The Late Night Feeding Thread

Awww poor pos! He's probs excited about his first snow! You got it there?

Phoebe smiled at the snow earlier, it was so cute! I took her over to the window when it was coming down pretty thick and fast and she just stared for a few minutes and started grinning :love:

I'm struggling to settle phoebe tonight, she's asleep on me but cries when I put her down :(
First feed of the night :) I doubt it it will be the last though as Kynon slept a lot more yesterday than normal!
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Can I join you lovely ladies? Just put gracie down after a massive poo explosion, my oh proper panicked I just loled a lot! Glad she did it though as she had been proper straining for a good hour beforehand bless her, she looked so uncomfortable, she then had a good guzzle on my boobs and is now looking very contented which is nice as she's been restless at this time last couple of nights, I don't think she was getting enough as I have struggled with bfing but think I've finally got the hang of it! Yay! My nipples aren't half feeling raw though! xx

After moaning, I actually hate OH helping. My routine is now completely out of sync and so is Sophie's as she's being a nightmare to feed and settle. I really don't know what it is but when it's just the two of us bedtime seems such an easy thing but when he's here and he's fed her then she's wide awake after a feed and takes over an hour to settle?! I've just taken over and she's settled and asleep within 5 mins of finishing the bottle
Up again! Kynon woke himself and me up with a big poo! He wud have gone back to sleep in as well so now as I've changed him he's all smiles and wide awake!
Best time to let your OH help or take over is morning so you can lie in :) esp on a Sunday, that's my plan! OH just takes him downstairs and brings him up for a feed then takes him down again

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I think gracie and kynon are in sync Sarah lol!

Second feed of the night and I'm delighted to say that bfing is still going brilliantly! She's sounding a bit chesty/wheezy though which has me pretty worried :( xx

We're up for the first feed :)
My o/h sunk to a new low yesterday :(
He was in a strop and decided he would not assist with my new washing machine which I obvs really needed with a baby!! Ours had totally died
He'd taken down a model number of what I wanted on his phone then point blank refused to give it to me so I could compare with a local store. We were at his parents house when he started with this and eventually even his parents told him to stop being so childish!
So I got one but had to pay for all of it myself - it's not like I could refuse as I had to have one. What a prick!!!
His dad and him fitted it but I'm on maternity ffs he's doing my head in :(

Also yet again his parents told me Cameron is spoilt as they do every time they see him and also his mum told me its ok to give Cameron a "normal" bottle every now and then rather than exclusively bf- like bf's not bloody normal!! It was round for millions of years before the bottle. God that family were proper getting on my bits yesterday!!!!
Hi Danti :wave:

I'm up with phoebe and am majorly pissed off with OH!!! I asked him to do this feed as I'm shattered and he hasn't done one in ages. He huffs a bit but agrees to do it and says 'ok but your doing the next one'! She was fussing a bit when he gave her a bottle and he started huffing and shouted at her to take the bottle :( she eventually did and he gave her some of it and put her down awake!!!! Got back into bed and gone to sleep and he's snoring his stupid head off. And of course phoebe starts to cry within 5mins of being put down! Seriously don't know how much more I can take, I'm proper starting to hate him since we've had phoebe :cry: x
:hugs: Jayne x

I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that men are fucking useless!
Scuse my language :blush: xx
Totally Rachael I'm starting to think I'm lucky that o/h is only home at weekends :(
hi danti :wave:

rach and Jayne i feel for you both. jayne why was he refusing to give you the number? men are soo pathetic at times.

my OH is barely here. before LO arrived we bought a new car (bmw 1 series which everyone advised me against, Jayne i think you were one of them?! :oooo:) so a few months of having it, it was clear it wasn't ideal for a baby. So my OH decided he wanted to sell it and invest in a MUCH more expensive car, basically he spent a lot of money on a landrover freelander 2. dont' get me wrong its an amazing car BUT i wanted something cheaper around about the price we sold the bmw for as it was fully paid for. but no, OH wants to go into a bit of debt and is now working EVERY SINGLE SATURDAY to pay for it :( so i am on my own with LO 6 days a week.

when i moan he says i'm ungrateful, not only does it pay for the car but also the luxuries we have, holidays etc. but honestly i would trade those things for him to be at home more. i feel like since he went back to work he is becoming 'less trained' in dealing with LO.

also, last night he went to see his friend (drove in the snow :roll:) and stayed overnight, fair enough, i've been out with my friends but i dont drink at the mo coz i still have to come home and do the night/morning feeds.

so he has taken monday off and i said to him, i've not had a single lay in since LO arrived, i will do the night feeds, if he can please do the early morning feeds so 6/7am..and he said 'i'll think about it' !!!!!! i really wanted to tell him to f*ck right off but i want a lay in!!!!

in other news, william's sleeping routine is the worst its been since he was born, he used to have his milk and go straight back now spending ages settling him :(

sorry for the long rant xxx
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Helloo :wave: well we're on successful feed number 3 :D she actually slept between feeds too! Aww I feel for you all with your oh's, I'm dreading the day mine goes back to work as he's been fantastic with gracie! He's the one who stays up when she won't settle ^_^ and he does most her changes! I think maybe he's substituting because he can't feed her but I still bloody love him for it! So glad he's managed to sleep this morn too as he's done 2am till 8am no sleep three mornings running! Xx

Aww naughty OH!!! I hope your lay in mission is more effective than mine was!

This was the view from my bedroom last night It's deeper now but I'm feeding so can't take a pic lol!



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Helloo :wave: well we're on successful feed number 3 :D she actually slept between feeds too! Aww I feel for you all with your oh's, I'm dreading the day mine goes back to work as he's been fantastic with gracie! He's the one who stays up when she won't settle ^_^ and he does most her changes! I think maybe he's substituting because he can't feed her but I still bloody love him for it! So glad he's managed to sleep this morn too as he's done 2am till 8am no sleep three mornings running! Xx

Haha Danti my OH was like that at first ;) :p lol!

Bless him tho hope he stays that way :)

My OH started off that way danti lol now I am lucky if he changes a nappy


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