Is this starting tomorrow or later in the week? I have bought some scales and Im about to go shopping for healthy food. OH and I are having a 'bad things' amnesty today, we must eat all the chocolate/crisps etc that is still in the house since Xmas, by tonight or it gets thrown, same goes for alcohol (except spirits which can stay there for special occassions).

So whats the plan? Do I give you my starting weight or something Sharne? Are you going to keep track of everyones loss or are we doing it ourselves and posting our results? :D

I have added a weight loss ticker too! I would like to say that losing 21lbs is a target for the whole year though, Im not going to go mad with dieting, just eat healthily and do more exercise. Im hoping Ill get pregnant soon aswell so Im not going to be losing much weight at all then!
Hiya Girls here are my new goals...

1. drink alot more water
2. remember to take my vits
3. cut down on sugary foods and SALT!!
4. To have at least 2 clean days a week (No crap AT ALL health foods etc etc)
5. To love my everchanging body

Loola: We're starting on Wedsneday but please feel free to start tomorrow and tues as trial days ;0

You are more then welcome to put your starting weight that is fab but make sure you take your measurements and write them down in the pad, also write your goals somewhere and read them everyday...

Good luck everyone !!

Right - my starting weight is 12 stone 2lbs :oops: Im 5'8 but even so that is rather overweight. Im not going to do my measurements (mainly because I havent got a tape measure). Im hoping to lose 17lbs altogether this year (if I dont get pregnant), so that means I would be down to 11 stone. I dont want to be really skinny as I love my curves too much!!

My main objective is to eat healthily, little and often and drink alot of water, and to go for a long walk (at least half hour) every night after work and a 2 hour walk on Sat and Sun.

I am charting my weight loss on my fertility friend as they do a chart and diary entry thing which is great :)
My goals are health related, not weight loss:
1) To eat a good portion of veg a day which doesn't include peas or beans as usual :roll:
2) To eat breakfast in the mornings
3) To go with my hubby when he walks the dog
4) To eat at least 1 portion of fruit a day :oops:
5) To take vitamins each day

But I have a slight distraction on my desk.. :oops:

Give those chocs away girls!!!

Ok today I did ok, decided to look into getting m crosstrainer fixed so i can go on it, ate breakkie today and i didnt eat any chocolate/crisps hurruh!!

Good for you!!

I did 1 of my goals today. I ate breakfast too but it was a cup of tea and a breakaway - does that count? Its still starting off my metabolism early..
Hoya can I join too please :D
My goals are:

1)To go to the gym at least 3 times a week
2)Stop snacking in the evening unless it is fruit
3)Drink lots of water every day
4)Go to bed earlier (to avoid eating)
5)Tone up bum and leg area

I need to lose about 6 pounds to be ideal.

Quick question though-is it safe to go to the gym in the final part of the 2ww? A couple of months ago I did a workout and got af within an hour of finishing. I am a 28 day cycle girl and af came on day 24, it spooked me a bit about the gym, thinking I had caused an early m/c without even knowing it!
i'm a tad late updating with goals, which i WILL do later - but i joined slimming world last thursday night. had my first weigh in this evening and.....

Lost 3lbs :cheer:

not a bad start

can i join ?

I signed up for Tesco diets and apart from a lapse today have been really good,

I've lost 3 lbs. Ideally I'd like to lose 1 1/2 stones.

Well actually ideally I'd like to put on some baby weight, but..maybe the natural weight needs to go down a bit first :rotfl: :rotfl:
How did everyone get on this first week are the pants feeling looser yet??

Well I have to brag just a little....

Am really happy with my first week. While I didn't get much exercise in I have become semi-vegetarian again and haven't had any meat except fish in a while now (used to be vego for 8 years but have had a 3 year 'break'). I feel so much better for it.

This week I have eaten muesli, yoghurt and fruit for breakie, only salads, celery, carrots and humus for lunch and healthy dinners of vege stews, salads and fish once. No alcohol until a drink today and nothing sweet either until I had some homemade strawberry tart that DH made today. Just fruit, veges, grains and fish!

So for next week the plan is to:
1. Continue eating this way
2. Walk after work every day (didn't do this)
3. Cut out coffee :( Not sure I can do this but will try to start next week.

How is everyone else doing?
Good job sookie!!

With cutting out coffee could you m aybe slowly cut it down and then completly cut it out?
Ta Steelgoddess. Yep - that's the plan. I don't drink much, one or two a day :oops: :oops: BUt I know I shouldn't drink any while ttc. So next week since I am back to my first real early starts for the year (wake up at 5am to start work at 6,30) I will have one but try to cut back to every second day after that then none by the third week. Whatchya think?
I lost a lb last week :) Havent really been eating any less just eating alot healthier. I dont drink coffee at all anymore, only green tea. Been having cereal for breakfast, either soup or a sandwich on brown bread for my lunch and then a healthy tea, generally meat with new potatoes and lots of veg or a pasta dish. I have been going for a walk along the seafront every night after work, and will do a much longer walk today. Im feeling so much better in myself.

I have completely cut out smoking, eating fast food, takeaways, crisps and have only had one chocolate bar and a large cookie in 2 weeks. Thats amazing for me as I am a chocoholic. I have been getting my sugar fix by having honey on toast instead.
Well done Loola! It's nice to feel like you're doing the right thing. :hug:
sookie said:
Ta Steelgoddess. Yep - that's the plan. I don't drink much, one or two a day :oops: :oops: BUt I know I shouldn't drink any while ttc. So next week since I am back to my first real early starts for the year (wake up at 5am to start work at 6,30) I will have one but try to cut back to every second day after that then none by the third week. Whatchya think?

I think thats sounds like a plan, i think weening is better then cold turkey that way your bod is less likely to notice it what about replacing with Green tea? Has some fantastic benefits?!


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