You're married already aren't you? Any family it could be? If it's any consolation, lots of our predictions have been completely wrong, so there's every chance that your end of 2015 prediction could be wrong and it'll happen sooner for you. How do you feel now you've got your readings? Have you replied to her? Maybe her response/explanation will help somehow? Stay positive sweet pea.
Something really weird happened to me today. (CD35). I was driving behind a car with a personalised reg that ended in "ASK". So I thought, what the heck - I'm alone in the car, no-one will know - so I asked out loud "Am I pregnant?" and started looking for a sign... the next three cars I drove behind all had NO in the reg!! It was so freaky. I then saw 2 cars that had FLO in their reg and another one that had AF. It's been playing on my mind all evening.
Needless to say, I tested as soon as I got home and it was indeed a BFN (15dpo). Can't say I'm surprised.
I'm feeling really positive about taking a break from ttc now. I think it's going to be a Jan 2015 bfp for us... X