Ttc shit boat - long term ttcers

Emily, ooh good luck with the testing. Snowbee, think we could all be crew members lol.
I know a few people who have adopted, sounds like a great idea.

I am still hoping for a mass exodus from this boat, and then we can set it alight!!!!
Haha at setting the boat alight! That would be great.

Phonix I saw a different consultant and he agreed to three more clomid cycles and then three cycles of letrozole before ivf. I'm just not ready for ivf yet, we only get one attempt on the nhs and it all seems so final as it is going to be a struggle to afford further cycles for us if the nhs cycle doesn't work. I'm also concerned we have a mc problem and really don't want the ivf cycle to work and then mc if the problem hasn't been resolved.

I don't think adoption is for us. I know a couple who have adopted (twice) but they had birth children first. I also know someone who was adopted. Both those have gone really well but I've heard hundreds of horror stories too. If we could have a baby and not have to tell them or keep in touch with a birth family or siblings then it may be different but right now it isn't for us. I also would really really want a genetic combination of my oh and me. That may be a bit of a dream but I can't just forget it.
I totally get what you're saying snowbee but just so that you know, adopted children don't have to keep in touch with parents or siblings. There's sometimes letterbox contact, literally writing a letter once a year, and that all goes through social services. Occasionally there may be sibling contact but it depends on the circumstances. Two little ones that I used to foster have been adopted separately and there's no sibling contact with each other or other siblings, nor with parents. There are babies out there but it would take longer. Totally understand the genetic thing.

I'll be in the tww today or tomorrow, not holding out much hope as only dtd once.

Staces, keep us posted on how the acupuncture goes, exciting!

Snowbee, if you end up having ivf, fingers crossed that won't be necessary, There are a lot of studies out there that show having acupuncture during IVF greatly increases the chances.
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I know that isn't always the case but I am also aware that if you state you don't wish to take on a child that has to have contact that you get lower priority over other adopters if they agree to take you on at all. Certainly in this area anyway, I know you can adopt outside your area but that brings its own issues. I know of someone in this area who wished to adopt who was adopted herself and she was declined on the basis that she had no wish to find her own birth parents and they thought that she would encourage and children she adopted to have the same attitude! All that aside though it is something we have discussed and we don't want someone elses child, we want our own and we want to experience a baby and we want me to have carried it. Selfish I know but why do people only try to force adoption on infertile people?! Why don't they say to everyone oh there is always adoption before they start popping out their own children. I just don't get it. Would we rather be childless or adopt? Who knows that is a bridge we will have to cross at a later date.
CD41. Temp plummeted this morning. Expecting AF to show at any point.
It's not selfish at all Snowbee, it's completely understandable. Sorry about the temperature plummet.
Thanks Syd, acupuncture lady emailed me yesterday and is calling me this afternoon!!! I am actually quite excited about this, she sounded nice in her email and told me I wasn't a hopeless case lol (only cause I thought i might be) Good luck on the TWW, both times I got pregnant I only dtd twice I think, only takes one swimmer ;) x

Looks like today is CD1, have some brown bleeding......that means I have had a 24 day cycle!?!?! which is worrying... This cycle has been so weird, I sware I have some hormone imbalance.
CD1 for me too now stace. Oh well maybe this next one will be the one!
Anyone up for a bit of fun? I've been wandering the other boards and found a guessing game going on in tri three. So basically I've stolen it and we have to guess when we will get our babies. The only rules are you have to be positive and give yourself a date and you have to give an answer, so no hedging your bets or saying happy either way! Here are the questions and my guesses - I'm going to be super positive and hope it helps and comes true, bit like the old psychic reading thread but without spending any cash!

1. Girl or Boy? -- I'm going to have twins and it will be one of each
2. Delivery weight -- 4lb6 and 4lb1
3. Date of birth -- 22 May 2017
4. First letter of first name -- Z and G?! No idea what they stand for but why not.
5. Time of birth -- 3.05am and 3.39am
6. Natural or c section -- natural?! lets be optimistic.
7. Induced? -- yes
8. Length of labour -- I really am clueless on this sort of thing but I'm going to guess it has taken me ages to get pregnant and that it will take ages to get them out so 36 hours.
9. First visitor (non partner) -- I suspect the outlaws
10. Hair or bald? -- bald
1. Girl or Boy? -- Girl
2. Delivery weight -- 5lbs6oz
3. Date of birth -- 27th June 2017
4. First letter of first name -- I or S
5. Time of birth -- 10.18pm
6. Natural or c section -- Natural
7. Induced? -- Probably
8. Length of labour -- 2 days
9. First visitor (non partner) -- My nan
10. Hair or bald? -- bald for sure
Snowbee - I can totally understand the adoption thing. How ridiculous for them declining your friend on the basis she didn't want to look for her birth mum. Surely that shows she was happy with her upbringing?! I'm worried about stuff like that but mostly about DH's conviction - I posted on an adoption board and they basically confirmed we wouldn't stand a chance.


1. Girl
2. 8lb 2
3. 3 November 2017
4. L (no idea what it stands for)
5. 16:22
6. C-section
7. No as C-section
8. C-section planned but if natural 28 hours
9. My parents
10. Hair
I'm liking the guesses ladies :) When we are right we can set up a new business selling predictions to others haha.
So after dtd yesterday, what I thought was AF started. It was red. This morning there is barely anything there. Do I count it as CD2 still? Considering trying soy AGAIN
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No Sugarpop, wait until it starts properly honey.

Have you done a test just to rule it out? (I say that as I don't want to give false hope and I know what it's like on this boat!)
No Sugarpop, wait until it starts properly honey.

Have you done a test just to rule it out? (I say that as I don't want to give false hope and I know what it's like on this boat!)

Did a FRER at the start of the week & then a clear blue 25miu on Thursday. Considering getting some more FRER just incase. I'm so frustrated!
And to top it off I am unbelievably bloated. I have 2 weeks to lose weight and For whatever reason I have bloated up and am all swollen ��
Hmm odd. My cycles are quite light but go on for a few days so if I waited for 'full flow' I would from that point of view never have a bleed. I would also be tempted to do a test just to check that isn't the reason. Hopefully it is!

I'm CD2 and I'm supposed to be taking clomid 2-6 but as my af didn't start until quite late on yesterday I'm going to leave it until day 3-7 instead. I did the same on my last clomid cycle and had a chemical so that might be working better for me? Who knows probably just a coincidence.
Snowbee, my clinic say that if you start after midday to count the next day as cd1 - so what you're doing makes sense! And yes, you must be doing something right if you had a chemical.

Sugarpop - so nearly a week ago? I'd test again just to make sure! Has it carried on light or stopped completely? Xx

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