The Late Night Feeding Thread

Aww we haven't had any snow what so ever! :(

No offence to blokes I think they get bored, once the novelty wears off

Uh ooh :S I guess time will tell whether I'll be joining the 'my oh is a lazy piece of...' club lol!

My OH was th same at first too, making up for not feeding now he has to be told and reminded! Kynon woke at 6ish too but i fed him in bed lying down so i could snooze so he lasted until about half hour ago. Little bit of snow here too!

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Mine is still more than happy to do nappy changes. I think I just overreact a lot because I'm so tired but he isn't actually that bad really. Yesterday he let me spend the day in bed
Hi danti :wave: sorry I was in such a strop earlier I forgot to welcome you :blush: :petal:

Pos I dont know why he wouldn't give me the number, he was just being a knob! and yes re the one series I think I did advise against one ;) I loved mine but they aren't entirely practical for a baby. Live and learn eh!

We haven't got any snow here at all :oooo:

Danti my o/h was amazing with l/o at first, now I can't even remember the last time he changed him :(
Hope we all have good nights tonight girls xx

I'm not holding out too much hope for Phoebe, although she's not slept much today she hasn't really taken much milk though. So we shall see xx
Sophie is asleep downstairs with me at the minute. Going to go upstairs and give her a bottle then fingers crossed for the night!
Well I think we've just done our first dream feed! Bottle emptied, baby burped and back in crib and still asleep. I just wish she would sleep as well on her back as well as she does her side and front but then again I can never sleep on my back either!
yeah i thought you had jayne, i didn't listen :booboo: but it was nice while i had it :)

well i dont want to speak to soon but Will was easy to get down tonight, first time in about a week :roll:

hoping he goes a good few hours. just watching an episode of Breaking Bad (amazing series by the way, a must see!) and then i'm off to bed xx
Having read.what wallies your fellas are being I am feeling very lucky. Oh gets home from work and takes Lo for cuddles, does all her nappy changes whilst he's about and today has done the washing, washing up and Hoovering fed F an expressed bottle and is.generally fab. Best thank his mum I suppose for training him well. LOL Xx.
Ah why does LO go 8 hrs when OH is doing nights but when I do it he wakes after 4 ?

Been feeling really down last night/ this morn :( feel like I'm on the verge of tears constantly. Gracie keeps falling asleep on my boob and I'm sure she's not getting enough feed, she'll wake up pretty much as soon as I take her off but then refuses to go back on :( my left nip has gotten so sore too, it brings tears to my eyes when she's on it but I know she's latched on properly.. don't know what I'm doing wrong :'( and no amount of watching bf videos, being shown how to do it and packing on the lanolin is helping! It feels even more painful each time!

On a brighter note her cord dropped off this morn :) it'd been hanging on for days. xx
Ah Danti :hug: You're doing an amazing job chicky. It sounds to me like bf babies fall asleep on the boob a lot. Perfectly normal. Sure she'll be getting just what she needs. Xx Have you tried lahnisol (may have spelt that wrong) for your nips? Xxx big hug.

Brody woke at about 4. Changed his nappy, fed him and put him back down. He then started making poo noises. Got him up, ready for action. Poo everywhere. Lol.

Finally finished and cleaned. Went downstairs to put stuff in machine. Came back up and he'd been sick in Moses basket. He's never been so sick. It was everywhere :( Felt awful. Ended up waking OH to watch him when I went for clothes (for second time as was sick again!) as didn't want to leave him. Now sitting up not wanting to sleep until he does.

Thanks Olive :) sounds like you've had a hell of a hectic morning! :hug: hope he settles soon for you and is feeling better!

Yer that's the cream I have, was prescribed by the mw, doesn't really seem to be doing much.. especially for my leftie :( have an appointment with the mw today though so will see what she suggests but gracie won't be going near that boob for a while!
We are sat listening to the tumble dryer sound on my white noise app. She's been brilliant all night but didn't want to settle at all this morning. Timed it as well last night and she only sleeps for 2 hours 30 minutes before waking up and demanding bottle. :( I hope it gets better!!
Ah Danti :hug: You're doing an amazing job chicky. It sounds to me like bf babies fall asleep on the boob a lot. Perfectly normal. Sure she'll be getting just what she needs. Xx Have you tried lahnisol (may have spelt that wrong) for your nips? Xxx big hug.

Brody woke at about 4. Changed his nappy, fed him and put him back down. He then started making poo noises. Got him up, ready for action. Poo everywhere. Lol.

Finally finished and cleaned. Went downstairs to put stuff in machine. Came back up and he'd been sick in Moses basket. He's never been so sick. It was everywhere :( Felt awful. Ended up waking OH to watch him when I went for clothes (for second time as was sick again!) as didn't want to leave him. Now sitting up not wanting to sleep until he does.


:hugs: nightmare! Hope he settled down ok and u managed to get some rest? Xxxx

Ok so Will slept (drumroll..........) SEVEN HOURS!! I'm so so happy :yay: :yay: it's the longest he ever slept :)

He was really easy to settle down last night too, put him in his basket at 11pm and he woke at 6am :yay: when I looked at the clock I actually said YES out loud lol! Xxx

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