38lbs down on the way to TTC N#1 after a long 10yrs+


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Feb 16, 2009
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I wanted to come and share my story so far for mums to be wanting to lose weight...This is just the beginning of releasing weight for me but I've been overweight which became morbid obese since 8yrs old. I was really 360lbs obese just 100 days ago but really didnt want surgery, when eating a raw, living food diet came my way in the form of reading about health...I knew to get back to a simple lifestyle was the real way to go as we have been trying to get pregnant for longer than 11yrs TTC for 11 yrs is too long and such a sad way to live...knowing in your heart that the weight was the major issue I didnt want to deal with.

So its been great so far, not too fast as its slowing a bit now, so am uping the exercise a bit. I have to date released 38.9lbs or 17.8kgs of weight, this weight release was due to a change of mind and attitude. A need to take responsibility for myself and my life.
So I researched and for the last 92 days have been on a 100% RAW diet (fruits,vegies,nuts,sprouts), its brilliant if you can get motivated to do it...so many health concerns I had have gone its amazing and its changed my life "No more cooked life for me now, its all raw baby!!" ;o)

Today I am released from the month after month crying cos I was too fat ..pretending it was that I was just infertile then finally getting pregnant after clomid to carry 3 miscarriages ohhh too much...plus just not conceiving easily. My body is now seriously healing from the damage Ive done to it. So much so that on the 1st month OMG the Egg White Mucus was amazing and has been since shock, and then these no period pain, which has been a nightmare since 12yrs old . Now None!! and have had none since, My body is healing seriously, its such a gift if you can give it to yourself.

Both my partner and I have lost about the same amount of weight but its the health aspect that's the biggest change, no being tired..energy level is out of this world.. amazing sleep, no more depression, no more crying and PMS phew!.
I'm not suffering malnutrition anymore...I now actually EAT when Im hungry...NO MORE STARVING!! ...So for me NO more this diet and that diet, Seriously Ive done them all since being 8yrs old and having a family that is weight obsessed didnt help...So I wanted to share this for anyone who wants...This brilliant site does a 100 day RAW challenge which is totally FREE, costs me nothing and out of it I got the best friends and others support is amazing, now for me its a lifestyle..heres the site www.rawfu.com...So here's to raw babies, and even a raw pregnancy, as soon as it happens!!

Though we are not TTC seriously cos I want to carry as less weight as I can to lessen me and my babies risk...I am on a mission to be healthy and happy as possible so maybe another 6 months more...But its a reality now not just a pipedream..for you if you are suffering those years of heartache I am so sorry for you as now my heartaches for others who need to find their path....keep looking, you WILL find it promise!..My miracle was RAW, living food, research it for yourself if you want, and I have a video of my raw journey, and weightloss videos called "Lowanna 100% RAW" on youtube or google if you're interested or need some inspiration (well that is what others say they are! ) If you do thanks for YOUR support in reading this far and following my journey to the goal of eventually being a mum ohh ah its been more than 11yrs of trying. So you can imagine what the urge is like now..I cant remember ever being this happy, yep Im fat and not pregnant YET but now Im okay with it cos the weight release is transforming my life. Nothing is in my way, so just watch this space as *magic will happen* in the next 2yrs for sure!! ;o) I can't believe this is me writing this here today and its not about another failed pregnancy or anything sad cos of my weight its about the magic of finding myself as I am able to release this weight, I figure the luckiest Girl, and never thought Id ever say that with Empty arms!

Hope this inspires you to not give up EVER find your own path ! xxxBlessings xxx

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