I have just done something totally childish....and loved every minute of it!!! Haha

Aww thanks so much ladies your support means so much to me!! I'm quite enjoying the peace tbh I've been for a long walk to the shop which took an hour! Ha near the bus if needs be, my mum will help me with anything I need. It's me baby n my little dog (whom he tried to throw out of the house too!) having a nice peaceful night poor dog has no idea that he nearly got thrown out the front door xx
Just read this- so sorry u r having such an awful time hunny! And u r being so brave about it all- good for u! Probably best he's gone coz it sounds like he's a right tool and u deserve way better- as does ur little man! Whatever happens hun do not let him hurt u! Keep urself and LO safe! Def agree with others about free solicitor advice- u should b armed legally if he is! Hope things get sorted soon- u r better off without him!! Xx
how are you today hun? hope uou LO and the dpg managed a decent nights sleep xx
John 2012 what is it u we're saying about the mortgage? As this is £1200 a month which is the same as my monthly pay packet? I'm visiting citizens advice bureau today. Xxx if anyone has any advice or info it's much appreciated xx
Ring a large firm solicitor with a family division and ask for a free initial consultation. If you do need a kick ass solicitor pm me, I have used them before and were recommended to me by a friend who took her rat of an ex husband to the cleaners when he'd tried to shaft her. Hopefully it won't come to that.
thanks ladies, slept OK, I am just trying to keep things exactly the same for Joshua and not be quiet etc, I decided it would be best to get out so went to my first baby group this morning but felt like a right miserable cow and nearly started crying on the way home.
I told him that it isn't fair for him to tell me he isn't in love with me, and that he has no respect for me and then just bugger off without a word and then has the cheek to ask me to send him daily pictures of his son. He needs to grow a set and stop being such a woman. Yday he was pressuring me asking if I was going to sign the house over to him, and I refused to give him an answer. If he asks today his answer will be a big fat NO! citizens advice doesnt do calls til mon-tue & wed xx
He could very easily come and see his son every day I take it you are not stopping him from seeing LO so why does he need you to send pictures. He sounds like a complete arse. It is natural to be upset and you are beoing so strong hidding it from the baby but if you need to cry take a few mins to yourself to cry its only natural to be upset by all this holding everything in is not good for you hun. I hope he sees sence and stops being a knob. :hugs: xx
Oh gosh :(

I thought it may have calmed Abit but it seems to have got worse :(

I'm sorry hun x
omg what a selfish twat, cant belive he did that when u were holding the baby, anyway dont leave the house! you will be fine hun hope your ok :hugs:
The fact he done that when u were feeding the baby is a big warning sign to me.. I've been in an abusive relationship before and it's not nice. What was he like before the baby?? How has he been since birth?
Defo defo go to a solicitor babe and have that logged!! U can get an anti harassment order which will stop him from hurting you or sending abusive texts. He can't force you out of the house. You can get help from the government with the mortgage. The sending pics every day thing sounds like he wants to use your son to hurt you.. The exs thing seems like he feels he has lost his 'freedom' being a dad.. He needs to sort his responsibilities out!! Never let your son be around any kind of violence.. Even at a young age they know and it will affect them!! My eldest hated men for years.. Any man.. Just screamed at them.. Took 6 months before my OH was allowed to sit next to me he wasn't even allowed to call me 'babe' coz she would scream the house down!! I know twisting your arm might not seem much right now but I can almost guarantee that won't be the end of it if u don't do something now..
Sorry to be so negative it's just I've been thru alot and I'd hate for someone else to go through just an inch of what I did :hug:
John 2012 what is it u we're saying about the mortgage? As this is £1200 a month which is the same as my monthly pay packet? I'm visiting citizens advice bureau today. Xxx if anyone has any advice or info it's much appreciated xx

Being a bit pessimistic talking about this but it's reassuring to have things clear in your head. A workmate went through a divorce (I know we're getting ahead of ourselves here). The price of their house had dropped so if they sold it they'd both be left with next to nothing. So the court decided it was in the best interest of the children for her to stay in the house. If you can sell it and both come away nicely that could happen too. You would be entitled to 60%+ of the equity in that case because you have the child and as a working mother you contribute at least equally no matter what you earn.

He will have to keep up the repayments as it's his debt too for the time being at least. If he doesn't you can take him to court even if you aren't divorced yet, and if you do divorce the fact he has abandoned the house to you will look very bad. Oh and did I mention when you're already on a mortgage it's very tricky getting another one elsewhere?
Oh and write to your mortgage company asap to let them know what's going on!

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