TTC roll

Cycle 11 for moi now!! But got my fx I won't hit the 12month Mark!!! Less than 2 weeks to go for if i do or not! X

loopylou, where have you been! i totally get the not wanting to hit 12 cycles! i've had lots of milestones like that. last year it was get preggers before the end of 2010. then it was give birth while i'm 28 still (meant getting preggers in feb!) and now its get preggers before cycle 12!!

lets hope cycle 11 is very lucky!! i'll update for you now xxx
Phew thank god it's not just me being pedantic!! Its just one of those things that just sounds crap - hitting the 12 month mark means we are verging over the average TTC time - It's like the difference in 99p and £1 - and when your turning the volume up on your TV you gotta have it on an even number because an odd number doesn't look right lol .

Yeah - I think I'm DEFFO on pedantic levels lol.

How are you hun? You havnt been around much - you ok? Xx
omg I thought I was the only one who did that with the volume thing!!! hahaha, I don't feel so bad about it now there's somebody else just the same!
Waiting for AF after mc just over a week ago, so cycle 1????
omg I thought I was the only one who did that with the volume thing!!! hahaha, I don't feel so bad about it now there's somebody else just the same!

Haha!! I bet alot more people than you think do it! We arnt fruitloops lol x

cycle 2 after mc. thanks!! but i ovulate every other month, so could be cycle 1????
hi girls

Drummers Wife and Ceris i am going to update for you now.

everyone else who has been asking how i am, i have my final report to hand in for my postgraduate diploma in human resource management so not been around so much - busy busy busy!! im lurking though on and off and still updating here. hope everyone is well xxxxxxxxx
ooh ceris, just re-read yours, what would you prefer me to put? also, i hope yu don't mind me asking but how do you know you ovulate only every other month?? xx
I use the Clear Blue fertility monitor, and every other month i get the high point suggesting i am ovulating, the other months it generally stays at low, occasionally getting to medium, but then no higher. Not been using the fertility monitor for long, but so far this seems to be the pattern. I do use it every day though, just in case i get 2 months in a row with a high fertility result...
I could be completely wrong in this, as when i had the ectopic pregnancy i was extremely confused, and only found out in January that it was the right side i had lost!! So anyone who can help with advice i am all ears!! not very good with all this!
that's interesting! i might invest in one of those!! what cycle shall i put u down for hun? xx
erm, 2 i think!! CBFM has been worth every penny so far!!
hi ladies, just thought i'd bump this up as no one has taken it over and created a new one - i got my bfp the month i hosted it :)

hi ladies, just thought i'd bump this up as no one has taken it over and created a new one - i got my bfp the month i hosted it :)

lol, every single thread is going to be lucky to host at this rate! :)

Just for the record hosting this thread made hubby infertile for me :shock:

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hi ladies i am new to here and would like to make some friends if possible, have been ttc for 6 years!!!!! and have pcos are there any in my situation?????? thanks xx

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