The Late Night Feeding Thread

Ah Danti :hug: You're doing an amazing job chicky. It sounds to me like bf babies fall asleep on the boob a lot. Perfectly normal. Sure she'll be getting just what she needs. Xx Have you tried lahnisol (may have spelt that wrong) for your nips? Xxx big hug.

Brody woke at about 4. Changed his nappy, fed him and put him back down. He then started making poo noises. Got him up, ready for action. Poo everywhere. Lol.

Finally finished and cleaned. Went downstairs to put stuff in machine. Came back up and he'd been sick in Moses basket. He's never been so sick. It was everywhere :( Felt awful. Ended up waking OH to watch him when I went for clothes (for second time as was sick again!) as didn't want to leave him. Now sitting up not wanting to sleep until he does.


:hugs: nightmare! Hope he settled down ok and u managed to get some rest? Xxxx

Ok so Will slept (drumroll..........) SEVEN HOURS!! I'm so so happy :yay: :yay: it's the longest he ever slept :)

He was really easy to settle down last night too, put him in his basket at 11pm and he woke at 6am :yay: when I looked at the clock I actually said YES out loud lol! Xxx

That's amazing! :yay: <-- I like this emoticon :) Hope you got a good nights kip.

He settled pretty much straight away thank goodness, when I was posting on here, but I just wanted to stay up and watch him for a bit! Then he woke at about half 8 totally starving!

Jealous of 7 hours! We go two and a half!!!! :(

How's brody today ?
Aww yay well done Will!!!
Phoebe wasn't too bad, she went 10-4 and was really easy to settle. But then she was awake again at 6 xx
:pompom: for will :) good boy!!
I decided to try co sleeping with Cam. Disaster and not happening again :shock:
:pompom: for will :) good boy!!
I decided to try co sleeping with Cam. Disaster and not happening again :shock:

Oh no why? I've been contemplating doing it with Phoebe but I'm way too scared of rolling onto her :/ xx
:pompom: for will :) good boy!!
I decided to try co sleeping with Cam. Disaster and not happening again :shock:

Oh no why? I've been contemplating doing it with Phoebe but I'm way too scared of rolling onto her :/ xx

I worried about that but I find I don't move at all during the night lol! I even gave myself a blocked duct once as I was laying on my boob!

Jealous of 7 hours! We go two and a half!!!! :(

How's brody today ?

He's been good thanks hun. Had some naked time earlier, which went down ok with him lol.

Also, I lay him on his front twice today, after speaking to HV (didn't know I could do this with him yet lol) and this evening he rolled himself back on to his back! :shock: This might be normal, but I was mucho impressed! :clap:

Princess - I'm intrigued too about the co sleeping. I have to admit, I'd love to do it but am way to scared in case I roll over him or something.x
I've co slept with Sophie but it leaves me on edge for days afterwards when I wake up and she's back in her crib and not in bed. I can never remember where I've put her yet when she's in bed with me i don't move at all and we wake up in the exact same position as we went to sleep.

Sophie also sleeps on her front a lot. It's the only place she's comfy!!! But at night I lie her on her side and prop her up with a rolled towel so she can't flop over. She despises sleeping on her back!!!
He seemed to enjoy it but it majorly effected my sleep. I did sleep - but kept having such strange dreams - obviously my subconscious. Then he's such a wriggler and kept kicking and punching me in his sleep :eh:
When he woke I just let him latch on lying down and this seemed to give him worse wind than usual and he squirmed and cried then eventually projectile vommed big time! So glad I put down one of his blankets under him!

So tonight we are back to normal and I just get up to feed him :roll: I can't risk him vomming on our bed, it cost thousands and it'd break me if it ended up covered in baby sick - rod for my own back etc :roll:
I've had some sleep!!
He went down at about 10.30, woke up between 2 and 10 past and awake again 5 and I'm going back to sleep when he's fed!!

Sounds about the same as Kynon tonight. He's wide awake this time tho so bet he won't go back down!

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Pretty much the same here with G :) had more kip tonight though, expressed so oh could give a feed and he loved it! My nipples don't seem as sore tonight either :yay: xx

Wow, I'm lying awake feeding V and this is the first time she's up tonight since 9pm!! I can't believe it! She seems ok but this is unheard of for her so I put it down to the slight cold she has (I really don't expect a repeat). Really kicking myself for not going to bed earlier though lol.

The weird thing is that she's in a cosleeper right next to me so it's not as if I could have missed her waking up.
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Jealous of 7 hours! We go two and a half!!!! :(

How's brody today ?

He's been good thanks hun. Had some naked time earlier, which went down ok with him lol.

Also, I lay him on his front twice today, after speaking to HV (didn't know I could do this with him yet lol) and this evening he rolled himself back on to his back! :shock: This might be normal, but I was mucho impressed! :clap:


Tyler did that the first time he did tummy time 3 times!! Never done it since lmao!

Absolutely livid with OH. After the half 2 feed I asked him if he could burp soph as I was really struggling. I must have repeated myself over 10 times and I sound like a broken record but I told him to make sure he didn't bring her into our bed and fall asleep with her. He snapped at me and told me he wouldn't.

Just woken up and where did I find her?! In the middle of our bed, with the covers on top and him cuddling her. He knows he gets too hot and when I pulled her out she was dripping wet and I've had to change her sleep suit :(. I honestly can't believe him!!! I told him that I need the help but now I feel like I can't ask him because I don't trust him not to fall asleep with her like that especially as I've drummed it into him (or thought I had).
Got to add I didn't just find them, I found them at about half 6 but only just got chance to finish writing this.

He's gone off in a strop and I'm still fuming.

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