The reality of dealing with it...


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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So I'm at home now following treatment for an ectopic pregnancy.

Just mulling the difference between reality and the film world:

Film World (I've got the scene of Marley and Me in my head): Lady has the traumatic news/treatment in hospital, goes home cries quietly and prettily and loving but mad mutt lays his cutie head on her lap and gazes up at her with loving support....

Real World: Come home from hospital, start bawling in loud snotty unattractiveness. Mad mutt goes and hides in kitchen, bunnies go hide behind sofa and DH goes and hides in garage....
Oh no Fliss - I am so so sorry to hear about your ectopic pregnancy. My thoughts are with you at this heartbreaking time xxxxx
Oh bless you. Hope you're doing ok and that OH gives you a big cuddle!
oh hunny :hugs: :hugs: loads of cyber hugs for u. My dh didn't deal with me crying that well either. I am so sorry to hear u are going through this, and I hope ur oh comes and gives u a big cuddle xxxx
DH is doing the cuddles thing, its just he does it and runs off. I think he had a little cry to himself in the garage TBH. I think its best that way though, i think if i saw him go off it would upset me more. We've weathered a few shit storms together now and know how to do it. We are just both not the most emotive people and just try to "get on". It's not always a bad strategy...
bless ya reality is a lot dif aint it i cried for days after they told me that abby had no hb anymore and i had to wait 6 long days to go to hospital to have the erpc they were the worse 6 days of my life appart from the 3 weeeks leading up to my mmc last yr :-( im getting there but i still have little quiet moments where i have it pop in my head that i should have an almost 12 week baby inside me and it kills me, im here anytime ya want a chat its gd to chat :) xx
Oh Im so sorry honey! Take care of you and your oh! Xxx
Sorry to hear your news, stay strong and do what works best for you as a couple, xx
Geez! It's such a horrible thing to go through. And yes you're right it's not like the movies. I would have to just stop every now and especially after a toilet stop and cry. Some times I'd curl into a ball on the floor and just lay there. It was hard hiding my grief from the kids, still is really. I'm terrified of my due date.

Make sure you get lots of rest and just do what ever feels right. Crying is better out then in so when you need too just find a place where you feel comfortable to let go.
oh no i am so sorry to see this xxxx :hugs:

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