Ttc shit boat - long term ttcers

That's so true, in my work we have loads of young girls having babies for the wrong reasons and older women having more babies to replace the ones removed, its so sad. And then lots of female staff still single, not met the right man yet or too busy caring about their clients to have a social life. It was hard to come back to work after failed ivf and discover another unwanted baby had been conceived.
I do Admin support for a team of Social Workers dealing with young people leaving Care and Care leavers. We also have teams working with children from 0-18 who are being taken into Care or in Care. Most of them do a brilliant job in difficult circumstances. They help the young people leave care with qualifications, a job, somewhere safe to live and access to support. We have some great foster carers too!
Awww. I'd so happily take any of those babies too! And I know babies are pretty much impossible to get.

I'm not sure what our next steps are right now. I have got to wait for one more period before going to the implantation clinic. That might she'd some light on things but I'm impatient. X
Oh wow Blueflower, you see everything then! I work full time so I only do respite and emergency care, I'll never forget my very first child - a 3 yr old emergency case arriving at my door at 2am on Christmas Eve with two social workers. I remember thinking then, how do they do this? How do they confront these situations on a regular basis and hold it together? Everyone in Children's Services just sees so many horrible things. My support worker is fantastic.

Phonixgirl, it's really not impossible to get a baby. Friends of mine, a gay couple, adopted a beautiful 8 month old a while ago.

Good luck with the clinic, I'm also very impatient, hopeless at waiting!
Thank you Syd! I honestly thought it was pretty much impossible to get a baby but maybe not. We could foster with a view to adopt as well. Xx
Yes, fostering with a view to adopt seems to be happening more and more which is great x
How is everyone on this crappy old boat...think I#m getting seasick :oooo: I am 10DPO already, seems to have flown by, nothing else to report though. Am shattered today but nothing new for me, didn't go to sleep to gone 11.30 last night! Must start getting an early night....
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Morning. I'm about 2 days away from ov, I find this part of the cycle far more stressful than the tww, never know if we're going to dtd enough for a variety of reasons :(
Morning. I'm about 2 days away from ov, I find this part of the cycle far more stressful than the tww, never know if we're going to dtd enough for a variety of reasons :(

Yep same here!! Leading up to OV always more stressful for me for same sort of reasons, TWW tends to fly by (Mostly) plus I dont really track my symptoms anymore...not much point they are always pretty much the same each month :wall2:
I completely agree. First couple of months I was symptom spotting like crazy, I've come to realise there is absolutely no point!
I'm 7dpo today and nothing exciting to report.

It's my birthday tomorrow so would be a lovely prezzie get a bfp!!

Nearly onto month 19 trying for our second.

Well after nearly 5 years I am finally off this Shitboat! I hope I stay off it!
I really hope none of you have to wait as long as I did. Sending lots of positive thoughts. :dust:
I'm so happy you managed to get off this sodding boat Blueflower, hopefully a few of us will be following you!

FX for a Birthday BFP Emily x

11DPO for me, nothing to report here either! I will be starting reflexology next cyle
I'm soooo happy you managed to jump ship, Blueflower! Unfortunately I've already been here well over 5 years :-(

FX for a birthday BFP, Emily xx
Oh no, well I hope it takes less IVF attempts then. 3rd time lucky! :dust:
Morning all, I'm sooooooooooooo tired today and feel really out of sorts :( CD2 for me, have my usual aches in my lower back ugh. Another month on this crappy old boat!!!!
I hope it's the last month Stace xx

I'm waiting to ov. Been having ewcm. Xxx
Hi phonix and stace how are you both getting on?

I'm CD1. Onto my final clomid cycle then that is it. Gutted isn't even close to how I'm feeling today. :(
I'm sorry snowbee :(

I think I'm going to be cd1 today or tomorrow. I haven't been trying as long as you, only a year, now have to have surgery to remove a large fibroid so can't try again until end August. That will literally be my last couple of months trying due to my age, don't know how to get my head around it.

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