising, which cheap test did you use? The FRER would usually be far more accurate, do you have some pics?
I do have pics but can't upload them from my phone. I'm now still very very light brown. Currently on holiday so going to wait till next week till I get home. My appetite hasn't returned yet. Not sure if it was dodgy tests (despite them
Being in different boxes) or what but not holding any hope up now! May buy another box of FRER when I get back on Monday.
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How is everyone doing?

Emily I hope testing gives you some answers. The testing I had (I've only had some of the tests not all yet) showed I had some antibodies that increases the chance of mc and there is currently no treatment so I just have to accept an increased risk. What with that and pcos that also increases risk my chances of keeping a pregnancy are crap. I'm almost dreading the rest of the tests and what they will show.

Sugar hope you are ok, I've got my fingers crossed for you.

Phonix how are you doing? Did you and your oh work out a plan of action? I've not been on much recently so may have missed where you are at.

I'm CD18 and I've just got a positive opk. The best positive I've ever ever had so I'm really hoping that means a nice juicy egg (or two, would complain about twins!) is getting ready to pop. This is my last chance to get pregnant where I would have a due date before my husbands 40th, so that would just be amazing if I could do this for him.
Hi girls, I haven't posted on here before I don't think? My names Ann and we are on month 22 of TTC with no joy. We have to wait until next Feb before we can be referred for tests. It's going to be a long wait! We've started to accept a life without children but it's still very painful and I so hope we may have children on the cards either biological or adopted but unfortunately with my current health we would be unable to go through the adoption process so I am trying to address this as much as I can.

I already know quite a few of you so I hope it's ok to join in :) xxx
Ann, I think we are in a similar situation (although I have way more hope for you!).

I'm getting ready to go to the implantation clinic for further tests so I've had to use opks this cycle. I was meant to use a barrier method of contraception as there's a small chance of mc should I be pregnant, but as we've been trying so long and not got anywhere then that is a chance I'm prepared to take.

I had a temp dip today and a positive opk plus aches. I'm only on cd12 which I'm a little disappointed about. Not sure if I'm going back to my old short cycles or if it's the soy isoflavones? If it gets me preg then I won't complain lol, just feel it's unlikely.

I've started telling people I've come to terms with it now. X
How is everyone doing?

Emily I hope testing gives you some answers. The testing I had (I've only had some of the tests not all yet) showed I had some antibodies that increases the chance of mc and there is currently no treatment so I just have to accept an increased risk. What with that and pcos that also increases risk my chances of keeping a pregnancy are crap. I'm almost dreading the rest of the tests and what they will show.

Sugar hope you are ok, I've got my fingers crossed for you.

Phonix how are you doing? Did you and your oh work out a plan of action? I've not been on much recently so may have missed where you are at.

I'm CD18 and I've just got a positive opk. The best positive I've ever ever had so I'm really hoping that means a nice juicy egg (or two, would complain about twins!) is getting ready to pop. This is my last chance to get pregnant where I would have a due date before my husbands 40th, so that would just be amazing if I could do this for him.

Fingers crossed for your juicy egg!! I still don't know. I've not bled heavily, just very lightly. I have had indents on lines before but never so convincing, and I had 3 FRER lines which I've never had one after the other before. Going to test on Tuesday or Wednesday when I am home from holidays x
We'll definitely a BFN now. Did a CB and it was negative. Whether I was pregnant or not I'm definitely not now!
So sorry Sugarpop :hug:

Well, my referral to the recurrent miscarriage clinic has come through.

It's on 3rd August.

Seems like an age away!

We are stopping ttc until after we get the results of the testing. We'll we are going to use the withdrawal method so I guess it could still happen but is much less likely.

Hope all you ladies are ok?

So sorry Sugarpop :hug:

Well, my referral to the recurrent miscarriage clinic has come through.

It's on 3rd August.

Seems like an age away!

We are stopping ttc until after we get the results of the testing. We'll we are going to use the withdrawal method so I guess it could still happen but is much less likely.

Hope all you ladies are ok?


Mines on the 4th July, i wasnt meant to be trying until after, but I ahh i couldn't not :( xx
Mine was originally on 27th July but I had to rebook it as I'm away at an agility competition that week.

I was really in two minds about whether to stop trying or not. I don't think they'll find anything wrong but, on the off chance they do, if we had lost another one before getting the tests etc, then I would feel so guilty. I'd be so angry with myself for not waiting and for putting everyone through it all again.

That being said, it was my idea just to use the withdrawal method and I know full well that although it's less likely, I could still fall pregnant that way. I kind of feel like if I do get pregnant using the withdrawal method then it's meant to be, you know?

How is everyone on the boat today?

My last cycle of clomid is nearly over, I'm due af today or tomorrow. Stressing a bit. I've obviously tested already (no will power at all) and I've had the faintest ever line, so so faint it is a real squinter. Now it has dried it is even lighter, in fact if I looked now and hadn't seen it as it first was I would say negative for sure, it would certainly not show on a picture. I've now run out of frer so I've got to wait until AF arrives or more tests arrive next week. Surely if it were to be good news it would be an obvious line this close to my period? I know for sure when I ovd so it isn't like that could have happened later than I thought. When is the latest it is possible to implant? I do have very low hcg so it does take a long time to rise to a detectable level, but last time I had a much better line at 13dpo. Don't know what to think just need to wait it out and hope for the best. I've had cramps on and off all week, including today. Yesterday my boobs started to get very slightly sore (normal for me before af). I've also come out in spots, way more than is normal. Other than that I'm knackered but I have been really busy so could easily be that.
I'm on day 4 of flashing smileys on my OPK. Don't think it's ever going to turn solid!
I'm out. Either been a duff box of frers or it was a chemical. Gutted and not sure what we will do now our cycles of clomid are over.

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